Trump Found Guilty

Who in their right mind would support the evolving terrorist organization known as MAGA is becoming???

Case in point, a wee peek at the monstrosity, that is the trump cult

Jun 3, 2024 #hushmoney #Trump #verdict

Rachel Maddow shows how Donald Trump routinely threatens violence and mayhem from his supporters if the American legal system tries to hold him to account, and yet at every stage of his legal prosecution, no one answers his calls for violence. Not even when he is criminally convicted. But what Trump’s supporters do instead is target with terror the specific people involved in holding Trump accountable, judges, witnesses, jurors, in the hopes of discouraging anyone else from trying it. And so, Maddow argues, Americans must support the people who are threatened and remain unafraid of Donald Trump.


These are the countries that will not currently allow the felon trump:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Cambodia
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • China
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Egypt
  • Ethiopia
  • Hong Kong
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kenya
  • Macau
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom

How is he going to hold tournaments if he cannot enter the country?


That’s half the world. There’s Pakistan, France, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Scandinavia, Finland, Portugal, Sweden…

Also, the UK and Ireland don’t like him because he screwed them over.

Moral arguments aside, Trump is not on trial for murder so that doesn’t really apply.

A lot can be said on this, but the question of why laws are the way they are is a subject for another thread.

You introduced the moral question in post 38. Now, you want to set aside moral arguments. After (you) bringing murder into this thread, the January 6 insurrection is a logical next step WRT trump.


Are you insinuating drug addiction is worse than what the dotard did? Please! What he did was far worse and he did it 34 times! Psychological help isn’t going to help that man, but psychological help, such as drug rehab can help the drug addict.

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Drugs vs infidelity - which is worse? Get ready for 20 pages of that discussion. :laughing:

Moral arguments depend on each situation, and I brought up murder as an example of a crime that is worse than paying someone to shut their mouth about infidelity. It had nothing to do with the idea that Trump is responsible from the 1/6 deaths. As I said, it doesn’t matter anyway because Trump wasn’t charged with murder.

The distinction for me is, are we talking about applying the law, like lawyers, or what we think about Trump and what should be done with him. I know what i would like to do with him, but I couldn’t do it legally. But, seriously, for sentencing, there is range of penalty for a reason.

Is he showing remorse? Is he showing a likelhood of reoffending? Is he otherwise free of suspicion and appearing to be a good citizen? Was this a mistake, something isolated, or part of a pattern? If that’s what judges consider, then Trump doesn’t come out looking good.

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And is Trump a chronic offender and a danger to the nation?
Mishandling classified documents is a serious danger to the nation.

From my French point of view, i will answer yes to both questions. In fact he is a danger for the whole world.


trying to compare apples to oranges. Didn’t NY have to scratch the bottom of the barrel to dig up old charges and laws to create the political rescue by talking about Trump and trying to take him out of the election. Other wise Biden’s incompetence and crooked dealing would be headlining. We all know how well Bidenomices and the New Green Deal are working out. Here in California Newsom can’t account for where the State spent 24 billion. Yet, no investigation into the accounting. Is that a felony? Hell, this is the guy the whining Democrats are looking at for possible president. California has thousands of miles of unused sidewalks for living on as Bidenomices policies moves American into third world status. The lines at the food give a ways are getting longer. Not shorter. So, by all means lets open the doors for more people.

Do you think he has some responsibility for the 1/6 deaths?

He’s still a criminal who needs to go to prison and 34 counts should be enough to lock him up for the rest of HIS life, which isn’t long given his age.

No. He didn’t it publicly.

They are on certain platforms

Total deflection. More in the fruit basket

The current Republican strategy, “yeah but, what about immigrants”

All immigrants are going to be replaced with American babies. That’s why we’re closing the borders and no more contraception for American women.

That’s a false dream. Experience proves it does not works.

When women don’t want children, they don’t have then. In Japan where the social position of women is a disaster, they get 1,3 children for each woman.

The birth rate of France crashed well before contraceptives came on the market. It increased again when women position was bettered and when they had hope for them and their children for a better future.

If you want babies, it is useless to forbid contraceptives.

Do you want to make women slaves and reproductive engines ?

It would an interesting proposition you should submit to the women electorate as M Trump plan.

Apparently it is a dream Republicans dream. No foreign immigration, no domestic abortion.

I thought you were speaking as if you were someone else.