Obamagate, aka Birtherism 2.0

T rump declares that Obama is guilty of the worst crime in history, and calls it Obamagate. He won’t say what the actual crime is, but he pressed the Senate to open an investigation and call Obama in for hearings.

Lindsey Graham, one among the throng of obsequious T rump following cult members, almost cried when he announced it would not be “good for the nation” to bring Obama before the Senate. What he actually knows is that it would not be good for Republicans’ re-elections. Obama would eat their lunch.

It would be like throwing Brer Obama into the briar patch. Brer Obama can negotiate their briar patch, just fine, but the Repug wolves that tried to go after him, would be scarred up by the political briars.

I say, bring it on. Have the Senate investigate and question Barrack over a vague alleged crime made up by the DOTUS. Please. Do that. It will mean fewer Repug Senators by next year.


It’s all they know, blame others, for the shit they are doing themselves.

Oh, but ask for specifics and evidence and it’s stupid looks and more bluster.