Hi all. New on board and just a concerned Aussie in what the USA is doing to our citizens and our lapdog “leaders” that allow it to happen. Anyone heard that the CIA have been given access to Assange in UK prison and administered psychotrophic drugs??
Former Intelligence Veteran USAF Lt-Col Kwiatkowski follows up on her article wherein she said an insider source told her Assange was being questioned in Belmarsh by American interrogators and that he’d been hospitalised twice, apparently induced by psychotropics. She’s not backing away from her wordsKwiatkowski’s original assertion came out after Kristin Hrafnsson and Pam Anderson had visited Assange, so some people disbelieved her statement because Hrafnsson and Anderson had said nothing that might overtly confirm her assertion.
But if we read Anderson’s post-visit Der Spiegel interview carefully Julian Assange: Pamela Anderson spricht über Besuch im Gefängnis - DER SPIEGEL we note a few salient points:
Anderson reports that she and K.H. are specifically told at the prison ‘not to make things more difficult’ for Assange - the kind of chilling warning that causes one to talk guardedly?;
Note how she reports that ‘microphones were taped onto the walls’ and guards repeatedly walked in and out;
Note how deliberately she writes: “He is not complaining about his conditions. We are”;
She notes that he’s “lost about 10kg” and that his stomach was upset for two weeks when “he could keep nothing down”.
This speaks to quite dramatic illness. Many people who have a bout of gastro and may lose 2 or 3kg … but 10kg??
IF J.A had suffered this sudden illness and significant weight loss due to forced pharmaceutical interventions, the bald facts about “upset stomach” and “couldn’t keep anything down” might be as much as he could say about it, given the warnings, the microphones and the guards.
Psychotropics are mentioned by KK: side effects of some psychotropics (like BZ) are indeed ‘nausea and vomiting’. Any combo of psychotropic and amnesiac drugs can/could be used, of course, if anyone’s read the memoirs of freed Guantanamo prisoners (eg The General: The ordinary man who challenged Guantanamo - written by Ahmed Errachidi, Gillian Slovo) wherein they tell how they were constantly administered unnamed body and mind-altering pharmaceuticals (to break them/induce false statements)
P.A. notes that J.A. specifically asked her to “save my life”
Exiting the prison, P.A. and K.Hrafnsson both used the phrase “a life and death situation”.
Hrafnsson is a discreet, quietly-spoken Scandinavian not given to hyperbole. He’s recently raised his voice and spoken out with uncharacteristic anger and emotion i.r.o Assange’s situation - and apologised for his tone, because it is far from his usual style.
I always just start counting the number of people involved. The people who string the wire, who run the recording devices, man the alleged cameras, repair the cameras, fill out the paper work for the purchase orders, buy the drugs, determine the dose, administer them, store them. It goes on and on, and for all of this, you’d need additional people in charge of keeping track of all of the lies and who knows what and following up on all it and tracking who leaked something, which inevitably would have to happen.
The only places these things happen are dictatorships where you get ahead by doing whatever your leader says and that gets passed along all the way up the chain, or where there is no government, like a paramilitary group working where a government can’t control them. If there is a free press and any sort of oversight, these types of things can’t go on for more than a few months without someone finding out.
Just speaking as someone who has visited people in prison — none of your points about the conditions are out of the ordinary. Surveillance is always tight and you (the visitor) are treated sort of roughly while there. Weight loss could be caused by any number of things more likely than drugging, and the prisoner can be over-emotional or numb during the visit.
At any rate it sounds far-fetched right now. Maybe later your concerns will have some grounding.
FWIW I think Assange is being punished too harshly.
Dont know why anyone would consider this to be unthinkable with the CIA track record and the hate directed to him by the MIC. The USA already has their hands on him in a foreign prison?
Punished to harshly? What do you call being punished for doing a good thing? Evil?
Punished to harshly? What do you call being punished for doing a good thing? Evil?
I assume the good thing you are talking about is publishing documents. He has not been sentenced for that, or even charged. He might be involved in stealing some documents. He's under arrest for rape. That's not punishment, that's being under arrest. He's shown that he is a flight risk.
Dont know why anyone would consider this to be unthinkable with the CIA track record and the hate directed to him by the MIC. The USA already has their hands on him in a foreign prison?
Punished to harshly? What do you call being punished for doing a good thing? Evil?
It's not unthinkable just unlikely. CIA has bigger fish to fry.
And there’s no evidence of “U.S. hands on him” at all. Your sources are questionable to say the least.
I assume the good thing you are talking about is publishing documents. He has not been sentenced for that, or even charged. He might be involved in stealing some documents. He’s under arrest for rape. That’s not punishment, that’s being under arrest. He’s shown that he is a flight risk.
He was never arrested for rape. Sweden issued a warrant for his arrest after they said he could leave the country because they wanted to question him about some other charge. Sweden dropped the rape charges several years ago but recently reopened the investigation as Britain has an extradition agreement with Sweden.
He’s in prison right now for violating the conditions of his UK bail. But I’m sure you already knew that.
Bigger fish where? A lot of effort to get assange. You think the UK protect his human rights and not allow the americans to interrogate him?
I think Britain would protect his rights.
The WikiLeaks stuff happened years ago under a different administration. The world has changed since then and Assange isn’t a big issue for America now.
Stealing documents?? You know its called wikileaks for a reason.
What reason would that be? You give yourself away with something like that. You show that no matter what your guy says, it's good and right, and the other guy is evil. I'm not fine with all the secrets my government keeps, and just because something is legal, that doesn't make it right, so I'm glad sometimes people steal things and make them public. It's still stealing. One of my big problems with Assange is, he doesn't look at what he has, or doesn't care. He doesn't care if he compromises and operation that could save lives. He doesn't care if he outs a spy and that spy gets killed.
where did you get stealing from? What has Wikileaks stolen?
“One of my big problems with Assange is, he doesn’t look at what he has, or doesn’t care. He doesn’t care if he compromises and operation that could save lives. He doesn’t care if he outs a spy and that spy gets killed.”
A right wing trope. Assertions without evidence are easy to dismiss.