I don’t know if you want a comment from me, but I’ll say a couple of my sources: Internet, on line health forums, 2 conservative radio stations, family and friends, and I got rid of TV about 5 yrs ago…don’t miss it for a second.
Are you trying to tell me you do not know the difference between watching internet and TV. Information is all I want. Information that can be checked out if needed. I hate TV commercials.
Got rid of TV about 12 years ago. I missed it sometimes, like local news. But after high-speed internet got here. I have never missed TV.
No, I’m not trying to tell you that. Do you actually use the internet? Because I see a lot of commercials there. How do you think they are paying for providing you that content? The question I really have for you, as I already stated, is what is it you are actually using as your sources. I don’t care if you pick them up in a magazine on the subway, just, what are they?
I can’t remember if we’ve had the “how do you check facts” conversation, but I’m guessing we have and I’m guessing it was completely unproductive.
Amid the growing numbers, more than 4,000 people at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection holding facility have been jammed into a space designed for 250 at a tent complex in Donna, Texas. They lay inches apart on mats on the floor with foil blankets. AP News. As of Thursday, Health and Human Services had 11,900 unaccompanied minors in its care, while another 5,156 children were in CBP custody. USA Today
You are right, there are a lot of commercials on the internet. What I do is use YouTube Premium. For example, Fox News has commercials, but Fox News though YouTube Premium has no commercials. The same with all the other sites. Costs about 8/mo. Well worth the cost. I did get quite a few commercials for Newsome a few weeks back. He must have paid so much that YouTube could not pass it up. Newsome fill my phone with text messages too. And I have my phone pretty well blocked from advertisements.
[quote=“joycemartino, post:8, topic:8357, full:true”]
I think I mentioned here after voting LEFT all my life, I was convinced to register Independent and I did. All due to Covid lies and corruption. And yes I believe Tucker’s truths and have no TV as I unplugged and got rid of it about 5 yrs ago. It was really tough voting for Biden but I did as I was a dead Dem.
And you said all this when Trump was president who told the Nation that the Covid virus was no worse than the flu and you should just drink some common household cleaner to get rid of it? And refused to do anything to save the Nation from this disaster? He was the one who had it right and everyone else was wrong?
Yet, here we are in the midst of a pandemic that may take perhaps a million lives. And you dare blame Biden for trying to kill people? You maybe in good physical health as am I. But I am seriously worried about your mindset. You seem to be living in an alternate reality, which is too bad, because you seem like a nice person otherwise.
Somebody is feeding you lies, lies, lies, and more lies.
[quote=“mikeyohe, post:25, topic:8357, full:true”]
Amid the growing numbers, more than 4,000 people at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection holding facility have been jammed into a space designed for 250 at a tent complex in Donna, Texas. They lay inches apart on mats on the floor with foil blankets. AP News. As of Thursday, Health and Human Services had 11,900 unaccompanied minors in its care, while another 5,156 children were in CBP custody. USA Today
And your solution to the problem?
Public safety includes public health and it is covered in the Constitution.
Oh cripes, I’ve been around so long, I know what is good for me and what I don’t want. I use the net a lot, read no papers and no magazines anymore, I did that all on this long road. I know what my body likes and needs and what it doesn’t.
No matter who was president when the Covid switch was turned on and I recall about March 2020, the president would have pushed for a vaccine as that was pharma pushes, I got none and still believe my Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and Grape Seed Extract are my saving graces…not sick and didn’t muzzle up 24/7, hardly at all just when I had to the power/control to keep people in their place.
This whole covid thing is so so NEW and it’s hit and miss, do this, do that, don’t do this, blah blah blah,just happy I don’t have to answer to ANYONE.
Well, mentioning that bleach crap was stupid and DJT will take that comment to his grave, he was fooling around and it went viral.
And I do believe the Covid was BLOWN out of proportion as so many who were dying left and right, so they say, NY etc, all had major health issues to start with and were weak and sick and this Hard Flu/Virus did them in, I guess.
[quote=“joycemartino, post:31, topic:8357”]
This whole covid thing is so so NEW and it’s hit and miss, do this, do that, don’t do this, blah blah blah,just happy I don’t have to answer to ANYONE.
