The Birth of the Stupid Party

Oh, if only this all wasn’t true.
Link –> The Birth of the Stupid Party]
Feel free to chime in if you disagree.

Do you mind if I agree?

Agree but it left out the whole establishment of the Tea Party by the Kochs and other fascists to sort of centralize and coalesce these attitudes. As for Trump being the worst? Nah, like he likes to say, he’s a business man at heart, and that means he just knows what to say to whomever he’s talking to. Even his positive comments about Hillary - he explained in an old interview with Chris Matthews that he just complimented Hillary because at the time he was purely a business guy at some event and that’s what he does - he compliments everyone. It’s a tactic. I would say the worst by far was W. He was actually and really a dumbshit. Trump’s just playacting, and giving the impression to everyone that he’s a dumbshit.

And… feel free to agree. :cheese:

Agree but it left out the whole establishment of the Tea Party by the Kochs and other fascists to sort of centralize and coalesce these attitudes. As for Trump being the worst? Nah, like he likes to say, he’s a business man at heart, and that means he just knows what to say to whomever he’s talking to. Even his positive comments about Hillary - he explained in an old interview with Chris Matthews that he just complimented Hillary because at the time he was purely a business guy at some event and that’s what he does - he compliments everyone. It’s a tactic. I would say the worst by far was W. He was actually and really a dumbshit. Trump’s just playacting, and giving the impression to everyone that he’s a dumbshit.
But the problem with play acting is that, even though it energizes the ultraconservative base with hot button rants, to borrow a phrase, the whole World's watching. Trump's advocacy of unilateralism is causing more than raised eyebrows in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. How would his policy affect NATO for example? Even his remarks about Putin's tough guy stance could embolden the Russians to try a new hegemony in Eastern Europe. And his off the cuff remarks about destroying IS have already encouraged further recruitment into their ranks. More importantly, and I've said this before, his shifting position on every issue makes it difficult to believe virtually anything he says. In comparison to W. Who I agree wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, Trump possesses absolutely no skills in international diplomacy and gives the impression of being easily manipulated by World leaders who've been playing this game for years. That, IMO is what makes this carnival barker a dangerous man. Cap't Jack
But the problem with play acting is that, even though it energizes the ultraconservative base with hot button rants, to borrow a phrase, the whole World's watching.
What are Ultraconservatives? Is that different from conservatives in general? What "hot button topics" resonate with Ultraconservatives? The whole World is watching? For what? Is the whole world collectively watching as one mind?
Trump's advocacy of unilateralism is causing more than raised eyebrows in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Is it really? Is that like a majority of the UK wanting to exit the EU? You mean that kind of Unilateralism? Is that like several nations unilaterally dealing with refugee deluges by strengthening their borders and keeping refugees out? You don't know do you VA? You're a parrot. Is that like the massive shift to the right in several European countries in the past say, 5 years? The Middle East and Asia? Their eyebrows are raising? Really? What does that mean? "Eyebrows are raising"?
How would his policy affect NATO for example?
How could NATO allow itself to be affected by one member state's policies? Is NATO relevant anymore? Can't NATO get along with a reduced US presence? Why not?
And his off the cuff remarks about destroying IS have already encouraged further recruitment into their ranks.
Really? Like bombing, droning and killing them hasn't furthered recruitment? But talking about bombing and killing does further recruitment? Trump's "off the cuff" remarks are the first remarks of this kind?
In comparison to W. Who I agree wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, Trump possesses absolutely no skills in international diplomacy and gives the impression of being easily manipulated by World leaders who've been playing this game for years.
GW's foreign policy debacle in Iraq is what inflamed ISIS and all the rest of the lunacy over there! 8-10 years and your head is right back in the sand. You're a fickle, shallow interpreter of events and history. You seem like a very easily manipulated person VA. Donald Trump gives me the exact opposite impression. He seems like someone who is not easily manipulated by anyone. He has already begun demonstrating an adept skill at foreign policy. One that will put your country first. The U.S. Or don't you want that? Probably not. You're more interested in old, outdated NATO and the US picking up the vast majority of the tab for such adventures. Your depth of understanding world affairs and policies is revealed when you say things like "World leaders who've been playing this game for years." You're full of crap VA. You're an echo box. You don't comprehend these affairs, you just parrot what you read in the tabloids.
He has already begun demonstrating an adept skill at foreign policy.
Oh please do share details :smirk: As for ultra conservatives, try the neocon idiots. ____________________________________________ Or how about folks who believe self-interest is all that matters. Or folks who are oblivious to the notion of enlightened self interest, which acknowledge we are all in this together.
