On the topic of lefties being "butt hurt" as the righties love to say

I am a “leftie”. My butt is doing fine these days. But around 20 yrs ago, I suddenly developed hemorrhoids. My first thought was: “WTF is that?!!!” I soon realized that that is what hemorrhoids are. I soon found a proctologist and got them cut off. That, in retrospect, was one of the best decisions of my life. If someone suffers from a prolonged period of having hemorrhoids, I would say that would qualify for the term “butt hurt”. If you have or develop hemorrhoids, it seems to me that the best course of action is to get them cut off by a good proctologist, asap.

In terms of the state of our current politics, it occurs to me that for lefties, like myself, our current POTUS, (who has not been a vaunted deal maker with the Democrats, rather has been a perpetual a-hole, while overtly and perpetually supporting and arousing his base alone) is very much like a big slimy, stinky, irritating hemorrhoid. He has pretty much, daily, been such a metaphorical hemorrhoid to all who don’t fall in line to him like cultists worshiping Jim Jones. He should get someone to write another book for him and call it The Art of Being a Hemorrhoid.

The problem for lefties, is that this hemorrhoid cannot be removed until at least 4 yrs have passed. So then, I guess lefties, technically are metaphorically “butt hurt”. But it is not JUST about the janky way that our current POTUS got elected. It is the daily pain and irritation of a Hemorrhoid POTUS who makes a mockery of his office and of our nation by his pathetic character and his often idiotic and often even cruel and damaging actions.

Damned if some days it itches more than others.


Senate Judiciary Democrats Submit Question List For Robert Mueller



Senate Judiciary Dems To Graham: These Are The 60 Questions We Have For Mueller



I wonder what it feels like on the other side of the isle.

Donald Trump Jr. subpoenaed by Senate panel for further testimony on campaign’s Russia contacts


As negotiations over Trump Jr.’s testimony dragged on, committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) became increasingly frustrated and believed that Trump Jr. was defying the committee’s authority and not honoring his original agreement, a person familiar with the matter said. …

Similar to being butt-hurt, us lefties are also called ‘snowflakes’ by the most fragile, easily insulted, people I know of.

A snowflake doesn’t complain every time someone says something they don’t agree with, but have you seen how touchy those on the right are? They take everything as a personal insult: you’re gay, you’re insulting them; you agree with abortion, you’re insulting them; you think the less fortunate should get assistance, you’re insulting them; it never ends.

Sure there are snowflakes on the left, but they’re the exception, not the rule like on the right.



The righties would tell me that my giant hemorrhoid is purely psychosomatic, and they would deny, re-frame, present alternate lies about, and try really hard to coverup any and all medical testing, exam results, etc. to the contrary and then they would declare:

“Case closed… Case closed.”

Hey wait! What about this Donald J Trump hanging out of my butt?

TimB, I feel I need to stand up for hemorrhoids. You can’t go around comparing them to Trump without thinking of how it makes them feel.

I mean, it’s acceptable to compare lots of nasty things to hemorrhoids, but you’re crossing a line with Trump.


Similar to being butt-hurt, us lefties are also called ‘snowflakes’ by the most fragile, easily insulted, people I know of. A snowflake doesn’t complain every time someone says something they don’t agree with, but have you seen how touchy those on the right are? They take everything as a personal insult: you’re gay, you’re insulting them; you agree with abortion, you’re insulting them; you think the less fortunate should get assistance, you’re insulting them; it never ends. Sure there are snowflakes on the left, but they’re the exception, not the rule like on the right.
Socialize with young liberals and you'll see otherwise.

“Similar to being butt-hurt, us lefties are also called ‘snowflakes’ by the most fragile, easily insulted, people I know of.”

We obviously live in different worlds.

One of my most memorable lefties was a bloke at work. One of those truly ferocious creatures, an ex Catholic Marxist. He was actually a Trotskyite .Banned from the US. One year he spent his annual 4 week vacation in a communist rebel camp on the island of Mindanao, Philippines. I kid you not.

He was one of those infuriating people it is almost impossible to insult. A lot like a happy clapper; possessing a smug confidence in his belief that he was right and you were an idiot.

ME? I’m a pluralist.

On ideologues; (religious or political) “The ideologue is naive at best and dangerous at worst.” (Tarquin S Shagnasty)


A problem can be is if a particular group of ideologues are kicking the pluralists butts, you might need their opposing ideologues on your side.

Re: my politically incorrect disparagement of hemorrhoids by establishing one as a metaphor for Donald J. Trump. I refuse to apologize to hemorrhoids. If u have never had one, you may not realize how they make such a perfect metaphor for him. If I could make some supernatural deal with the cosmos, in which I would have an actual hemorrhoid for the time remaining for Trump to be POTUS, if he would just resign immediately… I would have difficulty deciding on taking that deal. I guess that I would take the deal out of patriotism, but I wouldn’t be happy about it.

Tim, you just brought Nathan Hale’s immortal words into my thoughts - ‘I regret having but one ass to give for my country.’