I think the titles works for me now. So, lets give it a fresh start.
Think I’ll sit on it a couple days, then see what it reads like before calling it a wrap.
I’ll bet if you stopped to think about it you’d agree that on a fundamental level the Abrahamic religions are all about self-centeredness, ours’ and God’s. These religions were declared on the basis of Faith in selected kernels of knowledge, supported by certitude, usually with empire building in mind and a hostility towards learning and outside teachers. All the while pretty much ignoring the sovereignty of our Earth’s biosphere, her other inhabitants and the reality of our evolutionary origins.
Think about it, within the Abrahamic tradition our planet’s life support system and its inhabitants never rise above things for us to exploit until we suck them dry, then we move.
Whereas to me, Earth, her creatures and biosphere, her Evolution, these are my touchstones with physical reality. It transcends all the thoughts that flow from my, or our collective, human mind.
I’ve noticed how most people seem to think, “God” comes down on us from on high, out there in the heavens, beyond our Earth and daily realities. Western philosophy was born out of such an intellectual legacy and still hasn’t broken free of those all too human ego-centric blinders.
I’ve come to understand God came from deep within us. “God” is the child of humanity’s developing mindscape.
As I’ve progressed in a life long enthusiasm for learning about my human body, people, Earth and Evolution, an alternative perspective on “God” has developed in my thoughts. A perspective that appreciates humans were born out of a long tradition of Life striving to advance.
Why, care if “why” remains a mystery? Isn’t dealing with yourself and today the real keystone to your life?
Thinking back on all I’ve learned about evolution, there’s no denying that the evidence reflects a pageant of evolution relentlessly striving towards improving Earth’s creatures. Manipulatory controls, moving, grasping - while simultaneously improving the sensing, information processing, along with command & control needed to successfully operate life’s increasingly complex bodies.
Of course, along the way many species found their niche and little further improvement was needed. If their particular environmental niche remained in place, they continued to prosper. That’s why many creature lineages plateaued. They’re doing fine where they are and contentment reigns.
This provided the foundation for a more complex network of creatures and interactions to evolve out of the previous plateau. Folds within folds of cumulative constructive adaptations along with networking, flowing down the cascade of time. Earth’s pyramid of interconnected webs of life are the result.
As my understanding has evolved into a deep appreciation for the Human Mindscape ~ Physical Reality divide, I’ve recognized that our sense of “God” comes from within ourselves, not some outside supernatural agency.
On a personal note, ironically recognizing this divide helped me validate “God” for myself with the recognition that our god’s come from within our own human mindscapes, products of our own creation, in search of something beyond our grasp.
I’ve come to think of “God” more as a manifestation of our own Egos. After all, if you really think on it, bet you’d have to agree that each individual person’s relationship with their “God” is the most personal and intimate relationship we possess, beyond and deeper than child, parent, lover, comrade.
God, that constant presence we’re always trying to please, or argue with, or listen to, or run away from, or if you are lucky, you might learn to relax and simply strive to get to know that ego/god within yourself, learn to ride it, rather than let it ride you. Don’t over do it, but don’t get lazy either, pay attention everyday, the years race by.
In short, I’ve come to understand that, “God” is a necessary component of how humans deal with an overwhelming world and a short, all too often, difficult and painful life.
With that background and 66 years worth of living and learning under my belt, I want to try my hand at some early questions: Why am I here? We live, we die, we’re gone. What’s the point of it all? Back in the day, I licked all those concerns with a simple concept that stands firm:
“Your life means as much or as little as you yourself want it to.”
I’ve found for many that’s not enough. Now with a deeper understanding of the god/religion question, a long ago youthful fancy has come back to mind. It’s a different sort of perspective on the “God” human relationship, one that starts with a mind experiment.
If a God there be, what would, what could that “God” actually know about the universe? “God” doesn’t have any senses or body with which to experience its own being. What’s a “God” without physical stuff to be a “God” of?To me it made sense that “God" could only know its creation through the experience of the inhabitants of that creation. Starting right at the ‘big bang’ along side energy and the evolving complexity of interactions in a growing cosmos. Through the stuff of matter, “God” was finally be able to sense something of itself.
Blossoming through all the different stages of the cosmos from energy coalescing into matter, then atoms, molecules, dust, rocks, galaxies, stars, planets, exploding stars, more planets, and so on. Then our miraculous Earth with time and geology, then joined by biology and life. With creatures constantly striving for ever greater grasping/manipulatory abilities, plus the sensing and processes to do the best they could with the new hardware. Then time and folds within folds of cumulative harmonic change and improvements, relentlessly moving towards ever more complexity, allowing “God” new vista’s upon the experience of life on this miraculous Earth, then came us.
Think of it, with us humans “God” finally had a creature that could reflect back on the Cosmos of its own Creation with genuine introspection. What a trip that must have been to experience. (Infinity mirrors comes to mind)
Think of it next time you’re down, You Are The Eyes of the Universe. Or simply be grateful that you can appreciate the reality you are embedded within. One that’s more fascinating than any other creature that has every existed. You are the witness for your own life. Let it matter.
The beauty of this story is that it doesn’t demand a rejection of physical reality or any aspect of science. What’s it for? What’s religion for? I’m good with the acceptance of another psychological teddy bear for our mind and soul. Like a beautiful love song that of course we know isn’t true, yet we choose to identify with it and latch our emotions onto it for a fleeting moment, because it feels good.
The important part is that it belongs within the panorama of my Mindscape, which I can recognize as being different from this Physical Reality my body is embedded within and that I’m also trying to make more sense out of.