This State of the Union address is a farce. Our first dictator will be lying about the state of our Union. Will he admit that our “Union” is, under his leadership, the most divided it has been since Civil War days? No. Will he say things to further divide us? If he veers from his prepared-for-him-speech, yes. Will he glory in the pomp and circumstance? yes. Does he deserve any glory? No.

He deserves no glory, no respect, no honor, no best wishes. He has finagled his way into a dictatorship over our country. So really it is not our country anymore. It is his. He absconded with it right before our eyes. Fuk him.


We aren’t going to be watching because we already know DOTUS will be spewing all lies. I only wish I could afford a passport and go to Canada, even if it is cold as hell.

History will record: on a Friday his judges stopped his persecution. After three days he rose up in the chamber where he was unlawfully condemned and spoke to the nations. Two days later he was officially declared to be without guilt. Nine months later the nation gave forth a restored leader. And the leader of the most powerful nation ever, the leader of the free world, the protector of Israel and restorer of her true capital in the manner of Cyrus, the Trump of God reigned.

Mriana: "We aren’t going to be watching because we already know DOTUS will be spewing all lies. I only wish I could afford a passport and go to Canada, even if it is cold as hell."
It's only -10 deg C this morning. You'll be fine up here.

I welcome all Americans who want to flee the Trump monster. We can use some more brains in our population before our politics takes a similar path.

So really it is not our country anymore. It is his. He absconded with it right before our eyes.
Nah, it's the oligarchs who absconded with our country right under our eye. He's just their tool and would be dumped in a moment were he not so successful in bullshitting stupid, intellectually lazy, emotional immature and angry people who seem to make up a huge percentage of our country.

TimB, why not post that founding father quote you put up a few days ago, I think it would fit in here just fine. Appropriate even.

Hail Cyrus! DOTUS! “…the leader of the most powerful nation ever, the leader of the free world, the protector of Israel and restorer of her true capital in the manner of Cyrus, the Trump of God reigned.” (quote by Bob)

From the link above: “Many of Trump’s political appointees have, as their primary qualification, the fact that they are committed to a very distinct, conservative religious agenda,” said Katherine Stewart, author of an upcoming book The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism.

Absent the Trump administration, many of them would never have been seen near the halls of power, and so they owe everything to Trump and his people.

Among them is Mike Pompeo, Trump’s secretary of state, who was criticized in October for promoting his own speech “Being a Christian Leader”, where he opined on how he asks God for direction in his work, on the state department website. In 2015 Pompeo also confirmed he believes in the Rapture, the concept of an end of days event – usually some sort of catastrophe – whereby Jesus Christ will return to Earth and escort qualified believers into heaven.


Wow. Our Secretary of State is one of these freaks.

The insanity begins.

CC: I think that our DOTUS has simply taken advantage of all of the oligarchical processes that have been building in our country over the past decades, including the SCOTUS rulings that corporations are people and money is speech. T rump put it all together, along with the enablement by various groups, not particularly of US oligarchs, such that he has undone the balance of powers in our system, and such that he has simply taken dictatorial level executive power to himself, and such that he has established himself to be ABOVE THE LAW.

I guess you refer to this Hamilton quote, CC.

T rump will not be the 1st cult leader to take on the supposed mantle of Cyrus the Great. Here is someone who changed his birthname to indicate his identity with Cyrus.

Koresh is the Biblical name of Cyrus the Great (کوروش, Kurosh), a Persian king who is named a messiah for freeing Jews during the Babylonian Captivity. His first name, David, symbolized a lineage directly to the biblical King David, from whom the new messiah would descend.

I am glad to finally no longer refer to T rump, as POTUS. He is DOTUS. He gave up his pretension to the office of the President when he became Dictator (above the law). He deserves no respect that goes with the office of the Presidency, as he is no longer President but rather, is Dictator. He is not the embodiment of an ancient Persian king. He is a scumbag flim flam man who has taken over the USA.

I think that they ALL should boycott the first SOTU to be given by a DOTUS.

It did cross my mind, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Democrat Party boycotts the State of the Union tomorrow. I hope they would. It will be unprecedented and serves to strengthen the Republican Party takeover of Congress. Self-destruction.

Sorry Tim, think that through a little. That would simply be like bowing down to the Republican and I fear Sree is correct.

Running away and hiding is how Democrats keep losing.

