Go to GFC reply everyone above 4+ comments up and reply??
Because there is proof?
Instead of replying rubbish reply why it’s not true or why there is coincidences?
Omg what’s wrong with people.
If the bank’s lost $5 trillion dollars ++ how did liqurdaters by it? They wouldn’t even have $500 billion dollars spare to buy them?
If I’m delusnal please explain why the world government’s haven’t done this? Try reply why it won’t work instead of rubbish.
Australia is $852 billion dollars in debt? Omg we could have self funded every state gov department, hospitals, free power bills, free gas bills, free water bills by now.
Let’s just go into debt and self fund these things to hand the public $15k back into Australian’s wallets booming the economy & payback the debt within 2 years… like below.
Ok self fund Adelaide water department for life will cost $11.5 billion dollars.
Adelaide has the most adspensive water bills in the country “3* more then other states” so we hand it $11.5 billion dollars in a 100% safe 5%pa making interest find, making $450 million every year.
Adelaide water company makes $320 million dollars profit pa, so we hand it $320 million dollars from $450 million dollars, and leave every year the extra $130 million in the interest fund making interest interest.
So now the water department can have a rise of 5% of $130 million dollars pa forever…It’s like $13 million dollar rise in profit and cost every year forever…10 years time can have an $140 million dollar increase.
5 states = $60 billion dollars, saving the public $1,000 - $3,500 pa in water savings.
Now we spend $20 billion dollars on 5 massive $4 billion dollars each coal power plants or 5 nuclear power plants. Now add cost of wages and coal pa to power it?
Nuclear power plants cost $30 million pa to replace rods and crap.
We are talking about $100 billion dollars max to self fund free power to the public for life in an interest fund. PS power companies combined make $40 billion pa…that means in 3 years time it pays for it’s self.
We will compisate each power company $1 billion dollars so $20 billion added.
The public now saves $2,000 - $10,000 pa from power bills.
For $160 billion dollars we have saved the poor public $3,000 pa. Wealthy $6,500 pa. Rich $15,000 pa.
Now Australia hospitals would be 5* each state at $12 billion each = $300 billion dollars to cut taxes by $4k pa each person.
We are up 2 $460 billion dollars and have self funded for life water bills, power bills, hospitals saving the poor public $7,000 pa wealthy $10,500 pa and rich $19,000 dollars pa.
Is the governments around the world on drugs or what? $850 billion and just about every department and public cost would be self funded for life ?.
We need to go into debt by $460 more billion dollars and watch the public spend $200 billion pa in the economy booming jobs and growth and 40% taxes that will payback all debt within 2 years time “making Australia self funded for life and debt free” not bad hey people’s.
The government now taxes the public $13,000 pa for 4 year’s and makes $1.2 trillion to payback debt??
Crunch the numbers People 100% is not delusional but the biggest idea in econemy and tax debt reform in history…go ahead?
Yeah delusional my ass.
Ok you need pills by the sound of it. Try replying how I’m wrong with proof? IV shown proof by showing mass coicedances and how things just add up…petrol station blows up then is turns into a Caltex God logo petrol station the fuel tanker that fills up tanks is now called K & S my sister and my name is Kelly and Scott and we both looked back and said it had blown up before it happened? People didn’t get hurt in what I have proof of you clamming it’s a miracle? Miricles don’t shild people from the heat of a huge fireball that even house across the main road had melted paint dripping down walls why people meters away are not hurt?
Proof? Given it and list goes on.
Please reply without insulting that’s not proof but you unable to reply why.
Just reply to this one?
Proof of an afterlife.
We are computers and are uploaded and download…proof *2.
For a start I’m psychic and asked them how are we even uploaded?
They said what’s the brain made of? I said electrons and atom’s. They then said what’s a quantum computer made of? I said wow electrons and atom’s…wtf. I then asked how on earth do we get to the afterlife being uploaded? They said look under the fake top layer of brain skin to the wavelength receptors called the hidden frontal lobs.
Look at photo of hidden frontal lobs below is link.
Can’t really say “spooky” when I’m saying I’m also talking to people in Afterlife, but thanks for taking it for what it is.
Australia is $852 billion dollars in debt? Omg we could have self funded every state gov department, hospitals, free power bills, free gas bills, free water bills by now.scitty, judging only by the totality of your posts, I tend to suppose that u r as crazy as the little guy depicted below:
OTOH, I like your financial strategy position for Australia’s economy. It seems to follow in line with Andrew Yang’s economic ideas.
Otherwise, I don’t follow your bullet-train of thought very well, except as to get the impression that you do indeed have some super-sized delusions.
@Timb and all seems too me that you can’t reply to him? He has shown you mass beyond coincidences and you can’t reply at all.
Did you even read his page oblique weapons? That econemy idea is dated mass years ago on that page. Seems to me a poor cover up if they use it.
Haha let me guess this guy comes up with econemy idea 7 year’s ago then this guy you claim also did but they haven’t done it yet it from 7 year’s ago as dated on oblique weapons and his private page Scott Ryan? Andrew yang’s a copy cat as 7 year’s down the road why haven’t we self funded for? Seems to me people are planted in here or accounts are being used without permission? Andrew yang’s is clearly not the first person to come up with this idea… the proof is that it’s not being done because Scott Ryan can prove it. Would of been done by now defently.
