Wow, That Australian sun is taking its toll.
What an enchanted world you live in man…
Afterlives as we normally think of them are impossible. Gods on the other hand are not impossible. All a god is is something or someone that has been deified by somebody, and if that’s what they choose to do, then that is their God. The Egyptians deified the Sun, and it’s as physically proveable to exist as anything else. Afterlives on the other hand can at best only be a copies of the deceased. Yes, it may be possible that the copy looks and behaves and even thinks it is the original, but for a host of obvious reasons, it simply cannot be. That however doesn’t mean that perhaps we shouldn’t try to live better lives so that our afterlife copies fare better in whatever realm they have been conjured into.
Well isn’t it nice to be back, yes it is.
So what has God missed?
Yes and 2 + 2 =? An window. You should open it up.
I think you have mistaken me for Krama from Seinfeld sunbaking in the sun with butter all over him? This ant a comdy but real life event’s.
So explain this.
3 weeks before the GFC the Iraqi terrorist get the drone camera codes to see U.S drones stopping the strategy of “turning an ambush on us into an ambush on them” by having instant air support over troops heads 24 7, followed by the GFC… Sabataged? Awnser this?
Why did the media page change it’s media report 9 years after they said Iraqi troops hacked the drone camrea codes? “and” week after I used the headlines 9 years after proving that not even Russia could hack the drone codes? Did they change their story or media report?
So 9 years after I used the link to fb that doesn’t let them know I’m using it, did they change their media statement to drones cameras in 50% of drones were unencrypted?
So clearly the CIA or an important body said you said they hacked them and the statement said how they hacked the codes to then, how did you update your report 9 years after someone said BS it was sabatge with event’s happing weeks apart? So the military never gave an live tv media update or report, it they already would have changed they huge Intel “can kinda understand like 9/11” to unencrypted?
Now clearly IV proven beyond coincidence that an military body with the secret media update 9 years after I proved it was an lie and in correct “psychic” but that it was an deal and sabatage, that the CIA did hand the Iraqis laptops showing drones approaching them not to attack “clearly shows an un reported strategy” and it’s was to ambush them, that they did sabatge the strategy in a deal?
We’ll why ant they using that proven now strategy in Afghanistan? It proves they only needed to encrypt the so called other drones? And every patrol can have instant air support?
What happens when every patrol had instant air support? They get attacked then bombs drop on the terrorist instantly? So cut back patrol’s and troops go on walks or drones fly over car patrols for 2 hours until the get back to base, covering 12 groups of troops a day * $1 trillion spent on that war 100 drones = 1,000 patrols in 24 hours can have instant air support, or 365,000 patrols a year can, didn’t they use that strategy again “when the report 9 years on” said all they had to do is encrypt the drome cameras?
Sabatage of a strategy that proves it was a deal?
PS my Iraq full proof i’d cards would wipe out all Taliban men within 6 months, because if they made full proof eye scanning I’d cards like every strategy got shown on tv almost “first time in history” the Taliban would of been wiped out by now? 365,000 patrols and only 2,000 patrol’s kill the enemy? At 5 dead per ambush or attack it’s 10,000 dead terrorist pa = 40,000 dead in 4 years time? Taliban only had 30,000 members and I’d cards kick them out if areas and war won. Why didn’t they use that proven strategy for?
So now answer this? 3 weeks after the sabatge of the drone codes, did I say I’ll leave the country unless you go bankrupt, did the GFC happen? Yes made military contractors mass billions from strategy and I was about to file bankruptcy so I said that. So how did the GFC liqurdaters buy $5 trillion dollars worth of bad debt? When they didn’t even have 10% if $500 billion dollars debts to buy it? Did the bank’s have money to pay for low interest funds money and other investment’s? Only at 50% of debt of the GFC $10+ trillion dollars bank debts? Liqurdaters couldn’t of even paid for it and even so how did they pay interest funds and other payments? I guess now there clamming there was 1 million liqurdaters? Ha because even 50% into GFC they couldn’t meet payment commitments? So proven sabatge with sabatge proving a deal?
They every much new I was the Soul Creator God computer brains Afterlife, and needed me in Adelaide to try wipe out. Silky me at the time playing dumb, needed an operation for them to cut something out of me just set off subconsciousness consciousness.
I bet you can only reply “delusional” no doubt without any proof like I have provided.
After reading above report / comment, do you still think it’s silly?
Spiritual awakening Worse case scenario.
There very much is an afterlife and I created it. So much so that the hidden wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobs, take an signal that the stuff in the lobs move from an wavelength like an microwave cooking popcorn.
Trust me I ant nuts.
I bet you can only reply “delusional” no doubt without any proof like I have provided.Oh, there's proof...
Proof indeed that the CIA sabataged the drone camrea codes and GFC was delibrtly done.
Explain why you haven’t said anything about that stuff?