In tracking COVID-19, keep your eye on this number

Well, I guess Trump does have two legs to stand on after all.
So, it's not sarcasm then? And what about the disinfectant?
So, sunlight kills the C-19 virus in a matter of seconds. Sounds like the beach on a sunny day is a good place to be. This is not really news. UV light has been used for decades to sterilize all sorts of things including surgical instruments. There has been a mobile UV light tower on the market for at least 10 or 12 years which will sterilize an entire average hospital room and everything in it in about an hour. It was developed to fight MRSA. And we have used radiation which is specific frequencies of EMR – light – to fight cancer with some success.I thought it interesting that Trump would imagine putting light inside a person to treat C-19. The best treatment for a cold I have found is to sit at a large window with my shirt off and let the sun shine on me for an hour or so. Light will penetrate some distance into almost all substances. I have seen it go right through very hot thin steel. Even a small flashlight will shine light through one’s skin. I wonder if the grow lights commonly available would have any effect on the virus. Oh yes, strong UV light can blind you and cook your skin, so if you use a UV source, be very careful to follow the directions.Of course we didn’t really need a scientific explanation to tell us that the flu usually disappears in the spring and summer. Thus Trump’s prediction of a spring demise of C-19 wasn’t much of a long shot. Nor do we need science to tell us that people who get outside more are generally more healthy than those who stay inside. Sun worshipers of the world, you are justified!
Sunlight is not an effective virus killer nor does it penetrate deep enough into the body to kill pathogens. This is bogus.

Also, the flu doesn’t disappear in hot weather, it just becomes less common. Scientists don’t know exactly why.

It was definitely NOT sarcasm. T rump was doing one of his classic narrative change of reality to fit what is best for him, iow, LIES. (When he said it was sarcasm. And when he said he was directing it to fake news. He was speaking directly to a doctor. At the time he said it, he was trying to show his own cleverness by giving new ideas to the expert medical people.)

I like to be clever and upstage experts, also. On the Sunlight inside the body, I would have suggested inserting UV lighting in the form of fiber optics into the lungs and colon, and turning the light on for brief periods to see whether the C-19 virus can be killed without damaging lung or colon tissue.

The experimentation, of course should be done on animals, or perhaps on T rump, since it was his idea, originally.

Now T rump suggesting the injection of disinfectants. Idk, how to pull his big ass out of the fire on that one. That is stupid crazy on a high level, even for him.


Now T rump suggesting the injection of disinfectants.
Is suggesting a high crime and misdemeanor? Is it an impeachable offense now?
TimB: Now T rump is suggesting the injection of disinfectants.

Sree: Is suggesting a high crime and misdemeanor? Is it an impeachable offense now?

TimB: It doesn’t matter if it is a crime. T rump is above the law, anyway. What it is, however, is an example of an not bright enough man, who is in over his head.


“Trump White House appointees pressured government health officials to make an unproven malaria drug (hydroxychloroquine) available to the public to treat the disease caused by the new coronavirus without a doctor’s supervision…” (the research, so far, on that favorite son snake oil of T rump’s is not promising)

What next? When the current furor over injecting disinfectants, dies down, will T rump have his people, again float his unique idea?




I thought I had just posted this here, but I don’t see it:

The doubling number that I was looking for (52,000) is not quite here. The current total is 51,000. So the doubling time NOW, is 11.5 days, approximately. If it continues to lengthen at a similar rate that it has, I am guesstimating that it will take 23 days from tomorrow to double from 52,000 to 104,000. That would be around May 19th.

Surely I can’t be right about that, can I? I mean the latest “expert” Model has the deaths topping out at 66,000, and not until August.

What next?
Ed Pilkington, April 24, 2020 - Guardian

theguardian _ com/world/2020/apr/24/revealed-leader-group-peddling-bleach-cure-lobbied-trump-coronavirus?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other

Revealed: leader of group peddling bleach as coronavirus ‘cure’ wrote to Trump this week
Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment

The leader of the most prominent group in the US peddling potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trumpat the White House this week.

In his letter, Mark Grenon told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a powerful bleach used in industrial processes such as textile manufacturing that can have fatal side-effects when drunk – is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body”. He added that it “can rid the body of Covid-19”.

A few days after Grenon dispatched his letter, Trump went on national TV at his daily coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday and promoted the idea that disinfectant could be used as a treatment for the virus. To the astonishment of medical experts, the US president said that disinfectant “knocks it out in a minute. One minute!”

He went on to say: “Is there a way we can do something, by an injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.”

The leader of an organization called Genesis II Church of Health and Healing told Trump that chlorine dioxide – a lethal industrial bleach – “can rid the body of COVID-19” days before Trump promoted disinfectant as a treatment. In his letter, Mark Grenon, an “archbishop” of Genesis II, told Trump that chlorine dioxide is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of the pathogens in the body.” Since the start of the pandemic, Genesis II has been marketing his “miracle mineral solution” as a cure to coronavirus, advising users, including children, to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it. Last week, the Justice Department granted a temporary injunction to halt the sale of industrial bleach products by Genesis II, which was also marketing it as a cure for autism and AIDS. (The Guardian / Reuters)

Sadly? Others of T rump’s followers may hear some of his crazy remarks about fake curatives and absolutely believe it. e.g., One or more of them may drink bleach or shoot Lysol into their veins.

I don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

I don’t know whether to cry or laugh.
I was watching when Trump asked Dr Birx about using light and some sort of injected disinfectant to fight the virus. He made absolutely no suggestion that any individual should attempt anything like that. Anyone watching should have recognized he was just thinking out loud as many people do. It was obvious.

