Wow. This is the first authentic bit of analysis I believe that I have read from you. Congratulations.
Yes, I would think that the entire nation ought to be concerned, especially given what is happening in Ukraine right now. Instead though we are fed enough propaganda to put on some serious weight, yeah?
Do you concede that the U.$. has formally helped to build the Nazi movement in Ukraine?
Does this then make Voltaire a new and reputable source in your readings?
What then of the other sources who fail to address these issues?
Are lies of omission really alright with you?
Obviously the truth is so deeply masked that if you were to stand behind lies of omission you’d be ready to omit the human race. We are teetering closer and closer to it.
Already we see dirty tricks taking place.
As to what sort of dirty tricks our own country has up its sleeve…
And who is in charge of Ack’ing them before they run…
Darkness could fall upon us at any time.
Pretty sure I’m in the fallout zone for Boston.
Russkies, if you are reading, please spare one non-complicit sole…
The fraud stories that the American people have been drinking in since 2016 are immensely wrong.
As to what happens to that popultion in the future: we all are going to have to live with them.
They are going to be miserable soles in the world that is to come.
Really, to realize all the personal relations that have been fried along the way only to realize that the offenses were a fraud… and do you think Ukranians aren’t knowledgeable somehow? Europeans, too? The level of resentment that the U.$. is building up around the world… what, so we can the fight over there instead of over here? No. They are guaranteeing that there is going to be quite a fight right here on our soil. It is all set to go off now. They’ve got tensions built every which way, and the fully programmable sheeple are well established. The only hope we have is of getting the wool pulled away from their eyes.
Yet, as their pelts become plastered in crap from the deep state the possibility dwindles. The sort of shearing that is needed on this animal farm… hmmm… maybe it’ll be like this:
The grand reform finally takes place. All found guilty will have half their head shaven weekly. The reformers have to choose which half. It could be the left half, or the right half. Possibly it could even be the rear half or the front half for those who play both sides. I would think the mainstream media would get the front half shave, and the deep state and its operatives would get the rear half shave, which is probably the most stylish.
These skin heads, as they will be called, can have their subgroup intact. As to who gets to keep their hair: that is a matter of proving your own non-complicity. I’ve got mine pretty well covered now. Thank you.
As to the difference between propagandizer and propagandized: that is a blur, you see? So already arguably the Nazis have been in the deep seat for some time kindling their position and international prowess. Humans are adaptive in many ways.
Nationalism: there is a concept to behold. Exceptional? U$? Oh, we’re exceptional alright.
Just study the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act and its offspring.
Yet a careful read exposes that we aren’t even getting the full picture:
"Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act - Establishes the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group to locate, identify, inventory, recommend for declassification, and make available to the public at the National Archives and Records Administration, all classified Nazi war criminal records of the United States. Requires that: (1) Group members include the Director of the Holocaust Museum, the Historian of the Department of State, and the Archivist of the United States; and (2) the Group submit a report to the Congress describing all such records, their disposition, and the Interagency Group’s activities. Authorizes appropriations.
Requires such records to be released in their entirety, except that an agency head may exempt from release specific information that would compromise privacy, national security, or U.S. foreign policy, as specified. States that in applying the exemptions there shall be a presumption that the public interest in the release of Nazi war criminal records will be served by disclosure and release of the records. Permits assertion of such exemption only when the agency head determines that disclosure and release would be harmful to a specific interest identified. Requires such a determination to be promptly reported to the appropriate congressional committees, including the Senate Committee on the Judiciary and the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight. Subjects such exemptions to the same standard of review that applies to records withheld under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for matters that are specifically authorized by an executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy. Provides an additional exception from disclosure for records: (1) related to or supporting any investigation, inquiry, or prosecution by the Office of Special Investigations of the Department of Justice; or (2) solely in the possession or control of that office.
Amends the National Security Act of 1947 to provide that the exemption from public disclosure authorized under such Act for operational files of the Central Intelligence Agency shall not apply to information regarding any operational file, or portion of any operational file that constitutes a Nazi war criminal record."
and this is just the summary. In other words Suchasnist was already exposed as American propaganda, and it says as much in the reports on it. Now, as I had mentioned reading between the lines, and you had gone on about conspiracy theorists, isn’t there a bit more going on here with regard to this exemption?
One day we may get the grand leak. Based on the present government behavior I have to believe that there are numerous people ready to attempt it. In the media likewise the moves of Tucker Carlson to go independent are going to have an echo. At some point the indie journalist movement will be compromised, and I’ve considered Clayton Morris and his heady ways to be a candidate, but I don’t really have proof.
Democratic party insiders and their followers can point their fingers at the other side of the isle, and likely validly yell ‘Nazi!’ at a few individuals. And isn’t that just what you did to Russia only recently, too? Hmmm… maybe I’ll just have a think about that… something about the term ‘neo’ maybe…