Schumer: GOP's Indulgence Of 'MAGA Republicans' Will Backfire

Disappointing that you are unable to have a normal conversation.

What michaelcrawford doesn’t want to know:

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell speaks to Neal Katyal, former acting U.S. Solicitor General, Andrew Weissmann, former FBI General Counsel, and Bradley Moss, a national security attorney, about what we can learn from the newly released Trump search warrant and why Donald Trump’s newest explanation for the classified documents found at Mar-A-Lago makes no sense.

That’s a lot of homework.
Especially if one doesn’t know how to read!

More to follow :+1:t2:

After the FBI searched former President Trump’s property, Historian Michael Beschloss joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to put the historic events of the week in context. Beschloss says the Republican Party used to believe in national security and law enforcement institutions, but, “what we’re seeing with Donald Trump and Republican leaders kneeling at his feet, they’re saying we don’t care about the rule of law anymore.”

He’s obviously another person who listens to fake news (Faux News) or doesn’t listen to news at all.

Yeah, this is what he’s listening to,

Former President Donald Trump and his allies are spreading falsehoods about the FBI search of his home.


There’s the big one about the FBI planting this evidence at MAGAlago. Right, that makes a lot sense, when no one was looking, the FBI,CFI and special ops planted this stuff inside trump’s home

Making sense and truth never matters to MAGA,
that’s why they’re so good at bullying,
it’s all they have to back up their house of cards.


Competely bizarre that the type of talk I first saw on internet chat sites in the 90s are now on the news every night. I stayed away from it because it was obviously just young men blowing off steam, but then came facebook…

(Are you saying this website was involved?!?! :scream: )

Well, if they can secretly plant enough explosives at the WTC for a controlled demolition of a few buildings, and keep everybody quiet about it, surely a few pieces of paper at MAGAlago (I like that!) should be no problem.

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No that was CIA, under a CFI cover story. really.
:crazy_face: trump’s-honor :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Excuse me. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Typos, and faux pas aside, this is worth tracking.

August 13, 2022

Our Panel Reed Galen, Jessica Post and Grace Panetta dig into the top political headlines, including dangerous rhetoric in Republican criticism of the Department of Justice after the FBI search of Donald Trump’s FL home.

August 13, 2022

CNN’s Daniel Dale reviews claims made by former President Trump on his social media platform Truth Social about the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.

A little reminder to all Trump supporters.

Trump was never a legitimate US president. He was, is, and always will be an imposter who got in through the backdoor and now claims imperial rights to the throne.

He is a con-man, plain and simple. He has been a con-man all his life .
Read his biography.

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He’s a carpetbagger who made through the backdoor of the Big House. Probably because no self-respecting relative of the Obamas would use the backdoor anymore and forgot to check it or forgot to have Jeeves check it. :slight_smile: Barack, Barack, Barack is in the House! OK he was in the House, but I still love my chant upon his winning the Presidency. :smiley:

In a functioning democracy trump would already have been in jail long ago for what he has done. The fact that he still walks free shows the Democrats have no intention of making this happen as they know this will start a civil war which the Democrats cant afford to happen in their quest for unity with the republicans for their build up for direct war with Russia and China

You don’t know what a democracy is do you? You are talking like a democracy is China, where one is locked up right away for a crime they allegedly did or even proven they did. The U.S. legal system doesn’t work that way. A court of law can and has dragged out for a year or more before a verdict is reached.

See Chelsea Manning…

What about her? (20 characters)

Trump actually stole this material. Chelsea Manning was imprisoned and tortured for revealing the secrets of war crimes, which she was right to do. But if she was charged, why is Trump free? He surely was not intending to report war crimes.

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We don’t know what secrets he passed on. We only know that he had documents. The obvious question is why he had them, but that’s just suspicion, not the crime

In an autocracy Trump would have been in jail.
In a democracy the rules must be followed and according to the rule a person is innocent until “proven” guilty. We have not reached that state yet, not formally.

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This isn’t about Chelsea Manning!
This is about the pig we elected presidency being a total lout and a serial law breaker and oath breaker - and if the past 6 - 8 years is any indication without an honest bone in his body.

The FBI’s search of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home caused a freakout from right-wing media and his reliable defenders in the GOP. But why aren’t top Democrats calling out the so-called “law and order” party who seem to believe a former American president is untouchable? Former FBI special counsel and MSNBC legal analyst Andrew Weissmann joins Mehdi to discuss.

Let us reminisce for a moment.

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“This isn’t about Chelsea Manning!”

On the contary , the American ruling class has invoked the Espionage Act in matters of exceptional importance to the defense of the state. It was used in the jailing of socialist Eugene V. Debs for his opposition to World War I. It was used to execute Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in 1953. It has also been invoked against Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden, who exposed US war crimes, and most recently to demand the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.