Potholder takes on the man made Covid myth

Ah, now I see he’s also testified before a congressional committee

Yeah, it’s a long way from over zealous, and over lax researchers, lost within their mindscapes and intoxicated on playing god, screwing up - and quite another to claim a deliberate effort to create and unleash COVID19.

After all the steps in your first read, are all rather “logical” within the framework it was presented. It seems to me, it’s our inability to acknowledge consequences that’s the big bugaboo here.

There’s plenty of other stuff being worked on that has the potential of wickedly bad outcomes, given a little bit of bad luck. We’re always doing J.A. stuff - and are just as consistently shocked, simply shocked that it bites us in the butt. Then we immediately start working on forgetting the lessons we should be learning.

Too often, we’re too busy finding blame and creating scapegoat - rather than learning from our mistakes.

Yeah. You might want to look into that before you buy a book. He has a lot of followers not much evidence or logic

I got this book from the library yesterday. I read parts of it and skimmed others. It appears to have a mix of facts and conclusions based on opinions. I saw one quote in particular which I fully believe was completely misinterpreted by the author. Also, there was this interpretation of events that I believe is very inaccurate:

So… I won’t be reading any more of this book, and I can’t recommend it as a reliable source of information.

Yes, I don’t think it’s a very reliable source either.