I’m thinking these people can’t reply to you for a reason. We’ll why can’t use reply English or logic like he has?
This guy makes sense to me why not you? Predicted petrol station blowing up then next petrol station? Now the new Caltex petrol station there is a sign of a star or God? Fuel tanker that now goes there is the same as his sister’s and his name and list goes on?
There is much more proof on his page why are people being so negotive?
Way 2many coicedances to be a coincidence that’s for sure. In court you are convicted of murder from 2 - 3 but each one has 2 - 7 in each one * 30? Are uses nuts or just bribed?
Seems to me his oblique weapons fb page proves how many people are bribed. Wouldn’t want to be them in the afterlife because they will be part of tresion and be punnuished beyond belief.
Answer this. On his page he has mass undone weapons. Why haven’t terrorist made metal detecters detonate mines for? A $2 electromagnetic wave sensor can be wired to landmines or bombs and light 5 only gets power once metal detectors wave is over it and bang?
Brined people that will pay. I’m with Scotty ?
Is authorsmith0123 a sock puppet of scittytran0123?
I think the odds of 2 (equally crazy seeming) posters, just randomly showing up on this thread, are suggestive of sock puppetry.
Thanks for the alert. I don’t have the tolerance for conspiracy theories like I used to. Not since they became part of the evening news.
What the CIA don’t do that do they?
Reply to the proof? You can’t at all.
The post is still up and so is his profile?? How do you know he was blocked? Bababa
Is the brain a computer? Are the hidden receptors called the frontal lobs taking a wavelength signal that downloads us and up loads us?
Reply to each point he makes then not just some guy already put that idea forward? Your not a CIA / covering it up are you? Where is the link for this guy’s self funding? And the chances of you reading it from 100,000 and 10 billion storeys and it’s an 8 year idea with means you have the best memory because it hasn’t been done? We’ll let alone remembering it? Lmao you ether a CIA agent or bribed.
Answer that and show us link?
Just answer this and we know Scott Ryan us a fony. How did bank liquidators come up with $5 trillion dollars to buy bad debt? How did bank’s meet interest rate payments and other investment payments when there Income was 87% less?
Lmao your a conjob and can’t reply to one if those things? When you can’t reply what does it mean?
Thank you very much ?
Haha his blocked but profile is still standing? How did you know this?
GFC liquidators bort $5 trillion worth of debt? How did they even afford $1 trillion? Proof.
Bribed much people?
@lausten conspiracy? Not anymore.
So sad you can’t reply?
What’s the chances to Iraqi terrorist getting drone camera codes 2 weeks before GFC?
Now how many conspiracies are there?
1 he clams he made a deal with them to sabataged his strategies.
2 weeks after a deal is reached GFC happens.
How did debt liquidators by $5 trillion let alone $400 billion dollars worth of debts and how did bank’s meet safe low interest payments? How did they loan money to people if they claim they lost trillions and liquidators bought it?
What’s the chances of a strategy giving every patrol live air support being counted by Iraqi terrorist now hacking drones?
Used page 9 year old headlines that first said for 9 years that the Iraqi terrorist hacked the drones cameras to see where air support was, to changing 9 year old post to unencrypted cameras on half of drones? Even if so 50% unseen would wipe them out if troops got attached 50 times a day, then 25 times troops would have instant air support.
you could say then half of mitary computer don’t have spyware also another conspiracy
page changing headlines 9 years after I used link just changes headlines.
I make a video recording of a strategy done but not yet reported meaning I’m ether telling the truth or psychic? On oblique weapons fb page.
I drive past the petrol station with mum and sister and it blows up hours after me and my sister just turnback saying it had blown up?
To add to above the petrol tanker that now fills up tanks at pety station is called K & S energy my and my sisters name?
The petrol station is now called Caltex and is a logo of a god.
11 12 13 could be here all day visit oblique weapons fb page and come back and right more…2 many to say.
Who left the lid off the garbage cans?? You guys know that attracts trolls!
How did you know this?I'm a member of a secret cabal.
I’m a member of a secret cabal.I can't believe it! You had me fooled all this time. It never crossed my mind that you were "secret cabal" material. Man! You got me. But the cat's out of the bag now. It only remains to discover what your cabal is all about.
Lmao still can not reply?
Go on reply to one if them.
1 if I’m delusional how did liquidators buy the trillios of dollars worth of debt to keep economy a flow unto its final busting with all full debt?
ooooh I’m shocked guys you can’t even answer that?
Hey I can only reply insults but not answer him to prove him wrong. Only proves me Right guys…cheers.
author, your chronic typos and confusing communication style makes your questions rather incomprehensible to me. And I don’t mean to refer to your psychiatric difficulties as an insult to you. I mean it as a “heads up” to you. You seem smart as a whip. If you were on the right psychoactive medications, I suspect that you would be a productive citizen.
Haha why thank you for supporting the CIA.
Fill free to answer any questions I put out there to dissolve this is he delusional or not situation?
Must have been that econemy idea that led you to say I’m smart “but yet” you clam you read it before lmao