Republican's drive towards utter US anarchy! Details are coming to light

And your proof of Biden’s criminality is that Trump is being investigated for Tax Evasion, Mail fraud, Sedition, Falsifying of Legal documents, Palling with the President of the country that wants to destroy us, Encouraging racial prejudice, Encouraging violence in Political discourse, and just a plain old Liar .

Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years

The Fact Checker counted a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims made by President Trump during his White House tenure. Here’s what we learned. (Adriana Usero/The Washington Post)
By Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly
January 24, 2021

Oh that Biden is just a plain old criminal. He should be Drawn and quartered for his shameful spotless criminal record. We can’t allow an honest man to remain in office.

He might just make a great president in the mold of Roosevelt . Can’t have that in this country . We want to be Nazi US, don’t we?

We’re already removing books critical of Nazi Germany from the book shelves. Next we will remove all records of the Holocaust, until there is no history of any attemtp at the complete genocide of the Jewish people and the enslavement of African and Orientals, and native Indians who actually built the great infrastructure network in the US and created the wealth of the current ruling Capitalists, like Trump
All these people have to go back to where we dragged them from in chains, right?
This is White country, right? Whites are the chosen people, right?


Cenk laid out for you the policy failures of the Biden administration. Feckless cowards need to be called if we want to move forward

I don’t agree with him. He’s making a controversy where there isn’t one. In a healthy democratic atmosphere, there’s debate. I’m progressive, but I don’t think there is something wrong with the Democratic party because there are members who are less progressive than me.

I forget, what do you stand for triplex? You spend so much time calling other people names, I don’t know what you think should be done.

You are a progressive ?? Doubt that very much. Haven’t seen one post from you on a progressive politician. And anyone that thinks there is is no controversy in the Dems not doing what they said they would some of which was declared as “the bear minimum” that should be done to help the voters is no progressive.

I would put you down as the white moderate MLK warned us about all those years ago

I’m so progressive, there are no politicians that are good enough for me.

The distinction for me is the difference between controversy and debate. The debate about being centrist has been going on for decades. It’s not news, it’s not a controversy.

And you only posts about how others are wrong. I have no idea what you are FOR

Tattoos and pierced skin?

The situation will get more dire and the truth will not change. The solution is more economy jobs, more technology helps all people, and above all democrats stop doing too much for it’s voters.

That is not what any of us said, but I guess you didn’t read any of what we said.

Blatantly obvious when a person has no idea what they are talking about on topic when claiming being opposed to these policies is being centrist

I can’t make sense of this post

Considering the line from Newt Gingrich to trumpsterism.

Because of all that happened, there’s probably a lot you’ve forgotten about Donald Trump and his bumbling brand of authoritarianism. How does one remember it all, much less make sense of it?

Welcome to the world of presidential historian Julian Zelizer, who’s authored or edited 22 books, including one all about the Trump presidency. He joins Mehdi to discuss his recent work — and the discoveries that he and his colleagues unearthed while writing it.

Historian Julian Zelizer on Newt Gingrich’s Partisan Legacy

July 13, 2020

… When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, President Obama observed that Trump “is not an outlier; he is a culmination, a logical conclusion of the rhetoric and tactics of the Republican party.” In his new book, “Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, The Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party,” Julian Zelizer pinpoints the moment when our country was set on a path toward an era of bitterly partisan and ruthless politics, ignited by Newt Gingrich and his allies.

From the Contract with America to the rise of the Tea Party and the Trump presidential campaign, Gingrich’s fingerprints can be seen throughout some of the most divisive episodes in contemporary American politics. …

Not changing the subject here, but bringing in the social media angle. Gingrinch was part of this. Trump used viral memes instead of logic

And now there’s this:

American Accountability Foundation
… Yet the A.A.F.’s approach represents a new escalation in partisan warfare, and underscores the growing role that secret spending has played in deepening the polarization in Washington.
Rather than attack a single candidate or nominee, the A.A.F. aims to thwart the entire Biden slate. The obstructionism,

One of the amazing things about America even with all it’s faults and hypocrisies was that there used to be an underlying acceptance that we are a pluralist society, which basically Means that we are a diverse society, meaning that we accept people of differing perspectives as part of our fabric.
But the Trump Republicans have demolished that attitude and replaced it with an absolutist totalitarian attitude that’s destroying our country from the inside out.

