Sleep Paralysis and Apparitional Experiences


In 2009, my opinions above were strongly opposed by all on the website forum consistently when I first published them on the website of International Association for the Study of Dreams. After several years of impassioned debate people on the website forum, everyone consistently approved my opinion that these dreams are of no any special meaning and the causes of dreams are very simple. Since March 2009, nobody has published dream-related articles on the website forum. In the end of year, the website forum had to be closed. After knowing the reasons of nightmares, sleep paralysis, flying dream and falling dream , nobody will believe the dream theories of Freud and other oneiromancy masters. The disclosure of scientific mysteries such as the nightmare , sleep paralysis, flying dream and falling dream is equivalent to sentencing the dream theories of Freud and other oneiromancy masters to death.

For thousands of years, all people around the world have mistaken that palpitation is caused by nightmares, which can’t be explained within human’s intelligence.Chinese scientists Cheng ming made bold breakthroughs after 6 years’ intensive studies. In 1992, finally, he found it is the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases as palpitation braking out during somnus that caused human’s sense of fear (palpitation may not cause sense of fear, while sense of fear is deemed to be caused by palpitation), and which causes nightmares further. This new significant scientific discovery found out by Chinese scientists Cheng ming not only recovered the long-time secret of nightmares, but also corrected the mistake deeply believed by all people around the world that nightmares cause sense of fear. The mistake placed scientists around the world in an embarrassing situation. For many years, some deleted my articles, or some stopped to provide nightmare consultations on their blogs and even closed down their blogs when read my article on their blogs or other forums. Since 2009, there has been hardly any Chinese or English blog for dream consultation published by dream researchers around the world.

The reasons for the dreams are very simple, viz. they are the reactions of the objective things in the minds. As Germany’s well-known psychologist William Wundt’s view of “the most common causes of the dream are indigestion, heart pulsation (palpitation or flustered), difficulty in breathing, as well as such symptoms." Psychologist A Moree after a rigorous study also pointed out that: "The dream is the organism having a misunderstanding of the emotional perception, for example, the noisy at night when sleep will cause a dream of sound of thunder. For instance, students dreaming the examination before the pre-examination, is caused by the things about examination, and dreams about urgency of urine are caused by the sense of urgency of urine after sleep. By the same token, nightmares are caused by three most common of symptoms of tachycardia cause a feeling of seeming to be chasing. bradycardia or premature or premature beat cause the feeling of heart suspension or heart sinking. and the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen cause very terrible dizziness, palpitations, feelings of chest pressure, dim vision, tinnitus and a variety of neurological symptoms, which are also common in healthy people during the day.


Therefore, people in sleep accordingly will have the three most common nightmares : one is dream of being chased and attacked(occasionally hunting other people) ;one is dream of flying in the air or dream of falling down ; the other is all the people who are prone to the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen frail corporeity, excessive fear, taking the quinidine which may lead to low blood pressure, as well as a excessive high pillow ors, error in sleeping style which may lead to the aggrieved neck, pressed blood stream. when they sleep in deep night, they will have the extraordinary corresponding horrible dreams, in the dreams, they do some kind of terrible Belial pressuring them or being hunted down, but they can not cry out or escape, which are called nightmare in iatrology. Vague terrors in light sleep, which is known as the most awful sleep paralysis. Sometimes people was just woken up with the transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen, be cause the vision continuing for a few minutes and dyskinesia have not yet concluded, which will cause psychological illusion that people struggle to wake up but fail to do it.


Scientific theories can be confirmed. introducing several causes of a disease, a scientific researcher will further explain different consequences resulting from each cause to prove his opinion.For example, nightmares are caused by the symptoms of tachycardia. bradycardia or premature beat.and the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen cardiovascular diseases, which are also common in healthy people during the day. Correspondingly, dream of being chased or dream of attacked;dream of flying in the air or dream of falling down and the most awful sleep paralysis these three kinds of nightmares with different clinical manifestations will be caused. On the contrary, pseudoscience is confined to introducing the causes of nightmares and motion sickness, without further explaining each causes different clinical manifestations. Otherwise, the lie will be self-defeating.

