life-or-death-corporate media or honest media

Relying on the corporate media, including BBC News, to provide a reliable account of the world is literally a matter of life or death, on many levels.

Imagine, for example, a Russian dissident living in the UK who had published copious evidence of Russian war crimes, and who had then sought political asylum in an embassy in London. Imagine if that dissident were then expelled from the embassy, under pressure from Russia, immediately imprisoned in a high-security prison here and faced with the prospect of extradition to Russia to face life imprisonment or the death sentence. There would be a massive uproar in the Western media. Western political leaders would issue strong statements of disapproval and demand the freedom of a brave dissident. The case of Julian Assange, co-founder of WikiLeaks, is much worse. He is being pursued relentlessly by a powerful country, the United States, of which he is not even a citizen.

US prosecutors are now reportedly helping themselves to Assange’s possessions, including medical records and two manuscripts. Baltasar Garzon, international legal co-ordinator for the defence of Assange and WikiLeaks, urged international bodies to intervene in what he called:

‘an unprecedented attack on the rights of the defence, freedom of expression and access to information.’
He added:

‘It is extremely worrying that Ecuador has proceeded with the search and seizure of property, documents, information and other material belonging to the defence of Julian Assange, which Ecuador arbitrarily confiscated, so that these can be handed over to the agent of political persecution against him, the United States.’
The US is undoubtedly looking for evidence to build a bogus case against Assange to lock him away for life for alleged crimes against the world’s number one rogue state. As Noam Chomsky has long observed, the US behaves like the Mafia writ large. You go against their power at your peril.

The incentives for Ecuador, under a Washington-friendly government led by Lenín Moreno since 2017, to behave in this appalling manner are obvious. A report in The Canary spelled it out:

‘Ecuador is raking in new [trade] deals with the UK and US after handing over Julian Assange’.
In Sweden, surely under US pressure, prosecutors have now applied for a warrant for Assange’s arrest. Craig Murray provided the vital background to this latest disgraceful development, pointing to the:

‘incredible and open bias of the courts against Assange […] since day 1.’
The former British diplomat is clear about the crucial importance of the work of WikiLeaks and Assange:

‘Julian Assange revolutionised publishing by bringing the public direct access to massive amounts of raw material showing secrets the government wished to hide. By giving the public this direct access he cut out the filtering and mediating role of the journalistic and political classes.’
Murray pointed out the contrast with the Panama Papers, detailing how the super-rich hide their money, covered by the Guardian and other ‘mainstream media’ outlets with great fanfare. However, contrary to media promises, such coverage:

‘only ever saw less than 2% of the raw material published and where major western companies and individuals were completely protected from revelation because of the use of MSM [“mainstream” media] intermediaries.’
He continued:

‘Or compare Wikileaks to the Snowden files, the vast majority of which have now been buried and will never be revealed, after foolishly being entrusted to the Guardian and the Intercept. Assange cut out the intermediary role of the mediating journalist and, by allowing the people to see the truth about how they are governed, played a major role in undercutting public confidence in the political establishment that exploits them.’



Assange is scum imo. His valor in being a champion of whistleblowing in the world is overshadowed, imo, by his personal biases and highly questionable very apparent alliance with Russia and thus with all of the dirty mess that Russia is successfully making all about the world.

That being said, the latest on what the US prosecutors are charging Assange with, is a threat to the free press. I am ok with the charge, if it can be prosecuted of Assange helping Chelsea figure out the password to steal classified info. I am ok with that because that goes beyond the purvue of a reporter. A reporter can publish illegally obtained info, but they cannot obtain info illegally.

HOWEVER, now prosecutors want to charge Assange with publishing top secret info. It is info that probably resulted in the outing of our ppl and their sources, and which could very possibly have gotten some of those people killed. So it was a scummy decision to release the info without arranging for a warning to those people. But it is NOT beyond the legitimate scope of a free press.


Assange is scum imo. His valor in being a champion of whistleblowing in the world is overshadowed, imo, by his personal biases and highly questionable very apparent alliance with Russia and thus with all of the dirty mess that Russia is successfully making all about the world.


Interesting. We seem to have the same opinion of the bloke.

Was just watching News on the ABC ,which is one of our public stations. Seems the extradition process could take 2 years. Also, the UK will not extradite to any country where the accused will face the death penalty. The last people executed in the US for espionage were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, in 1953. BUT, the death penalty is till on the books. Although it may be unlikely that’s what’s his name will facet death penalty, it’s still technically possible. It’s reported that the Uk are also a bit peeved with extra charges which have been laid. Apparently no journalist has ever been convicted of espionage in the US.

One thing which confused me in the news report is the claim “the worlds journalists will now get behind Assange”. Is the guy a journalist, or is he not?

Although I would be unbothered if Mr Assange broke his neck falling down stairs in prison, I have always had reservations about political crimes, outside of war time.

Yes a journalist with many awards for doing so. His “political crime” do you mean collateral murder? His video exposing US war crimes?

Have you seen Assange’s leaks and videos exposing Russian political wrongdoings, warcrimes, and past and CURRENT interference in governments all around the world?

No? Hmmm… Oh, Assange has had nothing bad to say about “the paragon of virtue” in the world that we know as Russia.

Could it be that Assange is, to say the least, strongly biased in favor of Russia and against the US, if he is not an outright covert agent of Russia? It is one or the other. His body of work indicates such.


