T rump has shown us that we can assassinate oppositional foreign leaders

Picture Trump as the colonel and you are Tom Cruise.
So Trump is the lying liar who sends people to die and hides behind words like "truth" and "honor".

Sree, how old are you? Only so much naivety can be excused by immaturity. We are not in the movies. We are in a much more ridiculous plot line. I am no danger to my nation, T rump is. I am strongly biased against T rump as should be any reasonable American. Oneguy has his own biases but he does seem to make an effort to seem balanced and objective; Imo, being balanced about an unbalanced Dictator wannabe, is a tragic mistake.

So according to you, @Sree, the dotard has the right to commit crimes and not have articles of impeachment against him? So you want a dictator? Nice to know, but that’s not a democracy. Eventually, no one will have the right to vote and the dic will stay in there for life, killing whoever he wants, just like Putin does. Of course, the dotard is Putin’s puppet and that puppet have people to steal the election again.

Oneguy said, “Germany was never a global military empire like America, and global empires make the rules and enforce them.”

Sehn keil? Nein sprechen deutsch? Schade. When Hitler was ruled and had the Third Reich, that was a military empire. He took over a lot of countries in southern and eastern Europe and what he didn’t take, Russia did. Both he and Stalin killed a LOT of people. Hitler ordered his men to kill 6 million Jews and almost as many non-Jews, including the disabled. He even had doctors make some humans into science experiments, which many did not survive. He had a huge killing machine. If he didn’t like you are you were on the list of people he didn’t like, you were killed- just like the dotard has a list of Latinos, those he doesn’t call Xian, Jews (yes, them too) etc. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, making them U.S. citizen and the dotar the [alleged] president, but he won’t claim them as U.S. citizens. He has had many Latinos murdered, kidnapped their children, and encouraged violence against non-whites. He had medical care denied children that he ordered kidnapped and they died. Not much different from the fuhrer.


We need to bring the draft back and instill discipline into our kids

Really? I think Edwin Starr said it best, since we are doing videos and all (hope you like it. [sarcasm]):

Here’s another vid from the good ol’ days of the draft. Back when T rump and his bone spurs were serving his country by dodging STD’s while enjoying his promiscuity.


That is all war is good for- killing young people and if they don’t die, they end up maimed and if they aren’t maimed enough, Uncle Sam throws them back out on the battlefield to either die or be so maimed they can’t function. Many who aren’t physically harmed and survived have PTSD and/or other mental health issues. It does more harm than good. Not to mention, when Vietnam vets returned, they didn’t get a hero’s welcome- they got spit on, among other things.

But only those who lacked wealth and connections and had the integrity not to lie about their status, were subject to death and dysfunction from being drafted.


Back to our new power of assassinating foreign state leaders who we think are bad people.

Assassinating Soleimani and T rump’s subsequent pronouncements of horrifying repercussions for Iran, should they strike back, lead to the brink of war. If Iran had actually killed some Americans in their strike, then we probably would have gone into intensive conflict, then and there. But we mostly all got lucky and we pulled back from the brink. Except the Iranians, freaking out about T rump’s promised 52 events of destruction, shot an anti-aircraft missile at a passenger plane by mistake and killed 176 civilians.

No doubt the Trumpublicans will see this as Obama’s fault. Personally, I don’t think it could have happened without T rump’s special kind of diplomacy.

Unintended consequences.

I do like your video, Mriana. I am as anti war as you are. I want Trump to bring back all 200,000 plus troops and close those 4800 or more US bases and black sites abroad. The draft I propose is to level the playing field for all American kids and move the disadvantaged ones, across the board, out of poverty-stricken homes and gang violence. They will get cleaned up and taught a trade. Others will go on to West Point and college. The $1.5 trillion Trump had gotten for the Department of Defence will be spent this way to uplift American youth. They will not go to war. What do you say?

This is a tough call. Soldiers in action need to respond to direct orders from their superior officers without hesitation or you don’t have a military force.
Yeah but we can do that without following unlawful orders.
Liberal values are destroying our country. We need to bring the draft back and instill discipline into our kids. Ten hut!! Officer on deck.
The draft didn’t automatically instill discipline in young men in the past and I don’t see how it would be different today. Draftees also bring more problems to the military than they’re worth. Nobody wants to serve alongside a man who doesn’t want to be there.


Thanks Sree. Taught a trade and college is fine. I’m all for that. West Point though, is notorious for training men to fight in battle/war, so unless it’s reputation is changed, no. However, teaching young people a trade or sending them to college, doesn’t always lift them out of poverty. For example, I was a non-traditional college student after my divorce. Their didn’t help or pay child support, so I raised my two young sons, still in pre-school on my own while studying Psychology. I made As in my major and even took two graduate courses as an undergrad, making Bs in those. In order to do anything with a Psychology degree, you have to have more than a BS. To go to grad school, you have to have 3 professors recommendations. Other women can be a woman’s worst enemy. None would recommend me because they didn’t think any woman could do it with kids in early elementary school (they literally said that too) and thus did not give me a recommendation. I went to a male psychology prof, but he basically said the same thing. I got the degree and a whole lot of debt. Unless Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren get into office and keep their promises about student loan forgiveness, I’ll have this debt with me until I’m 6 feet underground, because I didn’t make money as a substitute teacher, a waitress, a writer, or a cashier in which to pay any of my student loans. What’s worse is, I also majored in English, with minors in Hearing Impairments and religion. Except for losing my religion, that didn’t help me either. I’m still in the poor house with debt over my head, so depending on how it’s done- the Bernie Sanders/Elizabeth Warren way or the “You better pay it back or we’ll be after you until after you die way” (ie greedy corporation way)- education or trade won’t necessarily get one out of the poor house. Sure they may have a job, but they’ll be drowning in debt if greedy corporation way and still be struggling financially.

