My first little video: POTUS feigned orgasm & the press said ho-hum

Last night, mocking one of his nemeses, the President of the United States feigned a sex act onstage in front of the entire world.

Today, I checked to see how the mainstream media covered this unbelievably bizarre event.

This is what I found.


I wanted to experiment with some android apps, because I’d like to create video content in the future.

This situation was so odd and sadly funny… I couldn’t stop imagining what would have happened to ANY past POTUS if he’d done something like this (particularly the last one). It would have been a massive scandal.

So I decided to use it to make my first little video yesterday in my phone.

It’s only 1.23 minutes. Sound on.

the background music fit well

I guess u could have gone with a porn music theme. Then u could market it for pregnancy prevention classes for adolescents. Any who were exposed to Donald simulating the sex act, would be turned off to sex altogether for years to come.

The liberal media didn’t make a big deal out of this because Trump has made fun of people non stop from day one and he doesn’t care who knows it. They’ve figured out that trying to portray an unapologetically crude prick like Trump as “unfit for office” just makes him stronger.

I think that the fair tho liberal media is in a quandary about how much T rump material to air. It is clear that it is free network time to T rump. (free airtime during campaigns is gold if it is positive and silver if it is negative). OTOH, T rump just creates SO MUCH inane material everyday. It is news exactly because it is so crude, or so dangerous, or so confusing, or so odd, or so cruel, or so ignorant, etc. So it’s the job to tell the news, they gotta air some of that stuff for the public’s sake. But the random verbal enactment (I imagine his hips were moving too.) during his speech to the MAGAheads, of his imagining joining in with the 2 FBI agents while they were f—ing, well that’s just another Wednesday on the T rump Train. (Wednesday - hump day.)


I think this can be explained pretty easily. You posted this 4 days ago. I’ve been looking at it for days. But I only chose to click on it today. Why? Because I just didn’t have the mental energy for the latest Trump shit before this. I am so damned tired of the latest treason, the latest broken law, the latest blatant defiance of legally issued subpoenas going unpunished while all of Washington is saying, “Nobody is above the law” as we watch people in power blatantly get away with treating the law as if it does not apply to them. I’m sick of Trump. Every time I read about some old person dying I do the math to figure the difference between their age and Trump’s age to get an estimate of the longest possible time I’ll have to hear about this asshole. I have not watched the video and I probably won’t because I just don’t have the energy for this shit any more.

But I only chose to click on it today. Why? Because I just didn’t have the mental energy for the latest Trump shit before this.
Avoiding thinking about the latest attack on civilization by Trump and his supporters is one of the best ways for some of us to stay sane.

We’re tolerant people who feel forced to simply accept attacks on our society (even the planet) by the most intolerant group of people.

Sitting and stewing in our frustration isn’t healthy, so we avoid it.


I can see that. I suggest that anyone who needs a mental health break from T rump, take such breaks from thinking about him, as needed. But maybe just check back in occasionally, just in case… And for sure check back in when the next election is imminent. Then vote.

The vid is not that bad. Stupid, goofy, and like an attempt by a grade school bully, trying to further humiliate his victim by mocking, yes, it is all that. But it is not erotic in the least. (I suppose you would have already guessed that.)

It gives a wee peek into one of the multitude of cartoons that inhabit T rump’s brain. Specifically, we see how he thinks of himself as a topic of conversation amongst 2 of his enemies while they were engaged in coitus. (brought to you by T rump’s Xtreme Narcissim).

Personally, I think it was a poor effort on T rump’s part. I mean, the important aspect of faking an orgasm is to make it seem real. So, I think, if your gonna go there (with simulating sex acts in front of campaign audiences), you should really go for it. I mean you can keep your suit on, but put your heart and libido into it. Make it so that when you are finished, a little old lady at a side table says “I vote for what he’s having.”

Never mind, I mixed up my videos





I think you mixed up videos. The one in this thread, is much more benign.


I think you mixed up videos. The one in this thread, is much more benign.
Just after I typed that comment, I realized I had been mixed up. So I edited that comment (but you had already seen it, and were in the process of responding to it).

Indeed, I was thinking of the other one.

And I made my 1-minute response to that one a couple days ago. Here it is:



But I only chose to click on it today. Why? Because I just didn’t have the mental energy for the latest Trump shit before this. I am so damned tired of the latest treason, the latest broken law, the latest blatant defiance of legally issued subpoenas going unpunished
I hear you. It's Trump fatigue. Every day for 3 years, it has been "a new low," "bizarre even by Trump's standards," "a constitutional crisis," "evidence of emotional deconpensation" and "off the rails." I think if the media could go back in time they would have avoided the hyperbole early on because we are running out of descriptive terms.

The fact that in this one, the Trump character is portrayed as actually killing elected officials Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters & Bernie Sanders (in addition to the news media) … and … nothing.

And folks are missing the point. His supporters on Twitter are saying, “He didn’t MAKE the video,” or “It’s just a parody of Klansman,” or “You people hate Romney,” or “If the roles were reversed you would love it …” When these things are irrelevant or untrue.