Player, it is not uncommon for Russian dissidents and opponents of Putin to just wind up suspiciously dead.

Have you seen Assange’s leaks and videos exposing Russian political wrongdoings, warcrimes, and past and CURRENT interference in governments all around the world?
Excellent point Tim. The pro-Assange conspiracy theories rely on a lack of awareness of world politics and history. It's easy to point out the crimes of the US and who was President when they happened, because we keep doing them, and we have a free press that reports on them.

Knowing what Putin has done requires a little work. People seem to have a problem switching from “all killing is wrong” to “there are killers in the world, sometimes they just give orders, how do we deal with them?”

What’s the title of this thread? Oh yeah, Life-or-Death-Corporate Media.

How about Corporate fabricated, think tanks and media out focused on peddling the lies (FOX NEWS anyone) to lie about vitally important climate science and ruthlessly block all constructive education attempts.

Top Ten Documents Every Reporter Covering Exxon-Mobil Should Know
Originally published by Kert Davies with the Climate Investigations Center

If you are a reporter covering ExxonMobil and the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations underway in several states, the story can get very complex. Exxon is claiming it did nothing wrong. Exxon’s paid accomplices are martyring themselves and screaming about the First Amendment.

We thought we would take it back to basics – the source documents. We created an online file cabinet of the key documents that have been revealed by investigative journalists over the past nine months and those in our Exxon archives from 25 years of watching the climate denial machine at work. We will add documents as they arrive on our desks.

These documents all live at, an archive built on the Document Cloud platform familiar to journalists, created with a grant by the Knight Foundation.


There are three basic phases to this story.

What Exxon knew and when they knew it – The crux of what was revealed in the fall and winter of 2015 by the Inside Climate News investigation and the Columbia University/ Los Angeles Times collaboration is extensive new evidence that Exxon and the rest of the oil industry …

What Exxon did to block rising concern about climate change – This phase starts in the late 1980s, heats up in the mid 1990s and extends into the late 2000s, changing shape and tone with increased governmental attention to the climate threat. Here there are key documents showing Exxon’s (and Mobil’s and later ExxonMobil’s) ringleader role in driving the corporate campaign against advancing national and international policies to avert dangerous climate change. …

What Exxon would like hide from investigators now – Exxon executed a turn about a decade ago with clever PR tactics, declaring that they had always known about climate change but had been “misunderstood”. …

Timb you are such a silly person

Citizen great point. Those in power know the truth yet still continue to lead us to catastrophe. What do we call these people? Psychopaths?

This is a key salient point of the article highlighting the hypocricy of western media and its sycophants that want to hang assange.

Imagine, for example, a Russian dissident living in the UK who had published copious evidence of Russian war crimes, and who had then sought political asylum in an embassy in London. Imagine if that dissident were then expelled from the embassy, under pressure from Russia, immediately imprisoned in a high-security prison here and faced with the prospect of extradition to Russia to face life imprisonment or the death sentence. There would be a massive uproar in the Western media. Western political leaders would issue strong statements of disapproval and demand the freedom of a brave dissident. The case of Julian Assange, co-founder of WikiLeaks, is much worse. He is being pursued relentlessly by a powerful country, the United States, of which he is not even a citizen.



Timb you are such a silly person

And player, you are such a fraud whether u know it or not.

Only 2 of the links in that site have anything implying anything negative about Russia. Those were each about reporters who were critical of Russia being murdered. All of the links were 2008 or earlier. There was one where Russia released what might have been some disinformation about McCain during his run against Obama. I’m not sure what to make of that one. But almost all of the links appear to be basic press releases, mostly not about Russia at all, and no uncovered leaks of anything classified and negative to Russia.

This just further confirms my suspicions that Assange has been, at least, allied in his heart with Russian interests. And perhaps especially so since 2008.


Assange will not hang on the charges this Trumpublican admin is trying to use on him. Most of the charges have to do with his publishing info. That is not against our Law. The charge they might get him on is helping Chelsea Manning figure out a password to steal some classified info. But what would the penalty for that be at worst? Months in prison? A couple of years?

Now if he were to turn out to be a straight out Russian agent, then maybe. But afaik there is no hard evidence that would make him convictable of that.

18 more chargers Magoo 175 years = death penalty


Oh and btw


Like I said, most of those charges have to do with publishing info. If it is a legitimate media function it is not against our Law, aka the Constitution. Those charges will not prevail unless Trump has already solidified his takeover of the federal judicial system.

Hanging judge???

The last link does say something negative about Russia. Congratulations for finding something from Wikileaks that does. But it is no earth shattering news that Russia has an extraordinarily advanced state supported universal surveillance system. The same link is about all of the proliferation of the surveillance industry exported to the rest of the world by Western democracies. So it is not particularly damning of Russia in particular. But at least in includes Russia as a culprit.

Hey, I voted for the only person that could have kept Trump from becoming our downfall. It is not my fault that too many others were too ignorant to do the same.

“Hey, I voted for the only person that could have kept Trump from becoming our downfall. It is not my fault that too many others were too ignorant to do the same.”

Really? Who was that? I’m not kidding, I’d really like to know, unless you’re claiming it was Hilary Clinton. Nah, I think you’re way too smart for that.

Timb yeah spying on your citizens is such a positive news story - NOT!