Trump Found Guilty

You are right, you do not understand the gravity of the criminal offenses the Trump circle committed to gain the presidency and use the Nation’s wealth to enrich themselves. The “emolument clause”

Title of Nobility Clause

emoluments clause Also known as the Title of Nobility Clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits any person holding a government office from accepting any present, emolument, office, or title from any “King, Prince, or foreign State,” without congressional consent.|16x16

Are you prepared to judge the character of 13 jury members, a panel of Trump’s peers, who unanimously found Trump guilty on 34 separate counts of illegal financial activities and breaking civil laws, which a president swears to protect when he takes office.
Trump is not a constructive person, he is a destructive person.

Where Trump walks, flowers wilt.
Look at the trail of people who have been convicted of financial crimes committed for Trump corporation or in support of Trump’s “MAGA” war-cry.

The list is getting very long and the illegal actions are getting more and more blatant, and with potentially disastrous effects of the “snake eating its own tail”.

And if you believe that Trump is more special than any person, then you are in effect encouraging “unlawful activity without accountability”, and that is barbaric.

It is also an historical tragicomedy. The 4 years when the US experienced a civil form of “bedlam” with the patients in charge of the institution.

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Paraphrasing; I don’t know, but I do. It’s legal, but it’s not.

This is the world. We could solve so many problems that have plagued us for 200,000 years, but we do this.

It was an “election law” that was broken. It was not the affair, but paying illegal money’s to keep it from being published and thereby denying the public free access to pertinent facts.

Interesting that most cases of financial support is as an expression of freedom of speech, but in the case of Trump, money was used to “stifle” free speech… :scream:

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Doctoring financial records among other things is a felony in every civilised country i know.


Not believing the pathway you are taking.
Of course I would judge the character of the 13 jury members. I would expect a different outcome if the case was held in a different state. A jury drives the results down the road laid out. We will hear more about how that road was laid out in the New York State Court of Appeals. Watch that turn into a slow walk. I would like it better if the Supreme Court would review the case before the election.
If I wanted to send an innocent man to prison. The best place to do that would have been where the trial took place. It is not like it doesn’t happen there all the time. They have paid out a total of $322m to those wrongfully incarcerated by this system we are talking about. The most paid out of any system in the US. Take a guess, how many get released with no payment. They are just happy to get out of prison.
The New York State Court of Appeals has released its 2025 Calendar of Sessions already. Looks like a lot of people in that state have appeals. The appellate division hears more than three million cases a year.

the Department of Justice (DOJ) contended that the president had not received illegal emoluments because an Emoluments Clause violation occurs only when the president receives compensation or gifts from a foreign country because of his official duty as president.

Isn’t that a federal issue that would have to be taken care of in a Federal Court?

Isn’t these actions the actions of countries that end up with socialist governments and have people coming here now illegally to get away from those types of governments?

That is again federal. Trump was in a New York State court.

Are you saying this is what the Trump trial was about? What are the other things? It would be good to know. After all this is a president of the United States we are talking about.

Then you are more cynical about the American people than I am. This jury was approved by both sides and reflects a cross-section of professions and beliefs. But they were true to their oath and reached an “impartial” verdict, based on the criminal evidence, which was overwhelmingly incriminating.

What do you want from a jury? Declaring someone is innocent in spite of the evidence? This is what Trump is demanding; “total immunity from prosecution” for ALL crimes that he might commit. That will become Trump’s exercise of “freedom of speech”. If you’re in his way, he “erases” you.

I would hope that all Americans in every state being called for jury duty, might exercise the same commitment to maintaining a lawful process to settle legal issues.

What do you have against the possibility that Trump is in fact a criminal who has a long record of business swindles and has no absolutely no respect for law and order when it suits him. Why can Trump not be a common swindler, who got lucky.

Let me remind you that Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton to the tune of 4 million votes and came in through the backdoor of the electoral college.
He never won anything legitimately.

Donald Trump’s History with the ‘Rigged’ Emmy Awards - ‘The Apprentice’ Has Lost Eight Times

“Should have gotten it,” Trump reiterated during Thursday’s presidential debate
By Karen Mizoguchi
Updated on September 17, 2017 08:26PM EDT

During the 2017 Emmy Awards on Sunday, Sept. 17, host Stephen Colbert lampooned Donald Trump’s history with the annual ceremony – recalling the now-president’s mention of losing for his reality series amid one of the 2016 presidential debates. Here’s a look back at that October moment.

more… Donald Trump's History with the 'Rigged' Emmy Awards

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Perhaps this trial is just Karma. :slightly_smiling_face:

I watch this same sort of response going on at the capitol hill today. Department heads will be asked a question. Then ask the same question again. Then ask the same question again. And then ask the same question again. And still avoid the subject matter. The question is not about the jury. They are taking the pathway laid out before them. So, by all means, focus on the jury and not the pathway.
Didn’t Trump from the very beginning say that his company was guilty of bad bookkeeping?
Isn’t that a misdemeanor crime? Isn’t NYC known for lowering its crime rate by reducing felon crimes to misdemeanors? Didn’t the DA reduce 60% of its felon charges to misdemeanors last year? Didn’t the DA change Trump’s misdemeanor to a felon charge? Didn’t the DA run for office saying he would convict Trump? Don’t try and blame this on the jury. We have got a corrupt judge and DA. I hear DC is calling them to answer some questions. It still looks very political to me.
You’re doing the same thing with the 4M votes. Who cares about the popular vote. Except people who don’t know how the system works.

