The showdown is coming and in the end, it’ll all come down to November 8th, 2022.
Who has the greater dedication to their America?
White Supremists who minds are planted somewhere in the 1800s? (Along with dream of anarchy for this country.)
Will trumpsters with their freeloader mentality and always playing the victim belly aching and the new GOP’s dependence on bullying and lying and worse - in order to simply be on top like a bunch of drunken school boy frats. Why are they like that??? Belligerent ignorance glorifies - makes my stomach turn.
Or will pluralism and America’s dedication to fact based, constructive learning and communities working together, will they Stand up, stand in line and vote Democratic instead of Republican?
Thus enabling a new generation of young Americans dedicate to the future (rather than frantically pathetically protecting their booty no matter what the cost to their country.)
Washington needs a chance to at least start focusing on things that matter. You know, this planet is changing fast - isn’t it time we stop pretending nothing is happening.
Like our living condition and how the promise of destructive torrential rains and such.
Time to switch focus, is what I think, but who the hell listens to me.
Will citizens of all stripes step up in greater numbers than ever and vote Democratic, Republicans are a sure road to anarch.
Rational, honesty respecting, rule of law for everyone, government institutions that haven’t been perfect, still better than the option of Republican lead road to anarchy and the bottomless font of hatred and thirst for violence.
Capitol Rioters Snitch on Republican Congressional Allies
(sorry probably pretty sloppy but only so much free time and sleep is more important right now than a bunch of edit and polish. It’ll be interesting to check out what I wrote tomorrow
My stay has been extended to Sunday and, oh the stories I could tell.