What are Ultraconservatives? Is that different from conservatives in general? What “hot button topics" resonate with Ultraconservatives? The whole World is watching? For what? Is the whole world collectively watching as one mind?
Ultraconservative, the far right, the "TeaParty" neo cons, c'mon Vy you know who I'm talking about and I don't been to illucidate here. As to hot button issues, how about everything Trump seems to espouse (it's really hard to tell because he changes his mind daily), e.g. His ridiculous plan to "build a wall" in order to keep out illegal immigrants and sneaky Syrian terrorists. And want an illustration of how the whole world is watching? Read a few foreign newspapers. And BTW, that phrase doesn't allude to the World having one mind. As you already know, nations act in their own best interests and it is in their interest to be partnered to a World leader who will destabilize the alliance system, economic and military by his empty posturing.
GW’s foreign policy debacle in Iraq is what inflamed ISIS and all the rest of the lunacy over there! 8-10 years and your head is right back in the sand. You’re a fickle, shallow interpreter of events and history. You seem like a very easily manipulated person VA. Donald Trump gives me the exact opposite impression. He seems like someone who is not easily manipulated by anyone. He has already begun demonstrating an adept skill at foreign policy. One that will put your country first. The U.S. Or don’t you want that? Probably not. You’re more interested in old, outdated NATO and the US picking up the vast majority of the tab for such adventures. Your depth of understanding world affairs and policies is revealed when you say things like “World leaders who’ve been playing this game for years." You’re full of crap VA. You’re an echo box. You don’t comprehend these affairs, you just parrot what you read in the tabloids.
First of all my friend, I don't read tabloids nor do I buy into one word of what that bloviating gasbag proposes, and if you studied diplomatic history at all, which I suspect you haven't, you would know that our failed policy of isolationism, and the" America First" popular sentiment of the decade of the 30's led directly to World War 2 and this is exactly what Trump is proposing. And what pray tell gives you any indication that Trump possesses the skill to maneuver the foreign secretaries of other Nations who've been doing this for years? Practically every speech he gives is laced with absolutely nothing but empty slogans having no substance and you seem to be buying it. Incredible. His stock line when asked to reveal the substance is "I don't know but it's going to be huge"! And your comment about NATO shows how little you know or care about history! Trump stated that we didn't need it any more because the Soviet Union broke up, so dump it, right? So we just disband the military alliance that has held Russia at bay for seventy years and is now fighting terrorism in Europe because it's too expensive? Trump equates everything to money and why not, he's a businessman with a chequered past at that. He even advocates ditching the UN, why? Because it's too expensive! Remember the League of Nations, probably not. Here's a suggestion Vy, pick up a social studies book, stop watching FOX News, take off your "Make America Great Again' hat then get back to me. Cap't Jack
What are Ultraconservatives? Is that different from conservatives in general? What “hot button topics" resonate with Ultraconservatives? The whole World is watching? For what? Is the whole world collectively watching as one mind?
Ultraconservative, the far right, the "TeaParty" neo cons, c'mon Vy you know who I'm talking about and I don't been to illucidate here. As to hot button issues, how about everything Trump seems to espouse (it's really hard to tell because he changes his mind daily), e.g. His ridiculous plan to "build a wall" in order to keep out illegal immigrants and sneaky Syrian terrorists. And want an illustration of how the whole world is watching? Read a few foreign newspapers. And BTW, that phrase doesn't allude to the World having one mind. As you already know, nations act in their own best interests and it is in their interest to be partnered to a World leader who will destabilize the alliance system, economic and military by his empty posturing.
Trump is a populist, which means he appeals to the lowest commom denominator--people who have no clue as to what the actual cause of their frustration is--so they follow the Pied Piper. He will pipe them right over the cliff. "Populism is a political position which holds that the virtuous citizens are being mistreated by a small circle of elites, who can be overthrown if the people recognize the danger and work together. The elites are depicted as trampling in illegitimate fashion upon the rights, values, and voice of the legitimate people." Wikipedia "The Nazis expressed the populist yearnings of middle–class constituents and at the same time advocated a strong and resolutely anti-Marxist mobilization.... Against "unnaturally" divisive parties and querulous organized interest groups, National Socialists cast themselves as representatives of the commonwealth, of an allegedly betrayed and neglected German public....breaking social barriers of status and caste, and celebrating at least rhetorically the populist ideal of the people's community..." Peter Fritsche
Ultraconservative, the far right, the "TeaParty" neo cons, c'mon Vy you know who I'm talking about and I don't been to illucidate here. As to hot button issues, how about everything Trump seems to espouse (it's really hard to tell because he changes his mind daily), e.g. His ridiculous plan to "build a wall" in order to keep out illegal immigrants and sneaky Syrian terrorists.
