The "wokewashing" of Biden's cabinet 

Katie Halper, Rania Khalek, Brianna Joy Gray discuss how the media is trying to disguise how bad Biden’s cabinet is going to be.


@anton do you believe everything dumpster people say? They worship the dotard like a cult and they are Cult 45. I seriously doubt Biden is going to worse or as bad as the dotard. The dotard has nearly destroyed the U.S. Biden will be an improvement, as well as improve things. We did very well under President Obama and I expect to the U.S. will do well under Biden. However, no one knows how much better President Biden will do than the dotard, but we do know it will be far better. You cannot listen to one ignorant video.

Anton are you a fan of the trumpkin?

If so why?

There’s so much sarcasm and hyperbole in this, I can’t tell where they stand half the time. They are throwing out obscure names as if they are people who are in the headlines every day. Cabinet members are rarely high profile people, once you get past Secretary of State and a few others. Then, they construct arguments much like anton does. The pick a fact, like the amount of pollution in a guy’s district, and claim that is a reason to disqualify him as someone who can speak on climate change and makes him not a science based candidate for the position.

These are just disconnected dots, but they throw them out so fast, you either take notes and go check their facts, or you just take this 7 minutes of someone’s Zoom meeting and call it investigative journalism. This is just some people who spend some time on the internet and put together whatever they want as if it is a complete picture. Even if I agreed with them, this is not how I would present this information.

Agreed on the sarcasm and hyperbole point.

This, in my observation, is virtually appositional to the manner in which commentators on religious radio station talk shows speak about certain targets - the future Biden cabinet, the liberal leaning, the unreligious, the threat of socialist policies - with arguments from incredulity and cherry picking of facts thrown in.

Free inquiry and seriousness compete badly in the arena of attention and clicks and listenership.

Its fake progressives like yourself John that always turn right when it comes to the push and shove on challenging the status quo and the economic system that we live in today.


Look how Lausten has framed his discussion.

“they pick a fact, like the amount of pollution in a guy’s district, and claim that is a reason to disqualify him as someone who can speak on climate change and makes him not a science based candidate for the position.”


The kind of talking point lifted from the corporate media handbook. Absent is the acknowledgment of the critical point being made of Cedric Richmond’s ties to fossil fuel industry with their donations who now is the climate change liaison No one here sees a problem ? And throwing stones at others for disconnected dots, how is it that one can show a stream of consciousness at one time and talk about wall st subversion of democracy and in another completely dismiss it?


Using identity politics such a race, to excuse the selection of corporate executives in your Cabinet should be condemned by any forum (such as this one) who claims to be progressive, promoting reason, logic and critical thinking.

Ad hominem argument - I suspected that I had missed one.

Much obliged for the hint, @anton.

The clip is of well known leftist activists making an accurate point about how Biden is a very centrist neoliberal and his cabinet choices will probably not be “progressive”. And the media will try to convince younger voters otherwise.

It’s funny how the liberal boomers automatically think any Biden criticism is Trump fans at work.


If they are so well know then why haven’t I heard about them? I doubt they are leftists.

Katie Halper is a comedian with a career dotted with directing, commentary articles, and some political activism. I, personally, shall look elsewhere for opinions of sophistication and rigor on social or political issues.

The other two are indeed progressive/ left, AFAIK, and have just enough professional cred to know better than to use the sort of commentary and “argument” types they present here.

Yet they do. It’s a funny old world.


Its quite telling that you cannot produce any counter arguments to what is being put forward by the lefties

Cedric Richmond’s ties to fossil fuel industry with their donations -- anton
File that under "this video added nothing to the conversation". I can google the guy and get better information than they present here. Like I said, if I could follow their sneers and eye rolls, I might agree with them, but the only thing they accomplished is give me a name to look up and find out what the F they are talking about.

I drove from New Orleans to the plantations for the tours. There were very large signs warning you to not breathe too much while passing by those factories, and the very strange sight of giant tankers sticking up above the fields. It’s one of the centers of oil and gas production, so not surprising it’s polluted. If anyone has a way to fix that, maybe they should run for his seat.

@anton I admit it’s possible that the contents of my last post are unindicative of why counter argument is a foul use of effort regarding the OP video, though I’d be surprised if that were the case.

Its quite telling that you cannot produce any counter arguments to what is being put forward by the lefties -- anton
It's quite telling that you don't have an alternative candidate for this position. What you've accomplished is to look up something on the internet, or more likely just accept the next suggested hit on YouTube, then point to it and yell "hypcrite" to anyone who voted for Biden or calls themselves a liberal. He's one of 9 on a team. Do you know who the other 8 are? Do you know anything about him other than the facts you've listed here? Do you know anything about the groups that are speaking up against him? Quick, go google it and cut and paste some other talking points.

"It’s quite telling that you don’t have an alternative candidate for this position.

Tone deaf?

The sunrise movement and the justice democrats asked biden that the new administration not hire anyone with ties to the oil and gas industries

" He’s one of 9 on a team. Do you know who the other 8 are? "


Of the 6 picked on monday to his cabinet and white house staff all have one thing common in that they are pro American imperialism and Wall Street.

The sigmificant point these lefties are trying to educate you on is that the emphasis on diversity is used to distract.


:but the only thing they accomplished is give me a name to look up and find out what the F they are talking about."

The heartbreak. They told you something that you didnt already know!

“If anyone has a way to fix that, maybe they should run for his seat.”

Well it aint going to be more oil and gas!!!

If they are so well know then why haven’t I heard about them?
Generation gap I'd guess.
The sigmificant point these lefties are trying to educate you on is that the emphasis on diversity is used to distract. -- anton
Oh my (clutches pearls) do you mean that a Presidential candidate made promises and painted himself as diverse and untouched by corporate greed but in reality he has rich friends with corporate ties? I had no idea. I want to change my vote to that other guy, the one who actually is a rich friend and has been paying off politicians all his life, at least he's open about it. Oh wait, he's not. Darn, the world is complicated.

What exactly am I being distracted from? Go find another YouTube that will blather on about how money has corrupted politics, because obviously I don’t know that. Please, take your time. Please spend several hours or days finding the perfect video.

You are a caricature anton. Even when you take the side of diversity and liberal values, you just come off as one of a million blowhards on the internet.

Youre the guy that will sit around rubbing his head when Trump Mark II gets voted in and says to himself - how the heck did that happen?

No really anton, go find that YouTube, please, go now. It’s important that you find new information that me, the unwoke, needs to see, so I’ll know why an authoritarian gets elected in a time of rapid liberalization, in a country where the politicians can be bought and paid for, after decades of defunding schools and rotting people’s minds with entertainment disguised as news, until people are making signs saying “No Socialism, leave my Medicare alone”.