Russian roulette - a hundred thousand on red

But, pray tell, what has any of this to do with Russia invading Ukraine?

The Ukraine wants to become a democratic country and that is a political threat to Putin personally , not Russia as a country.

Biden was wanting to shut down the use of SWIFT by Russia. That would have shut down the pipeline. Merkel stopped that action. Biden came close to putting liability on America. He ended up waiving the sanctions on the company behind Russia’s gas line and CEO, Matthias Warnig, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Biden is not a businessman. America is losing credibility by Biden’s actions. Those sanctions should never had been put on companies and people who are trying to help the EU with energy. Biden is going to kill the U.S. dollar. His job is to keep the dollar steady. That is going to hell with his high inflation.

Where Ukraine runs a unicameral legislature as several small countries do. And Nebraska too. I would be surprised if Ukraine changes to a democratic country. It would be good if they do. Russia is a federal democratic state, same as the United States.

I stopped reading here

Have you noticed inflation of late? The U.S. dollar is already dead, but it started dying when the dotard was in office.

The Ukraine needs a better trading partner.

Yes? What is the fact? You ended that sentence, so I’m not sure where you were going with that.

So “then you” we need to support a crooked government that kills people for not bowing and cooing to it? I don’t follow what you’re saying. It really makes no sense.

I’m glad he makes no sense to others too and it’s not just me.

Exactly! Democracy is a threat to dictators.

:rofl: You are very confused. Russia is the true meaning of Communism. It was and is still a Communist country.

What does global communication have to do with Crimea and Biden? No, I don’t remember that prediction and don’t see how it could relate to this one.

May i disagree ? Russia is a dictatorship, but is no more a communist country. When URSS crashed the nomenklatura privatized the economy, for free, for his greater benefit.

Factories and businesses are no more owned by the state or by public entities, but by private people.

There is no more a drop of communism in the system.

You may disagree, but from what I’ve seen, Communism often has a dictator. I don’t really believe that Communism in Russia fell when the wall fell in Germany and Communism fell in East Germany, causing it to one democratic nation. The USSR is still Communist, as far as I am concerned.

Both Communism and Dictatorship are Autocracies.
The difference is that in a dictatorship the State = 1 Person.

What’s the problem? The world isn’t the way you view it?

I’ve answered this question from you before. You are the problem. Russia might claim to be democratic, but that doesn’t make them democratic

The fact is that if we had shut down the pipeline. Then me, you and every other American would have been liable for the pipeline. That we have nothing to do with.

It is no different than if I went and cut the gas line to your house. You could sue me. Biden was going to due that to the EU. Germany stopped him. Now that the pipeline is built, Biden can move ahead with shutting down the SWIFT for Russia. If he does, Russia and China most likely will create another banking process.

True. Just like the United States. We call ourselves a democracy country. But really the United States is sort of a federal constitutional representative democracy. The tree these branches of democracy come from is still a democracy tree.

Nice pivot. I’m not going to argue about the quality of the US democracy. Not in this thread. If you agreed with me about Russia, why did you say what you said? Just throwing stuff out there and seeing if anyone notices? Well, we notice, so cut it out

URSS economic and political system was very specific.

Nowadays URSS is a capitalist dictatorship. Productive goods are owned privately. That’s the trademark of capitalism.

If you want understand what is and happens, you must master the basics. Sciences and political science among them suppose to classify what you study. If everything is the same, you cannot understand and reason.

Sorry .

I explained why. There are many types of democratic governments. Russia claims to be one. So, does the United States. I agree that they are not a democratic just like us. The United States went through a period when the Capitalists and bankers were said to had more control of the nation than the president.

The 1993 constitution declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

What’s your view about -
So, the fact that the Republic of Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation was not automatic. The Russian Federation legislative branch had to vote on letting Crimea join. Leaves one wondering how much influence Putin has over the legislative branch and if the legislative branch could have voted the other way. Sort of like the upper departments of our government are operating with the far left’s idea we have a living constitution with the border problem, or no problem with the living constitution. It seems like the departments are following orders that they know are unconstitutional. Isn’t that what happens in a dictatorship?

Some facts about Russia

[Russia under Vladimir Putin - Wikipedia]

I agree that western democracies are imperfect, but they are not dictatorships, at least most of them.

Putin is a dictator.

Everything belongs to 1 State is practically the same as everything belongs to 1 person who is Head of State.

In Russia nowadays, production goods belon to the oligarques.

And in a democratic state, State is not one person. And in Russia, after Stalin, the man in power had to get the support of the other leaders. Khrushchev lost it and was removed from power.

[quote=“morgankane01, post:61, topic:8934”]
In Russia nowadays, production goods belon to the oligarques.

Who swear fealty to 1 person. In Russia Putin will be in office for life.
In an autocracy leadership is inherited with Title or Wealth

And in a democratic state, State is not one person. And in Russia, after Stalin, the man in power had to get the support of the other leaders. Khrushchev lost it and was removed from power.

In a Democratic state, leadership is elected by Popular Vote from the bottom up