Of course the fake media latched onto it like flies on stink and blew it out of proportion. They are grasping at straws to try to prevent Trump’s inevitable second term. They are demonstrating just how weak a candidate Biden is. It seems Biden’s latest ploy is to promise he won’t run for a second term and so his female VP might be the first woman President. Sad.

W.C. Fields was right: there is a sucker born every minute. Snake oil salesmen are nothing new. The part I laugh at is that there are so many people in this country who are so stupid as to fall for such BS. The part I cry about is that there are so many people in this country who are so stupid as to fall for such BS.

So I’m not knocking the basic claim, oh but how Republicans do extrapolate into the fanciful.
The report presented by the guy from the testing lab (can't recall his name) didn't seem to be fanciful. He did not indicate that any dose of UV larger than what is available from the Sun on a normal day was required to be effective.
Anyone watching should have recognized he was just thinking out loud as many people do. It was obvious. -- IBL
It may have been obvious to smart people like you and me, but medical help lines and doctor's offices did receive calls asking about it, and we already know that people drink bleach because the internet said to, so I think it is you IBL that is missing some data on this. I remember the good old days when if you said "don't drink bleach", everyone would know it was an example of something incredibly stupid, on par with saying, "don't run out onto a busy highway". Now, it has to be accepted as "exploring", "having an open mind", "considering all possibilities", "going beyond the science", or any other of new names for this world where logic and reason are a bad thing.

If you don’t respond with, “hmm, I can see how if you ran fast enough, and jumped from one lane the next quick enough, it could actually be a good idea to run out into traffic”, then you are considered a nay-sayer, a short-sighted thinker who just goes with the herd mentality. I now understand why Lao-Tsu went off into the woods to get away from people.

A clueless president thinking out loud - making jokes - speaking in sarcasm that only MAGA can decode. A President who can’t get through a day without uttering dozens of lies - and they defend him. Rational and normalize the base crazy. Beyond comprehension


That is not an American President, it’s a character out of a horror cartoon, but the right wingers love it, because it pisses off liberals and rationalists. That’s impressive.

It’s nothing less than juvenile delinquent thinking at work here, or what???

. I now understand why Lao-Tsu went off into the woods to get away from people.
Ain't that the truth.
@lausten: I now understand why Lao-Tsu went off into the woods to get away from people.

@citizenschallengev3: Ain’t that the truth.

No, that’s not the truth. Apparently, Trump has gotten virulent and has infected Lausten with a predisposition to think out loud and speak with sarcasm. Irreverence is not a liberal value.

No, that’s not the truth.
What are you talking about?

T rump was NOT BEING SARCASTIC. THAT IS A LIE. QUIT LYING FOR THE IGNORAMUS. He lies way more than enough, on his own.

Thinking out loud? Maybe that’s right. Ok. So why didn’t he say that? NO! He did NOT say that he was thinking out loud. HE LIED and said he was being sarcastic.

The problem, even if he had admitted to “thinking out loud” is that he is in a position of leadership in which his own constituents tend to believe every thing they hear him say or imply.

So they hear him one day saying in a serious way to his medical experts “Hey check out whether injecting disinfectants can cure Coronavirus.” But they don’t hear his opposite statement the very next day.

Poison control is getting a lot more calls than usual since T rump spouted his dumb idea.

But this “thinking out loud” and projection of stupid ideas is not limited to his idea about injecting disinfectant.

He does it routinely.

Recall a couple of classics.

He was asking about using Nukes to stop hurricanes. He said that Seoul, a city of millions, needed to move, because it is too close to N. Korea.

We have been able to absorb this regular idiocy, but it gets tougher during a Pandemic and a possibly emerging Great Depression.

T rump is a really really bad joke. He, consequently portrays himself as a joke. If a 2nd term, of T rump is “inevitable”, after a free and fair election, then we will have chosen the inevitable dystopia that this con man will provide us, and we will deserve it.

Joe Biden’s anus would make a better POTUS than T rump is capable of being.

I just read the article in CFI, by guest author, Vinod Bhardwaj, titled, “it’s the math, stupid”.

I agree with most of what he says.

I fear some of what he says, in the light of the course our nation is taking since he wrote the article on the 15th. He says:

"The real pandemic will start the day we start lifting the lockdown.

Every country or state has announced a date at which lockdown will be lifted. They should instead declare that they will lift the lockdown the day the number of new cases has been zero for the past two weeks. Period."

It looks like no one is going to follow his advice. Lots of States have not even waiting until the lockdown was scheduled to end on May 1st, much less wait until the number of cases is zero for 2 weeks.

Our mixed message leader, kept pounding on how we need to get our economy opened up SOON!

So here we are.

We are quite possibly, wasting our efforts, so far, including the $Trillions of economic loss we have already incurred.

And VP Pence has now declared that the pandemic will be over by Memorial Day… Oh the lies that come out of his perfectly pastoral mouth.


University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which is used by the White House predicted over 90,000 deaths by August last week. On April 7, that number dropped to 82,000 before it decreased by around 20,000 a few days later. On April 9, the model estimated it's the lowest death toll of 60,415 before increasing again.
That model, referenced above, has increased their projection to 66,000, and even MORE recently to 74,000 by August.

I have been projecting that the 100k threshold would be breached by May 19. See#post-327205

The Model used by the WH, has been changing their projections here, there and yon. I have been consistent. I suspect they will soon be changing their projection upwards again, since the 74K mark will probably be reached in about a week. That would be May 6th. (Not August).