As I watch right-wing America sink into every more paranoia and rage -
I’m amazed at their inability to recognize how much of today’s disastrous political, economic,
environmental (which they can’t even recognize)
issues are the result of their own self-centered myopic (and oh so damned short-sighted) policies
and their need to rob all their “enemies” of their basic humanity
while assuming the idiot’s stance of total innocence,
topped by this superiority thing they got going on in their heads.
But I’m rambling, maybe I’ll just leave it with Republican John Kasich succinct words.
Published on Nov 24, 2015
Donald Trump's rhetoric is dangerous and bad for America.
I would like anyone who is listening to consider some thoughts.
I paraphrase from the words of German pastor Martin Niemöller
You might not care if Donald Trump says Muslims must register with the government
because you're not one.
You might not care of Donald Trump says he's going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants
because you're not one.
You might not care of Donald Trump says it's ok to rough up black protesters
because you're not one.
You might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress journalists
because you're not one.
Think about this.
If he keeps going and actually becomes president.
He just might get around to you.
You better hope that there's someone left to help you.
on the lite side:
The All-Seeing NostraDonald
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
seeing into the future...
world's greatest memory too...
I don’t mean to discount the seriousness of your post, but Trump’s antisocial gyrations are extraordinarily amusing to me.
For me, Trump is like the Andrew Dice Clay of presidential candidates. His latest show, in his inspiring (not) campaign speech, yesterday, has him imitating/mocking the distorted arm movement of a reporter (who has a congenital arthritic deformation of his arms) who didn’t support Trump’s lies about seeing thousands upon thousands of people in Jersey celebrating as the twin towers went down.
I can find this stuff amusing, perhaps because, like Winston Churchill, I believe that “The Americans always do the right thing in the end… but only after they have exhausted every other possibility.”
I don't mean to discount the seriousness of your post, but Trump's antisocial gyrations are extraordinarily amusing to me.
Seems to me the frightening part isn't a moron like Trump, the terror is how many American's take him seriously.
And what that says about the blind rage driving so god awful many people these days.
Guess that guns selling faster than peanut butter doesn't do anything to appease my discomfort, either.
I have to think that there must be a large part of the general electorate is not really paying attention to any of this craziness. It’s just too soon for them to give it any of their time.
My fellow compatriots of rational thought, allow me to bring salve to allay any Trumpaphobia that may have been inflicted upon you. Donald has a following of less than 30% of the Republican electorate. It is unlikely to increase. If and when a more establishment oriented candidate exceeds 30% of electoral delegates, the party establishment has, in reserve, the Republican party’s version of super-delegates who can push THAT candidate over the 50% line. If no more establishment oriented candidate, emerges, there remains the rare possibility of a brokered convention, in which Trump would, still, not emerge as the selected candidate.
AND if this is NOT an accurate analysis, and Trump somehow does emerge as the Republican nominee, he would be soundly defeated in the general election.
I hope that this assuages your fears but not your outrage, or my amusement, at this travesty of a presidential candidacy.
Michael Moore did a very personal Facebook post last night. He has some conservatives in his extended family and he step away from dinner to whisper a message. He said to be nice to these guys (and it’s usually guys) in your family, they are dropping in number and losing credibility and power. He said 81% of the electorate is young, female and minorities. It’s really only a matter of minorities learning to speak across their differences and find their common problems with people like Trump, and that just might be happening.
I don’t know enough about polling to understand who the people are who are currently keeping Trump’s campaign alive. Obviously money isn’t an issue for him so that’s part of it, but he’s not paying people to answer polls, at least let’s hope not. My feeling is the people who are currently saying they will vote for Trump are people that normally don’t vote or don’t participate much in politics at all. Once the hype dies down, they’ll go back to whatever they were doing. But I don’t know how you can show that, you’d have to analyze the methodologies of an awful lot of polls.
<![CDATA[Trump is now denying that he was making fun of the reporter, that he mocked. He is denying that he knows the guy and denies that he knew the guy has a disability.
But here are the actual actual words that Trump said: "… a good reporter. This poor guy. You gotta see him" ]>
Well, you guys should know that there are well educated, smart, conscientious, and free-thinking people who like Trump. Steve Sailer is one; I invite you to read his blog at Steve Sailer Blog Posts - The Unz Review. He’s often snide and cynical, but he’s exceptionally erudite, and a keen statistician and social observer.
Well, you guys should know that there are well educated, smart, conscientious, and free-thinking people who like Trump. Steve Sailer is one; I invite you to read his blog at He's often snide and cynical, but he's exceptionally erudite, and a keen statistician and social observer.