Well then it would seem that over 50% of the US population is Ultraconservative, Tea Party Right-Wingers. The US has an illegal immigrant problem. It's been the elephant in the room for decades. (without getting into the social-economic dynamics-which I will not do here, the simple fact is that millions of undocumented aliens are living in the US against the laws of the US. Period!) The majority of Americans do not want more refugees coming into the US either. Why would they? How many people would answer in the affirmative if asked, "Would you like more foreign refugees to come to the US?" Same goes for the UK, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Poland, Denmark, Sweden etc etc... How many Americans would answer yes to the question, "Would you like more illegal aliens to sneak into the US"? How many would answer yes? Trump doesn't have to build A Wall. There already is A Wall. Trump merely means to expand it. In any case he has had the guts to open a realistic discussion on the problem this country faces with illegal immigration. Period.
And want an illustration of how the whole world is watching? Read a few foreign newspapers.
Do you really think that will give me an idea on how the whole world is watching? Really? I can read those same type newspapers here. (WAPO today-"Trump has taught me how to fear my fellow Americans") What you have yet to explain is what is the significance of "The whole world is watching"? Now you pay attention VA...Let's say a little kid was sneaking up to the cookie jar. But then mom said.."Hey, I'm watching you." Yeah? We know the significance there. We know what that means. The kid isn't gonna grab any cookies. The mom is watching. So now, what do you mean when you say.."The whole World is watching"? They're watching. What? Is there going to be consequences? Are they waiting to follow our lead? Are they going to poo poo us? What exactly does that mean VA? Are they going to take away our swimming pool privileges?
And BTW, that phrase doesn't allude to the World having one mind. As you already know, nations act in their own best interests and it is in their interest to be partnered to a World leader who will[not?] destabilize the alliance system, economic and military by his empty posturing.
Destabilize an alliance to whose best interests VA? Destabilize an economic system to whose best interests VA? You mean look after OUR concerns in a more professional, responsible manner that will benefit the US and it's people more? Because the jig is up. Sanders and Trump have both come out decrying our trade system and our military alliance system. Along with millions and millions of Americans. Best interests!?! How is NATO (for example) in our best interests? A minority of American Wealthy have benefited voraciously for decades and decades on the unfair trade system we have in the US. A minority of American wealthy people have benefited from the US being the world police system.
First of all my friend, I don't read tabloids nor do I buy into one word of what that bloviating gasbag proposes, and if you studied diplomatic history at all, which I suspect you haven't,
Well you're wrong, I have.
you would know that our failed policy of isolationism, and the" America First" popular sentiment of the decade of the 30's led directly to World War 2 and this is exactly what Trump is proposing. Cap't Jack
Popular sentiment in the US in the 30s led directly to WWII? Whoaa? Geeez, I always thought it was the expansion designs of Fascist Germany and Italy along with the Militarist Japan regime. But it was the "American First" slogan huhn? I'll be! Did you say you taught school in West Virginia VA? Isn't WV ranked like 45 in the US for education? Also nobody is talking about isolationism? As if that is some sort of concept nowadays. As if we ever really were...we fought in WW1, then big depression, we traded with nations around the world including Germany, and Japan, UK and Russia, then we fought in WWII..... We delayed getting into WWII by maybe 2 years. But we sent massive amounts of aid to the UK and Russia beforehand and during. Hardly isolationist. No that's just some stupid watchword you have clung to. It means nothing now, it meant even less back then. Except as a method of drumming up support for war. Again, this time, the fact that you brought up the word "isolationism" is revealing of deficiencies in your process.
Here's a suggestion Vy, pick up a social studies book, stop watching FOX News, take off your "Make America Great Again' hat then get back to me. Cap't Jack
Well, when all else fails VA you can resort to making things up right? Poking fun? Yeah, that's easier than thinking right? Yeah because I read tons of history. I don't watch FOX news and I don't wear any hats. I don't have any hats.
Yeah because I read tons of history. I don't watch FOX news and I don't wear any hats. I don't have any hats.
WOW :wow: I'd have never guessed considering the things you write. You wouldn't be trying to pull our legs, would you? I'm curious, care to share a few favorites?
I don't have any hats.
You should get one before the Sun bakes your brain further.
Yeah because I read tons of history. I don't watch FOX news and I don't wear any hats. I don't have any hats.
WOW :wow: I'd have never guessed considering the things you write. You wouldn't be trying to pull our legs, would you? I'm curious, care to share a few favorites? Try scrolling through the "what books have you read lately" thread. I don't remember seeing you in there much if I recall. :lol: Internets are more convenient for ya right?
Yeah because I read tons of history. I don't watch FOX news and I don't wear any hats. I don't have any hats.
