This is a pretty quiet forum

Its been hours since anybody has posted here.

Could be days. Hope you aren’t holding your breath.
Great thinkers have become rather rare these days. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Could be days. Hope you aren't holding your breath.
Damn, No wonder I'm turning blue does it ever get busy?

This board is true to it title, but not concerning issues.

This board is true to it title, but not concerning issues.
Does that upset you?
This board is true to it title, but not concerning issues.
Does that upset you? See what I mean?

Just doing my part

Perhaps, we as a people have lost the art of dialogue.

Oh and you aren’t doing much to help bring it back.

Just say’n :wink:


I noticed this morning that a couple threads suddenly rose to the top after a few years. I think there is some spam that was marked on these, so you don’t see the recent post.