Klortho, I just briefly perused that site on your suggestion.
Are you Steve Sailer? It's cool if you are.
Otherwise I can't see why anyone would promote that website or anything like it.
What an information overload bomb!
Plus it looks like it's almost all opinion and commentary.
Websites like that are why the American psyche is so out of balance.
And I mean left, center, right, independent, green, blue, paisley and whatever.
They're all just a bunch of information bombs. Useless information. White F%^king Noise!
edit spelling
No, I’m not Steve Sailer. I don’t really know what to make of your complaint that it’s an “information bomb” – it’s a blog. Yes, he writes about a wide range of topics. I just wanted to link to something that you guys probably haven’t been exposed to before, because, reading this thread, I get the impression that you all are in a bit of an echo-chamber here. And, this CFI site is supposed to be about free thinking and bold inquiry, right?
No, I'm not Steve Sailer. I don't really know what to make of your complaint that it's an "information bomb" -- it's a blog. Yes, he writes about a wide range of topics. I just wanted to link to something that you guys probably haven't been exposed to before, because, reading this thread, I get the impression that you all are in a bit of an echo-chamber here. And, this CFI site is supposed to be about free thinking and bold inquiry, right?
You're definitely correct on the echo chamber observation.
I've just returned here a few days ago after an approximate 14 month break.
This is also the only Forum I use(other than a musical instrument forum where political discussion is strictly forbidden.)
So this is the only place I view blogs, vlogs, or commentary.(admitting that some exposure to blogs and commentary is almost completely unavoidable today)
This CFI site is about all of that. Bring in your views and bold inquiry and stifle the echo a bit, won't you?
Those blogs are useless information bombs mostly.
If one is interested in the news they should get straight news and be educated enough to fill in the blanks or read between the lines for themselves.
As it is, it's hard to get straight news nowadays. blogs sure as heck don't help.
Blogs or Mother Jones, or Drudge reports, etc etc etc ....
No, I'm not Steve Sailer. I don't really know what to make of your complaint that it's an "information bomb" -- it's a blog. Yes, he writes about a wide range of topics. I just wanted to link to something that you guys probably haven't been exposed to before, because, reading this thread, I get the impression that you all are in a bit of an echo-chamber here. And, this CFI site is supposed to be about free thinking and bold inquiry, right?
You created an account here just to tell us this? I know what an echo chamber is, but I never point that out at the beginning of a conversation, it's main purpose is to shut communication down, to point out that facts are not being brought in. If you are basing this assessment on this one thread, you just haven't done your homework. You can find a wide variety of analysis of Trump from all ends of the spectrum out there. We are a small part of that conversation here, but if you'd like to argue any particular point, we can do that.
An echo chamber is something like Trump re-tweeting bad statistics from a white supremacist group. Or Trump, when asked if he will change his rhetoric after meeting the Black leaders, says no, because his poll numbers are still good.
> You created an account here just to tell us this?
Gotta start somewhere, right?
> I know what an echo chamber is, but I never point that out at the beginning of a conversation …
So meta, already?
Take a look at the comments above … are there any dissenters, before my post?
There are several posts dismissing all Trump supporters as, for example, “asshats”. I’m merely trying to point out that that’s not warranted.
> I know what an echo chamber is, but I never point that out at the beginning of a conversation ...
So meta, already?
You haven't said much else. You started an account, posted a link to a misinformation blog, then told us all we're wrong. What conversation would you like to have?
Well, you guys should know that there are well educated, smart, conscientious, and free-thinking people who like Trump. Steve Sailer is one; I invite you to read his blog at He's often snide and cynical, but he's exceptionally erudite, and a keen statistician and social observer.
I checked thru the site. I didn't see much that explicitly suggests that Steve likes Trump. I may have missed it. Could you give an example of what he likes about Trump?
e.g., I like that Trump is apparently not controlled by special interests.
Meh. I never said you were all wrong.
I’m so disappointed. I mean, I expected to get the typical knee-jerk hostility here, but I have to admit, I had hoped I wouldn’t. Hope springs eternal, right?
> … didn’t see much that explicitly suggests that Steve likes Trump
In fact, his opinions are nuanced. That’s a good thing, right? But if you’d like, LMGTFY: LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You
My question is, are you guys open to other points of view, or not? Are you willing to consider that there might be legitimate reasons to like Trump, that you hadn’t thought of before? Do you have open minds?