Okay too much melodrama their, but I’m not the only one.
I take it back.
Let’s try again.
Like, of course, I love the scientific journey of discovery and piecing together bits of information as it’s accumulated over time. The intellectual endeavor is awesome and fun.
But my lifelong focus has been on understanding the relationships between the me, myself, and I, along with their relationships to the situations I’m constantly interacting with. The various “struggles” between our flesh and our spirit (which go way beyond simply the sexual) , between what we want to be and what we are, and making that work for us as we live our day to days.
And perhaps most importantly, as the ideas are maturing, is ‘our’ relationship with the information ‘we’ acquire during our lifetimes.
Which is what brings me to the profundity of explicitly recognizing and learning to appreciate the Human Mindscape ~ Physical Reality divide . It offers a benchmark and a sense of sober humility in the face of infinite creation, that way too lacking these days.

Can you explain to me what the term “physical” means and how that relates to the origins and properties of of the universe and how I have demonstrated that the term “physical” is irrelevant in my mind?
You asked,
Physical Reality is the physical world of atoms, molecules, universal laws of physics and Earth’s laws of nature. It is Earth’s dance between geology and biology and time and Earth’s evolving creatures, ( and one in particular that learned to contemplate the universe and its short life ), along with everything else around us.
Human Mindscape is all that goes on inside of our minds. The landscape of your thoughts and desires and impulses and those various voices and personalities who inhabit our thoughts. The ineffable ideas that our hands can turn into physical creations, that changed our planet.