I agree that there is a maelstrom of good and false information all over the place.
Therefore, you must trust in the people who spent their lives in trying to keep people healthy and/or who saved peoples lives when they were dying. You cannot get better recommendations than that. i.e.the medical professionals who have sworn and oath; “first do no harm”.
As husband to a nurse and spending many years as bookkeeper for a large non-profit company providng community services for the poor, and then as medical biller for doctors of all specialties, I have gained a little insight in the medical world and serving the needs of the community.
These people want to help people. Saving lives, delivering babies, caring for grateful elderly are very rewarding jobs, and when these people get accused of committing fraud, it is the greatest insult one can bestow on another human being.
Be careful who you accuse or may live to regret the day you refused their honest efforts to serve the needy in the community. The people you call the weak and vulnerable, the “sheeple”.
You quote no sources. But I agree. Total Democrat stupidity in action. It was like the Democrats were complaining the house was burning down after they filled it with gasoline and lit the match. Just build the wall.
No source. But I agree. The keep in Mexico was Trump not breaking the law.
Is the UNHCR successful?
UNHCR now has more than 17,878 personnel working in 132 countries. Our budget, which in its first year was US$300,000, grew to US$8.6 billion in 2019. In 2020, we marked our 70th anniversary. During our lifetime, we have helped well over 50 million refugees to successfully restart their lives.
Section 11
The concept of first country of asylum
Introduction: international standards
Application in law and practice
Criteria for designating a country as a first country of asylum
Readmission: how Member States satisfy themselves that an applicant will be readmitted to the first country of asylum
Use of the criteria set out in Article 27 (1) when applying the concept of first country of asylum
Internet – UNHCR
Trump use the system that was setup 70 years ago to handle refugees and was backed by the US Supreme Court when the Democrats went after Trump for following the system we help setup and help fund. It is the system that is also used in Europe.
The real question here is, why don’t you know this? A: the main-stream media never informed the public. Why? What were their motives to withhold information?
Trump did the correct action. The Democrats did not like that. So, of course Biden change that in his first day in office. Now, look at the mess. But I got to say, the Democrats did get what they wanted. And now they have the audacity to blame Trump. Unreal.
I spent three days doing research before I decided to get the shot. Mainly because of all the flip-flopping coming out of DC. A lot of that time was spent on which vaccine to use. It was not a hard choice for me needing the shot, mainly because I am older than time. What bothered me the most was the medical professionals that did not want the shots. Not just here but in Europe too. And how strongly they disagree to the point of quitting their jobs.
My conclusion was that we are far from being out of the woods on this pandemic. I sure wish Trump was in charge. If this pandemic defeats the vaccine we are in a world of hurt.
I agree we are not out of the woods, but the dotard was making the pandemic worse, not better. If you wish he were still in charge, then what you are saying is, you wish the pandemic was worse. The dotard killed over 550,000 people with COVID-19 before he left office. Those deaths could have been prevented if the Repugs didn’t fight mask mandated and vaccines.
That’s not the real question. Let’s rewind for a second. You made a claim with no source, and I asked for a source, saying you were wrong. Then you had the audacity to say I didn’t have a source for saying you are wrong. That’s really some messed way of interacting with someone.
I tried to find a nice easy chart for you and I think what you might be hearing is a recent, one-month surge, and a comparison to the same month last year. This is a typical biased news tactic, to isolate and highlight statistics that are correct, but paint an inaccurate picture of the overall situation. Here are a bunch of numbers and stuff.
To Trump following the law; of course he did. He made a few attempts to be above the law but those didn’t work out so well, did they? Those laws have been fought against by a lot of people for decades. It’s mainly Republicans in congress that are keeping them in place. Obama did what he could to actually help people with the “Dreamer” program but Republicans fought that.
The mainstream media has covered this just fine. None of this information has been withheld. What gets you confused is, the law is not always moral. So arguing about what the SCOTUS ruled or what rule was technically followed does not reflect the moral choice.
Perhaps you should have sought out the CDC you malicious joker.
Just because it was worth repeating.