<p style=“text-align: left;”>
</p>We, the US citizens, all have two Senators. Every Senator accepts emails, phone calls and letters. They pay attention only when they get deluged with mail.If you believe Donald Trump betrayed his Oath of Office, it’s your patriotic duty to let your Senators, Democratic and Republican, know how you feel.
This is an all hands on deck situation like America has never endured before. You’ll find the complete list of Senator contact information at the bottom of this post. Along the way you’ll find links to informative details: Detailed information of: 77 days of Trump fomenting sedition; The Myth of Voter Fraud; Creating a Worst Case Pandemic; Out and Out Criminality; Senator’s Addresses. Make your voice heard!
If you want to be more than an impotent spectator to history, participate, contact your Senators, tell them why you believe Trump must be impeached - that is to send a clear message, the American people will not tolerate criminality and totalitarian thinking in their presidents.
Let’s acknowledge our bias. We believe in American pluralism and democracy.
We accept the Statue of Liberty’s promise of a civil nation of immigrants; and a government, of the people, by the people, and for the people. Never perfect, but striving to do better.
source: NYTimes
{My question is, why isn’t the Democratic Party (and social media) pounding on their drums and engaging their grassroots into such constructive action? }