And where did the pathway lead the jury? The pathway was the evidence of wrong doing, crimes prosecutable under law.
What you are ignoring is the evidence of wrongdoing. Big Time wrongdoing!

Didn’t Trump from the very beginning say that his company was guilty of bad bookkeeping?

You mean, did Trump admit to having committed an unlawful act? Yes he admitted being guilty of crimes. Does that mean he’s off the hook?

Isn’t that a misdemeanor crime? Isn’t NYC known for lowering its crime rate by reducing felon crimes to misdemeanors? Didn’t the DA reduce 60% of its felon charges to misdemeanors last year?

I don’t care why the DA reduce some felony charges to misdemeanors in the course of addressing crime in NY.
The point was that all these crimes were prosecuted and the guilty parties where held accountable in accordance with the rules of Law and Justice.

In Georgia, Trump is being held accountable under the Rico Act, based on the evidence of wrongdoing and collusion to suppress information of wrong doing .

In the Trump case and based on Trump’s history of prior record of committing illegal acts and illegal business practices.

Lets have a look at the actual crimes committed.

Breakdown of 34 counts of falsifying business records

Here are the 34 business records Trump was found guilty of falsifying, as described in Judge Juan Merchan’s jury instructions:

  • Count 1: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 2: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 3: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 4: A Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account check and check stub dated Feb. 14, 2017
  • Count 5: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated March 16, 2017
  • Count 6: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust dated March 17, 2017
  • Count 7: A Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust Account check and check stub dated March 17, 2017
  • Count 8: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated April 13, 2017
  • Count 9: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 10: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 11: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated May 22, 2017
  • Count 12: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated May 22, 2017
  • Count 13: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub May 23, 2017
  • Count 14: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated June 16, 2017
  • Count 15: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 16: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated June 19, 2017
  • Count 17: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 18: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 19: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated July 11, 2017
  • Count 20: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 21: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 22: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Aug. 1, 2017
  • Count 23: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Sept. 11, 2017
  • Count 24: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Sept. 11, 2017
  • Count 25: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Sept. 12, 2017
  • Count 26: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 27: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 28: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Oct. 18, 2017
  • Count 29: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Nov. 20, 2017
  • Count 30: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Nov. 20, 2017
  • Count 31: A Donald J. Trump account check and check stub dated Nov. 21, 2017
  • Count 32: Michael Cohen’s invoice dated Dec. 1, 2017
  • Count 33: Entry in the Detail General Ledger for Donald J. Trump dated Dec. 1, 2017
  • Count 34: A check and check stub dated Dec. 5 2017

This is not an “error”, this is crime.

Who cares about the popular vote. Except people who don’t know how the system works.

Listen to yourself. 4 million votes were “cancelled” and you dismiss that as inconsequential because the system works “unfairly” ?

So, in this case the fundamental “wrong” is ok, but where Trump is concerned a prosecutor cannot act in strict accordanceto the law because it is unfair to Trump’s record of criminality. Repeat offenders get the book thrown at them.
They deserve it.

Of course, you are aware that 1 out of 4 businesses get penalized by the government each year for record keeping. That would mean that in 4 years just about every business in America is a criminal. Except the government run businesses. They don’t seem to get penalized as much.
Let me ask you a few questions.
How many laws are there?
How many laws are felonies?
How many laws are written by departments and not congress?
What is the statute of limitations on the item from 2017?
Anyway, you look at this case it is not normal. This is a political hit job.

I disagree that 4M votes were cancelled. Show me the proof. You do understand the United States is a representative democracy?

Too bad not all felonies are equal.

Doesn’t matter if not all felonies are equal. 34 counts should get him time, possibly for the rest of his life. Anything less is BS and purely biased on the judge’s part.

OK, that should have been 3 million votes. My mistake, but… still…

Hillary Clinton Officially Wins Popular Vote by Nearly 2.9 Million
Hillary Clinton has officially won the popular vote.
By ABC News
December 22, 2016, 1:35 PM

2.9 million Federal votes were cancelled by the Electoral State College
The winner lost.

The principle is the same as handicapping in golf, where the winner loses the game due to the loser’s handicap.

Yohe, you are fundamentally dishonest, it’s been pointed out plenty in the past.

‘If facts don’t matter, this country is lost’: Weissmann on MAGA assault on rule of law


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It does matter. That’s how US law works.

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I think it does matter and I think U.S. law would treat a person with that many felonies worse than someone who has only 4 felonies. I don’t believe it works as you believe it does. If it does, then the U.S. is screwed up worse than we think it is.

Come on now. Who in their right mind is going to claim that 4 counts of e.g. murder is better than 34 payouts to your lawyer for hush money over infidelities.

That would be a good question if it didn’t ignore reality.

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Murder is not the only other way to get felony charges. One can have 4 counts of drug possession and have felony charges. Why should the dotard get away with 34 counts of felony when the drug addict has to spend time in prison of 4 felony counts of possession? It really does not take much (by way of the drug) to get felony possession charges on crack or meth. One can have enough to fit in their pocket and felony charges. Drug addicts deserve treatment not prison and yet the dotard gets to walk around free, as a flight risk (don’t give me that BS from earlier) while a drug addict has to sit in a cage until trial.

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