Early this morning, sleep paralysis, first for me; the shadow man in the hat was at the foot of the bed, his back to me. He had the shadow boy with him, the boy went around the bed and started whispering stuff I couldn’t understand in my ear. Then my right eye started to fade to black, whorls and stuff started to show up in the black. I was apparently saying ‘get out’ multiple times before I was screaming it until I was shook out of it.

I’ve seen the shadow people before in dreams (a mother and daughter but they had visible clothing, later a man. and 2 years ago one in a tattered gre cloak that claimed to be a ‘god of nothing’[was in process of some ritual I didn’t quite understand, and it was just me and him]

If you work in mental health, your coworkers should not be calling anyone batshit.

I realise my reply is about 2 and a half years late. However, after laying awake having just experienced my third sleep paralysis (demonic of nature each time) episode, I decided to start googling and came upon your post.

A bit of background first: I never experienced these ‘episodes’ up until 2 years ago when I had my son. I was 28 at the time (now 30). Previously I had demony nightmares, but nothing compared to this.

I don’t consider myself superstitious or highly susceptible. I am an attorney (or lawyer) and a fairly logical person. Although I do experience stress, I wish to add that I do not drink, smoke or use drugs (as I have a baby to take care of). This I state simply to note that the experiences I share was not hallucinations due to drug use.

So, first episode: It was during June 2020, in the first month following the birth of my son. Granted, I was sleep deprived at the time, so I initially wrote it off on account of that. My husband took the baby that night, and gave me about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I went to sleep in the guest bedroom alone.

I awoke some time between 2- 3am, not able to move or speak, except my eyes. I was vividly awake, and knew where I was etc. I instinctively knew something was there and something was very wrong. I was terrified. I could hear nothing except my own pounding heartbeat and a growl in my ear. It was like all other sounds were muted.

I also felt a pressure on me on the bed (I was laying on my back) as if a heavy figure was climbing on the bed on top op me.

This first episode lasted about 30 secs - 1 min, after which I was released and ran out of the room. I refused to sleep there again and we moved a year later.

The Second Episode occurred quickly after the first one, about a month or two later, however slightly different. This time, I was sleeping in the main bedroom with my husband and the baby was sleeping in his own room in the cot. I dreamt that I was in an unfamiliar setting in the bath tub with my baby. Then demons were trying to drown my baby. I awoke in a panic from the dream and once again knew something was very wrong. This time I could move. I woke my husband and told him something is wrong with the baby we should go check on him. We had a baby monitor in the cot, that gives an alarm if the baby is not breathing, and it didn’t go off. As we got to the baby’s cot, his face was completely covered with a blanket and my first thought was that he had suffocated. Frantically I pulled the blanket away and thankfully the baby was fine. However I could not shake the feeling that the dream was a premonition or warning of sorts.

Third Episode, two years later today: New house, July 2022. I am sleeping with my husband in the main bedroom. I awoke around 4am feeling a pressure between my legs, as if a man was sitting between my legs on top of the blankets. I was once again laying on my back. I was paralyzed and could not move, except my eyes. I tried reaching out to my husband to wake him, but couldn’t. I was terrified. Then it felt as if it was tucking me in (almost lovingly), pushing the blanket in around my legs and feet. I could even feel it moving my leg from side to side tucking the blanket in under my leg. I couldn’t hear anything else except my heart pounding in my ears. All other sounds were muted again.

Those sound intense. I don’t discount your experience.

I had an “out of body” experience after a week long trail clearing, very exhausted. I read a book that said I was living someone else’s experience. I eventually abandoned that. Also read about how your body has a chemical that lightly paralyzes you when you sleep. If your mind wakes up first, you can’t feel your body. It can feel like you are held down.