Look right through me

Hello people,
I am Aditya, I live in New Delhi. I would like to tell a story about my experiences with reasoning. This is the story of my life. I was raised in India where people have stopped using their brains for centuries. They are all just energy seekers, words don’t mean anything to them. I noticed I liked to take responsibility on myself from an early age. I never went to tuitions or sports academy though I was good at both. I never got the thought that I need to celebrate something. I was always up for something new without getting involved in emotions. So I studied to become a Biotechnology and biochemical engineer from India’s oldest and best (rankings) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (Present Google CEO Sundar Pichai was living in my hostel many year back :P). After finishing graduation I went for PhD in Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology in Golm, Germany. Here I found that the lab members were more interested in working on established lines of research which simply involved copying and pasting and thinking that we created something new. Particularly they were not interested in computation as much as I was, so I worked on exploring new computational tools and little on phenotyping as opposed to what they wanted. As a result no one was happy because there were no results! I had thought that being one of the top institutes for plant genetics, they must know what real science was. But the system also compels us to move in a specific way. PhD in Max Planck institutes lasts for 3 years. For some disciplines that is fine, but the disciplines which require more experimental work most often take more than 3 years. This was the feedback that I got from fellow phds there. I too felt it but I was again an exception, I worked there for a year and produced lot more results that anybody in that lab had produced in two years As always I listened to my calling and left from there. In Delhi I started working with a start up called Jabong. It has a photoshoot production house called Moksha Productions for the display of merchandises on e-commerce sites. I worked there as a Business Analyst. After 6 months, around mid-feb to mid-march 2016, I got deep insights about the universe, I am the universe, there is no "I’ and no "am’ only isness. Once the subject and object disappears, u are in a state previously called nothingness. It is the shut down of mind, one can argue that mind cannot be shut down completely otherwise person will die. Yes as long as your breath is moving, thats true. But once thoughts are gone, then the body is felt. .Slowly focusing between your eyes and just observing the processes, u find there are two ends of breath, one when u inhale fully and when you exhale completely. These two ends are the gateway or the separation between the ultimate duality perceived by many as “male” and “female”, by extremely few as “existence” and “non-existence”. But we cannot stop here, there is a last barrier, the barrier of duality. When everything becomes one, that is the highest potential a human can reach. If I analyzed myself correctly, I am yet to break the final barrier, I guess I would not be ‘Aditya’ then.

My mind will shut down when I die. Meanwhile, I have things to do so I’ll keep my mind active.

greetings … and welcome to CFI.
I read your practice of meditation and sincerely hope you will attain peace of mind. However I do not quite understand the benefits of reaching a state of nothingness, total integration with the universe.
What do you expect to find there?
I am not sure if you have heard or read about Max Tegmark, but I envision the fundamental aspects of the universe much as explained in this interesting view of the essence of the universe.
- YouTube

Hello ! many thanks for the response.
I would like to apologize for strange and rude language use in my previous mail. I was a bit troubled as I was getting thoughts that I am the next Buddha. That was delusion and now I know that I am just like everyone else, nothing special. I guess I have found my peace of mind :slight_smile: But I cannot ignore the facts that people around tell about me. They say I look like I have become a child, especially when they are drunk :slight_smile: Now I am free from food, sleep, unawareness. Whatever I do I remember it clearly. If I feel like eating may be once in a week I’ll eat. I do not feel tired, I know that whatever knowledge I gathered in all these struggling years is somewhere there but I cannot recall it on my own, if someone asks then somehow I start to remember. I was in this state for a long time, locked myself in the room. I had minimum connections with the outside and inside (thoughts) world.
But now I am a changed man, I want the universe to help me find my way. I am bestowed with the purest love of nature, I will always remain in lap of mother nature.
I am thankful to those who read and commented on this article. If I can be of any help please feel free to ask it.

Hello ! many thanks for the response. I would like to apologize for strange and rude language use in my previous mail. I was a bit troubled as I was getting thoughts that I am the next Buddha. That was delusion and now I know that I am just like everyone else, nothing special. I guess I have found my peace of mind :) But I cannot ignore the facts that people around tell about me. They say I look like I have become a child, especially when they are drunk :) Now I am free from food, sleep, unawareness. Whatever I do I remember it clearly. If I feel like eating may be once in a week I'll eat. I do not feel tired, I know that whatever knowledge I gathered in all these struggling years is somewhere there but I cannot recall it on my own, if someone asks then somehow I start to remember. I was in this state for a long time, locked myself in the room. I had minimum connections with the outside and inside (thoughts) world. But now I am a changed man, I want the universe to help me find my way. I am bestowed with the purest love of nature, I will always remain in lap of mother nature. I am thankful to those who read and commented on this article. If I can be of any help please feel free to ask it.
As I recall Buddha lived a similar lifestyle of asceticism, but came to the conclusion that a balanced life as a physical and spiritual being is necessary for the maintenance of both. They are interdependent expressions of universal potential.

“…We got a genu-ine Indian guru, teaching us a better way…”
-Dr. Hook