T rump has shown us that we can assassinate oppositional foreign leaders

Mriana said,

ROFL! Obama is god! ROFL! That was my morning laugh for today. lol

There are plenty of people who think Trump is a messenger of God.

Notice the recently added backlights showing Trump carrying a halo? This is staged and just one more showman’s trick for his real live Reality TV or Twitter show. I am astounded by the gullibility and short memories of the masses.

When we’re in the middle of WW III or the 6th Extinction Event, everyone will ask “what happened”? Well folks, you let it happen and stood cheering along the road to boot.

Lausten: So, some empathy there. This is a situation of many people today. It can be understood without a full reckoning of how we got here. I don’t think it’s that hard to see that the people receiving the payments are not the ones that the future of the country depends on. So, what do you think we should do Sree?
Yesterday, I was watching a heart-wrenching movie set in the civil war period. Do you know what people do when they come upon a wounded horse lying on the ground in pain? They shoot the beast.

You are from the mid-west. South Detroit, you say? Can you tell me why the soul of the country, even back then, when the country was ravaged by the violence of civil war, seems to be in the south? The bad guys were the yankees from the north. And now, they are on the east and west coasts, as well as holed up in the cities across the nation.

The bad guys were the yankees from the north.
To the Southeners I guess they were. But, you know what that war was about don't you? I don't claim to have any insight into that culture.

I recommend this guy.

And this plantation.


How can you get tickled in a situation as gloomy as yours? I would not know how to go on if I were in a financial hole as deep as yours; especially, with two kids to raise. And Americans like Tim would focus all their attention on crippling student loans crushing folks like you instead of worrying about koalas running from fire in Australia.

  1. My sons are now grown and on their own. 2. I wasn’t tickled by my situation. I was tickled by what TimB said in relationship to his font/print. 3. You learn to go on, because you have to live life. There’s more to life than just being in a financial hole. There’s nature which you can go to when you’ve had enough of humans. My cats. There is also political activism, which I am often involved in and environmental activism. Just because one isn’t rich doesn’t mean they can’t contribute. You learn how to deal with things. Financial loan debt doesn’t crush a person like you think. There’s more to focus one’s attention on than just “Woe is me. I’m in debt.” There’s more to think about than that. Without activism, not even that will get better. Just because one is in financial aide debt doesn’t mean they can’t be politically active. Not everything in life revolves around having money, not even for U.S. citizens. Lastly, I don’t consider myself “an American”. I’m a U.S. citizen. America is more than just the U.S. It’s consists of North America, which is the U.S. (or States) and Canada. Central America is Mexico and South America consists of many countries, such as Brazil and Honduras. I’m from the states, like TimB is, but “crippling student loans” don’t have to crush one emotionally and psychologically. You can either be depressed or do something about it- like vote, campaign for a candidate, and more.

Sree> “… Can you tell me why the soul of the country, even back then, when the country was ravaged by the violence of civil war, seems to be in the south?”

TimB> I guess it depends on your reading and entertainment materials relevant to those times and since.

Wow! Even the horses were white supremacists in those days.


You are from the mid-west. South Detroit, you say? Can you tell me why the soul of the country, even back then, when the country was ravaged by the violence of civil war, seems to be in the south? The bad guys were the yankees from the north. And now, they are on the east and west coasts, as well as holed up in the cities across the nation.

I’m guessing you’re not from the States? The bad guys during the Civil War were not the Yankees. It was the slave owning Southerners. No you want to talk about oppression. There was some big time oppression, but even then the slaves were not sorrowful all the time. Some made quilts with a coded map on it to help other slaves to the north. Then there was the underground railroad. They didn’t just sit around in depression concerning their lot in life. They took action to change things. Then there were the abolitionists who helped slave find freedom, clear through the civil war and beyond. They still had moments of laughter, including moments when they laughed at the cracker (meaning the person who cracks the whip) who kept them oppressed. Many a black woman to this day, despite not in slavery for a few generations, yet not rich either, has learned to make lemonade (figure of speech). Now if you want to learn how to make lemonade when you’re in a rough patch in life, hang around a few black women.

The Soul of the country is not in the South. Motown was in Detroit and no the bad guys are not just on the east or west coast, although the very worst criminal is in the Big House (AKA White House), which is in Washington D.C. on the east coast. Now there is a story. The White House was built by slaves. Now let that sink in.

Yes, TimB got it right, the Klan (KKK) came out of the South and those men are EVIL! They are homegrown terrorists.

Mriana, it is Saturday night. I read what you just said above while sipping Tennessee whiskey and listening to Nat King Cole. I see your face in every flower, my love. How can we hate each other so much and still share the same American soul?

T rump inspires hate. He riles his toadies up with hatred of T rump’s opponents. And T rump perpetually and perniciously trolls those who don’t agree with him, and embarrasses our nation so much that hate is a natural response. We have always had our political differences but T rump has divided us, and set the stage for the re-emergence of hatred that never fully left us, so that perhaps reconciliation is now beyond us.

I used to listen to Nat King Cole. “When your ramblin’ days are done, who will love you…”. But I never acquire a taste for Tennessee Whiskey. Single malt Scotch is the way to go in my book.

Any whiskey guy is my kind of American, even if it’s Scotch. Hey, that’s our heritage.

What is your Scotch of choice, Tim? This guy here, who drinks Scotch and reminds me of you, should be President:

I probably select Talisker from the Isle of Skye, the most. But that’s just because it is the 1st of the distilleries that I have visited. I am not a big drinker, but I will accept any true single malt scotch, preferably well aged.

I don’t like that comedian’s accent. It is too much like relatives and acquaintances of mine who never learned a more regular American accent.

I’m a wine drinker, personally, and flowers make me sneeze. So I hope my face in flowers didn’t end up sneezing all over you, Sree. As for sharing the same U.S. soul… I doubt it. I’m not even sure what a soul is or if there is such a thing.

Yeah, no such thing as a soul. But I sort of get the jist of what Sree probably means by the word. Not that his use of the word in this context is reasonable, anyway.

Exactly, TimB. You understood what I was saying. :slight_smile:

Sree, stop trolling. It’s unseemly for a poster on CFI

Soldiers wouldn’t know what is unlawful. Even the Commander-in-Chief has to have a team of lawyers to review his orders to cover his ass before a missile strike. You know the situation out there better than I do. I can only imagine that in a typical situation, as a soldier armed to kill or be killed, there can’t be any grey areas as to what is lawful. I don’t think any officer would take his men to pillage and rape.
Unfortunately raping and pillaging are looked down on nowadays, but the rules are pretty simple. You get them drilled into your head the minute you start boot camp and all military members in a war zone are issued cards with the most important rules on them.
Unfortunately, instead of trying to save the Koalas, Trumpians go on safari and kill a few more endangered species with virtual cannons for sport or collect an elephant tusk to make a nice carving to display on the hearth, right under the gun that killed the elephant. Or buy a Gorilla hand for an ashtray, a novelty item.
Trump supporters on safari? That’s a new one.
@ thatoneguy: Unfortunately raping and pillaging are looked down on nowadays,
Make you feel like a big man eh?

I bet your pure hell in the video war worlds. Hooah. Eat your reality.

I bet your pure hell in the video war worlds. Hooah. Eat your reality.
What language is this?