Why should a person get to define their gender?

Special Pleading.
Ad Hominem.

I'm still waiting for a rational argument against letting people choose their gender.Try this. By what ethical theory do you justify denying people the right to choose their gender?
A sinking ship. The Captain commands that all women and children get in the lifeboats first and get lowered away. A man comes forward and says he identifies as a woman and demands to be one of the first in the lifeboats. You don't even know the meaning of ethical theory do you? This a variation of an appeal to an authority. In this case the authority being a theory of which you yourself are not an expert(obviously). So yeah.... It's also Special Pleading. I gave a perfect answer to your question which was based on ethical perspectives. Not liking the fact that I answered your question, you sidestepped to the subject of Ethical Theory and your opinions on my grasp of the subject. Weak. Next time just try tackling the point at hand. If you can....
Special Pleading. Ad Hominem.
Pointing out a person's ignorance is not a fallacious form of ad hominem. Your claim that my argument was special pleading further illustrates your ignorance on these matters.
Special Pleading. Ad Hominem.
Pointing out a person's ignorance is not a fallacious form of ad hominem. Your claim that my argument was special pleading further illustrates your ignorance on these matters. :lol: Right! Take your ball and go home.

Here, I’ll give you some help.
You’re supposed to say something like this…“Your lifeboat example doesn’t meet the criteria of my question because…(fill in the blank).”

Here, I'll give you some help. You're supposed to say something like this.."Your lifeboat example doesn't meet the criteria of my question because....(fill in the blank)."
... is a straw man argument not an ethical theory. I have more important things on my mind right now than debating someone who doesn't know the meaning of ethical theory. Read some books. Educate yourself. I'll be back in a few days after my younger brother's memorial service and helping our father settle my bother's estate. Come back with a rational argument based on a major ethical theory and I will continue this discussion when I get home.

No, you just slink away. You have nothing.
My example wasn’t a strawman. That was a valid ethical situation in which people shouldn’t be allowed to define their gender.
So would not letting perverts gain access to women’s changing rooms.
So would claiming you were a woman to avoid the draft.

I’m still waiting for a rational argument against letting people choose their gender.
See those are rational arguments against letting people choose their gender. I don't care what your personal interpretation of ethical theory is. If you're too obtuse to understand the ethical dilemma behind the lifeboat scenario that's your problem. Saying something is a strawman doesn't mean you have a point. Why don't you try explaining why my example is not correct or is a strawman. You can't. That's why you've been waffling along trying to sidestep and misdirect the point. Slink away. Bye Bye!

Slink away? That s easily the most insensitive comment I have seen in my years on these forums, which makes you the biggest fucking jerk of all time on the CFI Forums. What part of “my younger brother’s memorial service” equates to “slinking away” in your underdeveloped mind? I watched my bother die a few days ago, asshole. Think about that for a few minutes.
Don’t bother educating yourself about ethical theories. Revel in your ignorance. The moderators have let bigots, idiots and pricks like you take over these forums. I’ve learned a lot here over the years, but these forums have jumped the shark and aren’t worth the effort any longer.
Fuck off, Vyazma.
Goodbye CFI Forums.

After discussion with the Mods, Vyazma’s account has been suspended. Darron, as you well know your post as well is out of line. We understand and recognize that you have reason to be upset given recent tragic circumstances you mention. Our condolences. But please do refrain from name-calling on the Forum as it is against the rules.

Thanks, Doug. I will refrain from such behavior in the future. I intended that to be my last post on these forums, but now that Vyazma is gone I’ll stick around.

I intended that to be my last post on these forums, but now that Vyazma is gone I'll stick around.
Yes, please stay here. And of course my condolences too. It is tragic when a relative dies before his time.

Darron, I’m sorry you hear about your heartbreaking news, he had a long struggle. I hope you and your family can find some joy and peace in celebrating his life.[/I]
Yet again I find myself agreeing with GdB, stick around.

Thanks guys. I am devestated I lost my brother so young, but relieved he is out of pain. The last three months were rough on him, and on all the family and his many friends. Our transgender friend came over a few weeks ago and the three of us had a great talk. My brother was finally able to nderstand that his lifelong friend needed to change genders to find peace.

"Hmmm, is that anything like the way you are using the word "bigot" against Liberals? When did that become the topic under discussion? I thought we were talking about transgenders, not Liberalism."
Seriously people here need to know what a bigot is. It's an intolerance of other peoples views. Just because I disagree doesn't make me a bigot. If I go out, and refuse to let people express their point, attack them, or berate them on every corner for having different views, then that would make me a bigot. This is EXACTLY what modern liberals have been doing in the past two years. (I'm being conservative with my numbers.
In fact "masculine" and "feminine" are just our cultural conventions and have no basis in biology anyway.
My brain just farted a little when I read this.
What difference does it make what organs you have under your pants, I mean, in everyday contact?
So you wouldn't mind me being a 46 year old guy going into the little girls room to take a piss? Maybe I don't look the role, but I can certainly say that the reason I was in there was because I get to say I'm a woman inside. Also, you're missing my other point. Gender is now being recognized as non-binary. Now we can to redefine gender all together. There are about (example. Hirs, Fairy, Queer). What's being pushed now is the idea that it's all a construct of the mind, and that gender has no standard that everyone can agree upon, but that it's a completely subjective title.
What do you think of a 6ft.+ tall woman, husky and masculine looking, perhaps sporting a beard, who identifies as male, using the "little girls' room"? Suppose the little girls can't tell the difference between her and a man? How about a man who dresses like and looks like a woman, and identifies as a woman, using the "little girls' room". The little girls can't tell. What would you do?

My heartfelt sympathies to you, Darron.

Don't forget that there is strong lobbying taking place ensuring that this is being taught to children in school. Teaching children that this kind of dysfunction is normal.
How do you define "normal"? Kids are being taught that differences exist. Would you prefer to pretend they don't?

DarronS, I’m very sorry for your loss.

Thank you, Lois.
Thank you too, Derek. I’m glad to see you’re still around.

I’m not convinced that ‘gender re-assignment’ isn’t largely a phenomenon fueled by the feminist agenda.
I know that might upset a lot of people but I ask where is the scientific evidence to support the idea that some men are really women, and vice-versa?
It seems to me that the feminists (at least some of them) wish to make men and women exactly the same, which is absurd because it just isn’t the case, and while men and women possess their own gender strengths and weaknesses, they should compliment one another, not become identical.
All in the mind, as far as I’m concerned and media driven.

Once again we have a commenter posting ignorance as fact with no argument backing said ignorance. The case is worse than the crap Exmachina and Vyazma posted because it is not blatantly bigoted, but the insidious implication is dangerous because on the surface some people may mistake it for truth. Under closer examination, we can see the problems with webplodder’s post.
The first sentence assigns blame for something he don’t like to a group conservatives fear so his following arguments will appear more substantial, at least in the mods of shallow thinking people. The second puts the burden of proof on the opposition. Notice webplodder avoided providing any scientific evidence backing his position yet demands just such evidence from opponents. Next comes the straw man argument, accusing feminists of something they have never advocated then calling that argument absurd. Lastly, webplodder comes full circle, making an unsubstantiated assertion. At least the concluding sentence didn’t include a double negative.
I’m not going to waste my time finding and linking to scientific studies regarding gender roles for you wp because you didn’t bother providing any kind of rational explanation or scientific backing for your assertions. Level the laying field and give what you ask of us, then I’ll join your game. Until then I’ll consider you just another conservative ideologue with no interest in analyzing your own beliefs.