WOW :wow: I'd have never guessed considering the things you write. You wouldn't be trying to pull our legs, would you? I'm curious, care to share a few favorites? Try scrolling through the "what books have you read lately" thread. I don't remember seeing you in there much if I recall. :lol: Internets are more convenient for ya right?Life's too busy - audio books is about the best I can do. But I've shared my list too, so ease up on your fantasizing. I do remember back in the day when I did glance at that thread, I found it seemed heavy on the sci fi, and airy blahblah type tomes, and it didn't really speak to my non-fiction, Earth sciences sensibilities so I never really got into it. If you had offered a link, I would have checked it out.
VY -I don’t watch FOX news and I don’t wear any hats. I don’t have any hats.
Fox is good for a chuckle from time to time, if you enjoy fiction as humor.
The majority of Americans do not want more refugees coming into the US either. Why would they? How many people would answer in the affirmative if asked, "Would you like more foreign refugees to come to the US?" Same goes for the UK, Germany, Austria, Italy, Greece, Poland, Denmark, Sweden etc etc... How many Americans would answer yes to the question, "Would you like more illegal aliens to sneak into the US"? How many would answer yes? Trump doesn't have to build A Wall. There already is A Wall. Trump merely means to expand it. In any case he has had the guts to open a realistic discussion on the problem this country faces with illegal immigration. Period.
What a load of racist bullshit. America is built on immigration from people across the globe who have often been fleeing war, religious persecution, tyranny and more. And they've often been greeted at first with the same kind blind hatred that you show until years later it's admitted how ugly it was. That includes: - The Irish - Italians - Jews - Eastern Europeans - Chinese - Japanese - Vietnamese - Latin Americans....many of whom were here before WASPs. And hey let's look at what was done to the original inhabitants. Reading through an older post I see that you claim to be a "left winger"- #30
Oh ok. You need to cut back on the stronger varieties of Left-Wing Kool-Aid. Little sips are ok, but you’re getting drunk off it. This is coming from a left winger.
As you're a Trump diehard, you seem to think that Hitler walked on water and are a climate change denier to boot, you come across as being to the right of Attila the Hun. So you're not even able to be honest about yourself. It's no wonder that you're a Trump man, someone else who lies his ass off for shits and giggles.
Also nobody is talking about isolationism? As if that is some sort of concept nowadays.
What do you call building a 1,000 mile wall to totally seal off a border with a country that has ties to the US going back to before it was even a country. Or tearing up trade agreements. Or saying he's going to refuse entry based on race or religion. Or denying reality on a fundamental level as with climate change denial. Americans won't even have access to the facts under Trump, just whatever BS he dreams up as being truthy for that day. Like those thousands of imaginary Muslim Americans who were partying on their New Jersey roof tops as the Towers came down.
Trump doesn’t have to build A Wall. There already is A Wall. Trump merely means to expand it. In any case he has had the guts to open a realistic discussion on the problem this country faces with illegal immigration. Period.
The limited walls and fencing that are on the US-Mexico border don't compare in the slightest to something that is intended to seal off the entire US southern border. And it's based on racist beliefs that are disproved by the facts. The fact that you think so indicates just how non-existent your critical thinking skills are. Of course the fact that you're a Trump "supporter" makes that obvious from the start. It's not guts that Donald Trump is showing, it's contempt for people he sees as being beneath him or not even being human at all. In the way that generations of racists in America have done and would clearly like to do again based on how the lunatic fringe has come out of the woodwork to support this psychopath. Trump is no better than that other racist that tried to run for president.
GOP front-runner Donald Trump has built his campaign on white fear, populism and threats against protesters. It’s not surprising he’s drawing comparisons to another unlikely presidential candidate: former Alabama Gov. George Wallace, a fervent champion of racial segregation who died in 1998. Both candidates share “the demagogue’s instinctive ability to tap into the fear and anger that regularly erupts in American politics," Dan Carter, a professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina, wrote in the The New York Times. With Trump threatening to ban an entire religious group from traveling to the United States and promising to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, his racially charged rhetoric can be difficult to distinguish from Wallace’s.
All anybody who supports him is showing is how hate filled and intolerant they truly are. One thing that is clear is what a complete liar Vyazma was in claiming to be a left winger. More like a neo-nazi. Who else would support such a creep? Oh, that's right, people like David Duke who Trump refused to condemn.
A few days before Donald Trump dominated Super Tuesday, the Republican frontrunner was being rebuked left and right for declining to denounce former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.
Who knows what kind of America Trump and supporters would create if they get a chance, what we can predict with certainty based on their clear behavior is that it's not going to be a country based on the values that so many have striven for for so long.