Non-Gender Binary

You are ok with videos about womens vaginas in major pop videos as being overtly hydrated. If you’re okay with that then I have nothing for you.

I have no problem with disagreeing with you here, but I mistakenly thought that you’d have an issue with women being objectified as being a wet ass pussy. To me, it’s an obvious point, but to others, they’re okay with hit. So do you believe my 5 year old son should grow up learning about the woman’s overtly hydrated genitalia?

I think it’s something he should be concerned about when he gets older.

I know and it was and is one of my favourites from the '70. I’ve listened to it since it came out on the radio. Big deal. I’m telling you, the music today is nothing new. In fact, it’s a bit stale in comparison to the '70s. Oh there is one from the '90s called “My Neck, My Back” by Khia. Not posting that one, but again, nothing to do with a person saying they are non-binary. None of what you’ve posted and said has to do with being non-binary and that was what I got the heart for, not because anyone had a dirty mind.

Mriana do you accept women as being regarded as “Wet Ass Pussies?”

Edit. How is it you people don’t even watch the videos yet hold opinions defending it?

I don’t think I was complaining about anything. How can I complain about something I don’t understand? You were the one diverting the thread.

You are trying to offend and I refuse to answer you. You are also attempting to get banned and making a good effort at it with derailing the thread and repeating something that has nothing to do with the topic. I don’t have to ban you, but I can silence you.

ok so ignore the question. It’s easier.

Seriously, how is the rule of topic more important than recognizing the problem???

I see the whack of priorities here when people can’t even admit when something isn’t right.

What you at talking about has nothing to do with the topic. Now stay on topic.

Ok so I’ll post a new topic about the wet ass pussy video tomorrow.

Why are you trying to get banned? At best, the topic will be shut down and you quite possibly won’t be able to post for a week or two.

Mitch; There’s a line where you are talking about something offensive and actually being offensive. You have stepped way over it and I’m warning you to stop. This is an inquiry forum, not MTV, so there are different standards. The problem with your logic is you are saying MTV is pushing the world into something, but you present no evidence for that. MTV could be an effect of some other cause, or part of a larger trend, or just a blip in ever changing culture. You have said nothing that says your theory is correct and these are wrong.

It’s fine if you believe it, and it’s fine if you state it, but you are doing what you always do, getting angry that people don’t agree with you instead of attempting to present your case. In this case, you are repeating the offensive term you want to discuss over and over, for some sort of effect. That’s not the type of discussion we promote.

You have violated several rules in this thread alone. That is not what Mriana said at all. Actually, she’s being very tolerant of you by only pointing one minor offense. I’ve gone over your behavior problems too many times to list them again.

It’s closer to browbeating than any sort of discussion.

Mriana tries to listen and response,
mitch70, in this thread you just gush words without hearing what Mriana is trying to add. It’s what you usually do, not always, sometimes I can even take you seriously - but then at other times like this thread, lordie lordie are you making yourself look like an ass. It may not look that way from your eyes, but I bet I’m not the only spectator who wishes, you would stop, or at least up your game.

Sometimes, you make me wonder, if you’re just a masochistic looking for someone to give you a beating.