The most recent Democratic Debate

Yeah, well, I’m looking forward to retiring in 11 years. I will retire when I’m 65, if I have anything to say about it. Looking at my grandparents, retirement is when one begins to live life. My grandmother outlived my grandfather by 20 years, dying in her 90s, never working a day in her married life and she was very happy. If one spends their whole life working they cannot live life. All they do is work and that’s not living life. I want to live life. As for my grandson, if things don’t change, spending money on a college education will not help him get ahead in life. It will only put him in a financial hole the way things stand now.

I think for ages 20-54 groups who get COVID-19 wind up as 20% of the ICU cases. If you go to ICU, you will probably not die, but, after recovering, you could be messed up in your respiratory function for some amount of time (who knows how much decreased function or for how long.)

That’s what my son was telling me today and he’s 31. He even admits he’s having nightmares about it himself, so he’s just as scared as all of us.

My grandmother outlived my grandfather by 20 years, dying in her 90s, never working a day in her married life and she was very happy.
Different times, unlikely to return. Besides having a husband who earned enough to support his family on his own, you can bet your grandmother worked every day at keeping her family together. That's not a slam against your husband, it was just a different time with a different wage structure. I, for one, appreciate what it takes for a stay at home mom to keep a home, keep everyone fed and clothed and have a successful family life. Play time it isn't.

I’ve known a bunch of people who are now retired. Most ( I could probably say all) have had a successful retirement because of what they earned after their children and grandchildren no longer depended on them to take up the slack in their finances. This was mostly when their earnings were at or just past peak and mostly at or after retirement age.

You will have a better feel for what you will need for your preferred lifestyle during retirement when you get there. Inflation is likely to double the prices of everything in the next 11 years and double them again, probably twice, before you are 90. I haven’t counted on Social Security to keep up. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is reduced to welfare levels soon and/or goes away in 20 years; it is just not sustainable. I got my money out of my IRA and 401K type accounts. The Feds can take them and issue you Social Security credits for them. Such laws have already been introduced as the one way Social Security could be saved.

I sincerely wish you luck on your retirement aspirations. Best advice: don’t ever buy stock in the company you work for. If it does well you will do well, but if it goes under you could lose both your job and your investment.

@ibelieveinlogic I already know what I need and by hook or by crook, it will happen in 11 years.