Stormy Daniels and that Orange Thing

The current polls don’t mean anything. They are one sided depending on what site you visit. It’s easy to figure that out, unless you only see one source of sites. I f you only visit right wing sites, then you are going to see Biden losing. If you go to left wing sites, then you are going to see the orange creature losing. They don’t mean a thing.

This what the Nation experienced when Trump was elected

How Donald Trump performed on 11 key promises

• Some of Trump’s biggest campaign promises were not enacted, including building a wall and having Mexico pay for it, repealing the Affordable Care Act, and achieving 4% economic growth.

• Other key promises were partially fulfilled, including cutting taxes for every American and eliminating some of President Barack Obama’s immigration policies.

• That said, Trump did implement several key promises, including installing conservative judges, levying tariffs, moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, and pulling out of the Paris climate accord.

This is what the Nation can expect if Trump gets reelected.

Did Donald Trump make these 27 campaign promises? Fact-checking this viral list

A liberal group says former President Donald Trump has promised more than two dozen “insane” actions if he reclaims the White House, including rounding up all homeless people, pardoning Jan. 6 defendants and ending the war in Ukraine within 24 hours.

more… PolitiFact | Did Donald Trump make these 27 campaign promises? Fact-checking this viral list

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And he killed over 500,000 people with COVID, killed and/or allowed human trafficking of Latino children, as well as other crimes against humanity.

I looked at NYT s where did you look? Go on.

Show the link that says Biden is losing in their poll.

Losing ground in key states (in May) = losing


That’s not enough evidence that the dotard is winning or will win the election. They were looking at discontented voters and not voters as a whole. This is not evidence that Biden won’t win or that he will win. The answer is, no one knows who is going to win the election this November. Your assumption is based on skewed information, that favours your opinion. Again, you can find anything on the election right now that favours your wants, desires, and views concerning next election, which is what I was saying before.

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I didnt make the polls up. However your statement is made up

No, it’s not made up. There is a name for finding information that favours one’s POV. It’s called confirmation bias and that’s what you just did. We cannot know anything until the election is said and done.

Look around. There is more information that is more readily available than ever in history. There is more freedom to speak. It’s everywhere, and this forum is dedicated to all of that.

Then there is the interpretation of the information. I see so much time wasted on arguing data as if it is truth of some kind. It often devolves into personal attacks, group thinking, isolating, and other useless adventures.

In a time of great division, disparity, and polarization it might be we need to reassess our priorities. Add on to that, the stockpiles of weapons by countries and by individuals, and the urgency should be clear.

How could looking at five recent polls, some within one percent, be a definitive judgment on an election five months away?

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Well, there is not more information readily available. There is more false information readily available.

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Compared to when?

A system that delivers information is exploitable by propagandists.

Yep, unmoderated social websites are the culprit. In fact Trump has his own social (political) website where he spouts his demented stream of narcissistic demands of total obedience from the unsuspecting “marks” (readers).

I have never heard of a conman being supported to the tune of millions of dollars by his marks, to pay for his legal defense in criminal court. That has to be one of the greatest cons in history.

The NYTs would favour your point of view. The polls in the swing states are bad for biden with your pov built in

An indication with the way things are heading . When i say stormy daniels case is not resignating with voters , i point to the polls. Mriana points to sons in making the opposite claim . Thats a bubble. Thats cognitive dissonance

Depending on what it is. The polls mean nothing and predict nothing. It’s the election that has meaning. I have yet to find a poll that rings true with reality.

Now you changed the goal posts

I will try

  1. Posts are not the election : true, they give a relatively true picture of the opinion at a time T. No more, no less.

They cannot predict the result of the election in 5 months.

  1. What they tell is that if election was today, Trump would probably be elected.

I deeply regret it, but to put one’s head in the sand does not change the situation.

What will be interesting will be the trends.

  1. I also deeply regret it, but up to now, the misdemeanors and crimes of Trump do not cost him any vote.

For his partisans, he is a victim.

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All of this is true. The DNC and its supporters were warned many many times that biden was the wrong choice they needed to change course as he turned the blacks the young and others away from the democrats. But no - heads in the sand and she will alright on the night attitude