The West is Falling Apart - Now Macron says France Facing Civil War

Yes … . And no easy issue.

Compromising is not in the culture of French politicians, as they did not need to since 1958.

Right and half of the center do not want to govern with the left, the left and half of the center do not want to govern with the right.

And half of the left does not want to govern with the center and the other half agrees only if the centre gives up its program and applies fully the program of the left.

Socialism communism and fascism have always been strong in France.

Then there’s all their ghastly philosophers like the existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre was an atheist and he taught violent rebellion to muslims, and gave the world jihad


Any sources ? Honestly, I don’t think there is any relationship between Sartre, a leftist and an atheist, and Jihad, which existed well before him.

[Jihad - Wikipedia]

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You’ve got to be kidding. Satre lived in the 1900’s

Throughout Islamic history, wars against non-Muslims, even when motivated by political and secular concerns, were termed jihads to grant them religious legitimacy. This was a trend that started during the Umayyad period (661–750 ce).Jun 19, 2024

Whats so bad with socialism and communism?? Fascism is capitalism response to a crisis within that can lead to it being abolished.

Many postmodernist quote Sartre as an influence to that ridiculous ideology

Which one ?

Jihadism or fascism ?

You told that Sartre taught jihad to Muslim, we ask sources and proof you wrong, and without answering, you change your claim without citing any source.

Sartre did not began to really publish before WWII, well after Fascism fascism and Nazism came to power.

Sartre life

Postmodernism . Sartre writings on individual freedom without context on nature, society and history appeals to the postmodernist

“You told that Sartre taught jihad to Muslim, we ask sources and proof you wrong, and without answering, you change your claim without citing any source.”

Moi ???

I will not say more.

Yes you have made a blunder. You got your wires crossed with who said what

On Sartre , I may add that circumstance of politicizing quite old philosophical idea of existentialism that affected post war youth was directed towards providing bourgeois liberal politics an alternative to totally discredited even criminal, entire spectrum of what we could call mainstream French politics before WWII.

While in the same time from fires of war only political left communists, socialists, anarchists stand relatively unscathed as they vehemently opposed Nazis and collaboration of bourgeoise with their crimes.

And Sartre having popularity and credibility of participating in “French resistance” and being arrested and interred in concentration camp during the war (where he wrote his book “Being and Nothingness” and his plays like “Fly” was perfect candidate of repudiated by working class French ruling elite to become their opportunistic puppet by peddling existentialism as new bourgeoise political alternative with no Nazi political baggage.

Existentialism was peddling as overwhelming power of individual himself in shaping his own life regardless of social context as well as solely individual responsibility of his own actions that in fact are not subject to any moral system of valuation but are judged only by honesty or hypocrisy and cowardice of rejecting it or blaming context or circumstances or other imperatives for consequences of ones actions.

Such a convoluted nonsense served no one but political expediency of that time by justifying abhorrence of petty bourgeois immoral inhumane behavior during war and in the same time provided a path of escaping judgment of humanity by admission of their crimes, self absolution and moving on like nothing happened, this time perhaps changed for individual better.

To his credit before his death Sartre repudiated practically whole his political and philosophical works by admitting he was wrong and while still insisting that human has no essence and hence is theoretically free in fact admitted he is in chains of so called human condition within natural environment and human social organization driven by overwhelming materialistic historiosophical process.

In fact Sartre as well as existentialism has been used abus and sicarted onto historical garbage dump by those who set him up and hence his contribution was mostly , like Frankfurt school to confuse youth, to Dover their attention away from Marxism as theory and practice of historical developments channeling them into dead end of individualism removing reality of brutal daily class struggle from mass consciousness into realm of isolated lonely disputations with our alter egos calling it revolution.

Sartre was not in a concentration camp, he was a war prisonnier.

And the evolution of Sartre 's philosophy is more complex than what you say.

[Jean-Paul Sartre - Wikipedia]

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President Emmanuel Macron tramples on election results declaring that his government would remain in office despite losing the July 7 election until the games end in mid-August. This and provocatively invites Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, despised worldwide for Israeli genocide in Gaza, to attend the Olympics.

a war with workers is ensured with 9 out of 10 people in France oppose his pension cuts to fund military escalation and his calls to send troops to Ukraine.

The matter is that today, no party or coalition is strong enough in parliament to govern.

He can play with that, and as long as it lasts, he is the master of French politics.

He hopes for a coalition of right, center and part of left.

But the left will not ally with anyone who wants to pursue the same policies more than 2/3 of the French rejected.

In fact Macron, his despising of the poors and his policies are paving the road of the ultra right to power.


The main factor propping up capitalism in France for a hundred years has been class collaboration. In the «old» Popular Front of 1934-38 the Stalinists and the reform Socialists brought into the FP the Radicals to provide the necessary ingredient of class collaboration. That undermined opposition to fascism and prepared the Vichy regime.
After Liberation in 1944-45 the Stalinists sold out the socialist revolution in favor of participation in the DeGaulle ministry.
During the May 1968 student-worker revolt the Stalinists again propped up the DeGaulle regime, in return for economic concessions.
In the current crisis the reformists — NPA, LFI, various Pabloites and Morenoites — plus the bourgeois «Socialist», Green and «Communist» parties, all of these act to enable the Macron ministry. Melenchon, the left face of the New Popular Front, is willing to enter the cabinet.
Former «Trotskyists» — the LO, NPA, Revolution Permanente — they all spit on Trotsky’s critique of the Popular Front and provide Macron some cover.

This class collaboration is opening the door to the neo-fascists of the National Rally.

Totally false. It would be a political suicide for them.

The matter is that they detain roughly 1/3 of the seats in parlement.

They have the choice, between their whole program and nothing done, and some concessions and may be some things done.

Now, please just keep in mind the fact that the possibilities of a socialist revolution are null and were null in 1947 as in 1968, as it is now.

The revolution was not sold, a functional compromise was passed, the Fordian-keynesian compromise. The revolution was not possible, the the capitalist system was in competition with the communist system, everyone had an interest in a compromise. The capitalists made concessions, the revolutionaries accepted that the system worked.

This system lasted until the fall of the USSR and until the establishment of financial and globalized capitalism.

It allowed in Europe, the establishment of social security, the welfare state, paid holidays, pension systems, guarantees for unions, and many other advances.

These are challenged today by the capitalists, and by politicians like Macron. This challenge constitutes one of the causes of the rise of the extreme right in Europe.

The choice is between keeping clean hands or doing nothing.

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Totally disagree

Workers in other parts of Europe have seen this before, with Syriza in Greece, Podemos in Spain and other bourgeois nationalist “left” parties. Once in power or holding majorities in the parliament, they merely prop up the existing capitalist order and help them with whatever fleecing of the working class is needed to buoy the market and prepare new and more bloody wars of imperialist conquest.

Melenchon is a liar and traitor to French workers. The NFP is a pathetic repeat of the Front Populaire of the 1930s minus the working class support. Unsubmissive France (LFI) have no principles and are based on purely opportunistic calculations. Soon they will be dancing to the banksters’ music and demanding French workers pay for war against Russia while arming the zionazis in USrael to continue the genocide.

The pseudo-left profit from war. They know they have nothing to fear from it. They are terrified of an independent movement of the mighty French working class. Only the ICFI and PES can show workers the way forward.

Another capitulation to the right.

Lucie Castets, a top finance ministry official and adviser to the Socialist Party (PS) administration in Paris is to be put to Macron as the prime minister by the NFP