Trump backing out of debate with Kamala? Some call it cowardess

What are you not following from the above?

What’s your source, because I haven’t heard that she said no.

I can help you keep up to date on these sort of things

Why would anyone in America want to watch a “debate” on FOX the faux News network?

# The uneasy truce between Donald Trump and Fox News

A network emblematic of the American right has forged a delicate new relationship with the former president

I supposed you love professional wrestling also?
Debates are supposed to be honest exchanges of ideas and facts, not staged performances. No thanks FOX faux news network, doesn’t know the first thing about truth or honesty or fair & balanced - plus it wasn’t even FOX’s offer you silly, it’s The Diaper Donald fantasizing again, and his MAGAs swallowing with eyes and minds shut, and corporate media breathless repeating every utterance no matter how dishonest or nonsensical.

Because some say trump will be made to look foolish by Kamala

Egghead does have a point there. Kamala is going to mop the floor with the dotard.

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Come on,

That’s repeating what most people believe.

Up your game.

Looking forward to hearing from you, especially when you get around to wanting to discuss something, as in healthy intercourse.


Will she accept the challenge??

What challenge?
Kamala has accepted the challenge of running for US President.
The Trump is simply blathering.
It’s called postering and has nothing to do with any “challenge”.

Kamala is focused on the job, and doesn’t have time for entertaining The Donald’s fantasizing.

34 sec ago

JUST IN: Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on a running mate, AP sources say, with an announcement coming in hours

Oh, there’s this also:

2:25 PM MDT July 5th

JUST IN: Ex-Trump attorney Jenna Ellis to cooperate in Arizona fake electors case, charges to be dropped

They’re turning on the big orange and each other. Looks pretty ugly from here.

Donald Trump Campaign Office Opening Descends Into Fist Fight

Published Aug 06, 2024 - By Flynn Nicholls


He made an offer he knew would lead to negotiating, and knew he could get some mileage out of her response.

This is why the parties should go back to letting the League of Women Voters run the debates

I love it when I can agree with you 100% :bouquet:

Why do smart people feed obvious trolls?

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Ah?, because they are the only one’s visiting?

Why do I wake up feel good, even though I know the world is going to hell in way too much of a hurry. Guess, it’s my animal nature. Well and my actual situation which I’m quite content with.

But to get back on point, I believe the stupid questions deserve responses, no response is like admitting they have a point or something.

It was that way with the climate science contrarians too, strategically dishonest questions should not be ignored, rather they should be spotlighted, and people given the information to see through the deliberate frauds. Of course, that strategy hasn’t work for a pooh. Still, that’s no reason to ignore the facts - it is a reason to examine ourselves to see why we people haven’t learn an ounce of wisdom in our blinkered race for ever more stuff and to become God-like.

I have an idea of why all efforts towards a saner sustainable way of doing business failed so miserably. It’s because almost no one dared discuss the bottom line, single most significant problem - humans inability to share, let alone imagine doing with less.

Now no one wants to think about the consequences of our choices this past half century.

Without that key reality check, it’s all been pretty near hopeless during this past half century when we still lived in the reality of plenty, and could have made significant trend reductions, with fairly minimal actions, but that runway was overflown during the 1990s.

Here we are 2024 and some people talk about turning around global warming, talk about being lost within one’s mindscape, oblivious to what physical reality is, and is doing.

Well, we know that Trump DID NOT keep his promise to debate Kamala Harris as originally agreed upon. Typical Trump, promises but never delivery.

You cannot now turn this around and insinuate that Harris is afraid of Trump.

That is typical Trump , bluster, then refusal for an invented obstacle, then blame the other party for breaking a promise. The trick of the con-man.

That doesn’t fool me.

Harris doesn’t have to debate him. He had his chance and as usual blew it.

Where is this debate offer from FOX network, I’ve been trying to find it, but can’t!

The closest is:

“I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th,” Trump said Friday night in a post on his Truth Social platform. “The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant, and I am in litigation against ABC Network and George Slopadopoulos, thereby creating a conflict of interest.”

It sounds like the way The Donald could declassified Top Secret documents by wishing it.

FOX made no offer - egghead The Donald pulled the offer out of his dark private place, you really should consider getting your egg out of the trump’s unmentionables and smell the fresh air.

The guy is finally going down like the detailed toxic freight train wreck that he is. And not a moment too soon. Save your egg while you can. :v: :slightly_smiling_face:

Fair enough. I just don’t find it worth my time anymore. I see some participants as truly conned by FOX news and I try, for a while, to reason with them.
Still, there are others who clearly seem to enjoy nothing more than being an ass.

Here you are . Happy to help

Oh you want me to be impressed with FOX faux news tossing the pitch at trump’s behest?
Dude, you’re acting as big a joke as The Donald.

You don’t know anything about balance do you?

That you can even suggest Harris should be under some obligation to get down into the gutter with the Putin loving billionaire rats at FOX news.

But egghead thinks they would make a great host for a political debate???

The heading hasnt aged well. Trump wants 3 debates!!!

If Harris agrees , Trump will want 5 debates, until Harris says no and Trump will claim victory. You just don’t know Trump’stactics and if you do you are just another con-man just like Trump.

Trump is a CRIMINAL and has been a CRIMINAL all his life. He is a clinical psychopath.