I will get off my anti-Sree and anti-Oneguy pony for a bit, in order to say that I like the idea of universal service for all USA citizens at age 18 (of 2-4 years). At least 2 but up to 4 provided for those who want to go that long. There would be an option of various categories of Public Service. Military Service would be 1 of the major categories. So, in essence, we would have a drafted military, but the soldiers would self-select for it.

Public service in the other areas could also provide the 18 year-olds with a transition toward actual adulthood.

Do you recall Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration that helped us recover from the Great Depression. Men who would have otherwise been unemployed, worked instead. Young men who had no particular skills could work in the National Parks, make some money (rather than steal, starve or beg, and learn discipline and working in groups. A side benefit of that program, was that, when WWII started and everyone was being drafted, some were already predisposed to fitting in to a military organization.

Universal Public Service could be a great boon to our society. Though perhaps we should hold it in reserve for the next Great Recession.

I would like MAJOR advances in college affordability, Mriana. (And I think that should include a way to help wipe the slate for existing College grads who are still have college l0an debt).

Also, I am in favor of Equal Rights for Women. I wish the Equal Rights Amendment could get passed. (I think it’s chances suffered a setback recently, not that there was much hope anyway.

Son of a B! While typing, just now, I accidentally hit some key that made my type big again. I have been straining to read really tiny type, since a couple of days ago, when I accidentally hit some key that made it really tiny.

But now I can see again! Thanks Obama!


Oneguy: Yeah but we can do that without following unlawful orders.
Soldiers wouldn't know what is unlawful. Even the Commander-in-Chief has to have a team of lawyers to review his orders to cover his ass before a missile strike. You know the situation out there better than I do. I can only imagine that in a typical situation, as a soldier armed to kill or be killed, there can't be any grey areas as to what is lawful. I don't think any officer would take his men to pillage and rape.


I would like MAJOR advances in college affordability, Mriana. (And I think that should include a way to help wipe the slate for existing College grads who are still have college l0an debt).

Also, I am in favor of Equal Rights for Women. I wish the Equal Rights Amendment could get passed. (I think it’s chances suffered a setback recently, not that there was much hope anyway.

Yes, I think that was and has been one my biggest issues in life and now, at my age, I hope either Elizabeth Warren (although she’s an admitted corporate dem, so I don’t really trust her) or Bernie becomes our next president just so I don’t die with student loan debt. I work my butt off and it feels I just spin my wheels especially when filling out the forms needed to show I don’t make enough to pay the monthly payments they want every month. (Do the math- they want $600/mo repayment and you make minimum wage or slightly more than that. After taxes, medical insurance, etc all coming out of your paycheck and then maybe a garnishment from the gov because of the student loan, your check is nothing. In order to remove the garnishment, you have to make $600/mo (or more) payment for x amount of months, THEN they remove the garnishment. It can’t be done. The garnishment is preferable, because, along with the paycheck stubs you send them to prove to them you don’t have the money to make those payments and have a home, clothes, and food, it shows you make no money- at least not enough to pay $600/mo or more. One would be homeless if they tried.)

The ERA would be good if passed, but keep in mind, women can be other women’s worst enemy and some men are any better. Of course, if it were illegal to railroad women like I was, then things would be different. I even had a job as a community support worker, which wasn’t a bad job, but because the school called about my young son and I had to take care of him, I was told by my boss, “Go home. Your family needs you more.” Then I was escorted to get my things and then escorted to my car with my things. They gave me a severance pay, but it was still insulting. None of that helps women and needs to end.

Son of a B! While typing, just now, I accidentally hit some key that made my type big again. I have been straining to read really tiny type, since a couple of days ago, when I accidentally hit some key that made it really tiny.

But now I can see again! Thanks Obama!

ROFL! Obama is god! ROFL! That was my morning laugh for today. lol

Mriana: ROFL! Obama is god! ROFL! That was my morning laugh for today. lol
How can you get tickled in a situation as gloomy as yours? I would not know how to go on if I were in a financial hole as deep as yours; especially, with two kids to raise. And Americans like Tim would focus all their attention on crippling student loans crushing folks like you instead of worrying about koalas running from fire in Australia.
I would not know how to go on if I were in a financial hole as deep as yours
So, some empathy there. This is a situation of many people today. It can be understood without a full reckoning of how we got here. I don't think it's that hard to see that the people receiving the payments are not the ones that the future of the country depends on. So, what do you think we should do Sree?

Sree, you say Americans like me “would focus all their attention on crippling student loans crushing folks like you instead of worrying about koalas running from fire in Australia.”?

Hmm. As an American humanist, my 1st priority would be to effectively address climate change. If some koalas survive due to that, cool. But I would also want post high school education to be available to all. And I would want those who have been screwed over by the system, and thus have crippling student debt to be helped out of that unfair debt.

And in the spirit of this thread, I would want curbs to be placed on the power of an idiotic CinC like ours to commit war crimes.

@ TimB,

I like your wonderfull optimism.

Unfortunately, instead of trying to save the Koalas, Trumpians go on safari and kill a few more endangered species with virtual cannons for sport or collect an elephant tusk to make a nice carving to display on the hearth, right under the gun that killed the elephant. Or buy a Gorilla hand for an ashtray, a novelty item.

I see the left carcasses of these magnificent triumphs of evolution lie rotting in the desert, and I cry.