Trump’s promise to his country is about the same as Putin’s promise for his country - you are my toy and I will destroy you, if that what it takes to own it all.

Republican Smear Operation Exposed In New Report

The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees

In an escalation of partisan warfare, a little-known dark-money group is trying to thwart the President’s entire slate.

By Jane Mayer

April 16, 2022

… In the end, the attacks failed to diminish public support for Jackson, and her poised responses to questioning helped secure her nomination, by a vote of 53–47.
But the fierce campaign against her was concerning, in part because it was spearheaded by a new conservative dark-money group that was created in 2020:
the American Accountability Foundation. An explicit purpose of the A.A.F.—a politically active, tax-exempt nonprofit charity that doesn’t disclose its backers—is to prevent the approval of all Biden Administration nominees. …

… While the hearings were taking place, the A.A.F. publicly took credit for uncovering a note in the Harvard Law Review in which, they claimed, Jackson had “argued that America’s judicial system is too hard on sexual offenders.” The group also tweeted that she had a “soft-on-sex-offender” record during her eight years as a judge on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. As the Washington Post and other outlets stated, Jackson’s sentencing history on such cases was well within the judicial mainstream, and in line with a half-dozen judges appointed by the Trump Administration. When Jackson defended herself on this point during the hearings, the A.A.F. said, on Twitter, that she was “lying.” The group’s allegation—reminiscent of the QAnon conspiracy, which claims that liberal élites are abusing and trafficking children—rippled through conservative circles. Tucker Carlson repeated the accusation on his Fox News program while a chyron declared “ jackson lenient in child sex cases .” Marjorie Taylor Greene, the extremist representative from Georgia, called Jackson “pro-pedophile.”

Mudslinging is hardly new to American politics. In 1800, …

Hillary had it right when she identified the “basket of deplorables”.

“People on the right are now classifying every institution in American life as either our team or their team,” says Chris Hayes. “The essence of modern, MAGA-era conservatism is bemoaning the fact that in their mind every institution in American life has moved from our team to their team."

I’m so glad Hayes got rid of that silly audience thing.

New Audio: McCarthy Feared GOP Colleagues Would Incite Violence After Jan. 6

Apr 26, 2022
According to leaked audio obtained by the New York Times, Kevin McCarthy expressed concerns on a Jan. 10 call that Republicans in his own conference might incite violence against their fellow party members.

… Recent news that McCarthy was taped saying after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot that President Donald Trump should resign has no doubt caused McCarthy and others to worry just how many of their private conversations were recorded — and when the next shoe will drop.
New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, authors of the new book “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future,” released audio snippets of McCarthy speaking with other Republicans and have teased that more could be on the way. …

Today’s January 6th hearing, America and the rule of law.
Pence a hero, who’da thought it, but he certainly was!

Day Three Of Jan. 6 Hearings: ‘Smoking Guns’ Reveal Trump’s Plot

1. Had Pence not rebuffed the pressure, the country would have been thrown into chaos.
2. The pressure came from the top.
3. The pressure on Pence continued even after the riot.
4. The committee began to lay out potential criminal liability for Eastman – and possibly Trump.

Trump and his enablers are genuine fascists.

What does being a fascist mean?

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

What’s this got to do with “Anarchy”?

noun: anarchy
a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Which is what’s going to happen if our oaths and laws and rules don’t mean anything anymore?

The dotard thrives on chaos. I almost feel sorry for Pence, but the only reason why I feel bad for him is that the Proud Boys really wanted to kill him. They were going to kill many people that day and had a noose already for Pence. I really do hope the dotard and those who supported him through this insanity go to prison for the rest of their lives.

a conservative judge underlined that Donald Trump and his allies remain a “a clear and present danger to American democracy”.

The Guardian

That sounds just a few steps away from a terrorist organization.