Splendid, now what do we do with that?
I know, lots of stuff.
For instance, have you seen the technology on today’s Formula race cars, freak’n amazing.
Or flying machines, (a pal showed me some YouTube videos of different garage made human flying implements, holy freaking lord, once ya start down that rabbit hole, there must be hundreds of DIT achievements of human light. We are god.
And check out those plans to go to the moon, why? Well, how else are we going to get real payloads to Mars. And, why? Well, come on, imagine all these resources we could mine! And, why? Well, we’ll learn sooo much.
I could go on but you get the idea.
Now, what is any of that knowledge and mastery good for, when we don’t even have the sense to take physical reality seriously enough, to demand honesty in the public forum when it comes to, well survival on what used to be an amazingly accommodating Earth biosphere, health issues and on and on. Just imagine the things that could get fixed if Truth were demand and expected. But, we don’t we live in a fantasy world and hear this worship of math and wonder, why? When we don’t have the intelligence or heart live sane constructive lives?
You know, we’re still arguing about Almighty God and Evolution, it’s ludicrous to me. Where does math help anyone open there eyes to the life unfolding around them?
write, you are so in love with math, and there’s no denying all those bits of the mathematics you share with us, it’s cool. It is honest. You are truthful about the evidence and listen to counter evidence, like me you actually listen to others and attempt processing what they are saying as far as our own preference allows us.
It feels to me like this math as everything, I won’t say god, but what should I call it? For me, myself and I, “universe” seems to be my own god, and that’s that, no doctrine behind, just my feelings/thoughts, which are the processed essence of my experiences and life time.
Earth and her life story (which incidentally is also my/your life story) is my touchstone with physical reality. You have math as your touchstone with physical reality. Has that helped you get closer to understanding our everyday struggles, successes and failures, and the pageant of experience we’ve lived through? How has math helped you process that stuff? That’s the question that keeps repeating itself to me as I view your various excellent sources.
I believe an evolutionary and a fleshy understanding of life and time’s passage and our ends, is worth focusing on, since that’s the realm we live within. Gotta admit all this advanced math stuff is beyond the realm of regularly day to day living, and its part of our mind, it’s true it’s important but perspective man perspective Kirk, pleads Bones (didn’t know I was a trekkie, did you, from about '66 to 68