Take it all the way back to the Congressional Hearing when after the official hearing was finished that day, Republicans wanted to make all sorts of motions regarding Bidden - and the F’n idiot damnable moronic self-defeating Democrats didn’t have the balls to take on those Amendments and use them as a teaching moment for Republicans and Democrats alike. There is no way they could have lost any of those votes -why why why fuck did they weenies out, yet again. We can take it back to Kavenaugh’s hearing and Democrats simply folding for Lindsey and K. unhinged diatribes then just let it go. Rather than taking that a shoving it right back down their throats with pointed questions about American standard of Jury Prudence, neutral judges, etc, etc. Hell, that hearing coming with all of two counts is another atrocious failure and on and on.

TimB: “… the SCOTUS rulings that corporations are people and money is speech.”

This must go down in history as absolutely the worst ruling ever made by any court anywhere. If corporations want to be people they should be required to die, if not on the basis of age perhaps on some sort of lottery or random basis. I think they have no right to be immortal if I can’t be. In this the SCOTUS was wrong, wrong, wrong.

Wow, we actually agree on something Bob. One solution that has been proposed is that corporations should have to come out with a report every 5 years, showing now just how economically viable they are, but how they are contributing to the social welfare, and if they caused some damage to the environment, how they are cleaning it up.

To add to these well founded critical observations,


It’s pitifully ironic how little those who support Trump understand what the long term result of his policies will be. Tonight in the SOTU he will loudly trumpet the “strong” economy and Republicans will shower him with applause while at the same time knowing full well that his actions will literally insure our national debt will have to be monetized. Most of the people who voted for him have no idea what that means. It means the federal reserve will just print more money and more government bonds because they’re only paper with fancy writing and this means inflation and lots of it. Prices generally speaking don’t go up so much as the perceived value of the dollar goes down. I once heard an economist say that and increased money supply that causes a 10 percent rise in inflation has the potential to erase about one trillion dollars of debt. At that rate it would take a 250 percent rise in inflation to totally eliminate our national debt because the debt will be 25 trillion by the time this incompetent impostor leaves office. That means that poor Alabama mother who voted for Trump will have to pay $10.50 for a loaf of bread she currently pays $3.00 to purchase. Of course this will be done gradually and it will never be voted on or likely even discussed by Republicans. The only problem republicans will need to consider is how to plausibly or even implausibly blame it on Hillary or Obama. Monetizing the debt (AND IT WILL BE MONETIZED) won’t affect the rich, a ten dollar loaf of bread means nothing to them. The burden will be on the poor and working class, the very same people who are so proud to wear their MAGA hats. The problem is all Americans will feel the loss of purchasing power and yet not one Democratic candidate is talking about this looming threat to our national economy. I don’t get it.

This State of the Union address is a farce. Our first dictator will be lying about the state of our Union
They all lie in the State of the Union address. It's feel-good nonsense, completely meaningless politics. It's actually one of my serious issues with this country, that we not only expect our politicians lie to us, we demand it. Remember when Biden was asked if he would let his family ride the train and he answered honestly? He then had to spend the next few days riding the train himself to make up for not lying to us like he should have. I think that may be one of the reasons that conservatives just don't care that they're being lied to, even when they know it. They just shrug and say, "They all lie". And that's true. They do all lie. And I think that helped put some serious tank tracks on the conservative BS machine.

It would do no harm to the Dems to boycott the SOTU. Nothing is going to be decided there. It is just another campaign opportunity for Don John. Alternatively, the Dems could attend, but take turns randomly standing up and yelling “You Lie!” during the speech. That might not go down well either, but it would be quite entertaining.

When Moscow Mitch cheated the Dems out of a SCOTUS appointment, and Kavenaugh was installed instead, the chance of “corporations are people and money is speech” being overturned dropped to “Nah”.

Bob: I think they have no right to be immortal if I can’t be. In this the SCOTUS was wrong, wrong, wrong.
You can be immortal, like any corporation, by creating a Bob LLC or Bob Foundation. But then, corporations can also die off like people if they become non viable when business companies go bust or trustees just shut them down. This brings me to my contention that a person is an illusion, as illusory as any corporation created out of thin air. You were created when your mom first set eyes on a baby's body, called it "Bob" and registered your birth at the Registrar of Births.

Sree, no matter how many times you edit that last post, it ain’t gonna make no sense.