If the baby is born with a penis, it’s a boy. If a baby is born with a vagina, it’s a girl

Agree or disagree.

Give explanation

Did you forget the explanation I’ve already given?

I agree/disagree :

  • Every one or almost every one is born genetically with one sex, man or woman

  • everyone has a sexual orientation, heterosexual, homosexual, bi or asexual,

  • psychologically, everyone feels he belongs to a sex, man, woman or is gender fluid. In most cases,one felles like belonging to the sex one is genetically born with,

-and society imposes on people genre, as a set of behaviors and feelings one must follow, according its genetic sex. Genre is not natural, it is a social construct. More and more people dont want to live and behave according to one’s genre.

It means that one can be genetically a man, be heterosexual, feels belonging to the other sex and not wanting to behave according to most of the social stereotypes, even if wearing skirts. Is one a man or woman ?


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[quote=“mitch70, post:1, topic:8410, full:true”]

If the baby is born with a penis, it’s a boy. If a baby is born with a vagina, it’s a girl

Agree or disagree.
Give explanation

Physically yes, but not necessarily biochemically, which shapes subjective gender identity.

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The link here is very helpful

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I can honestly say that I agree with those who say they agree in that you are born with one gender or the other and I also agree that maybe one may prefer certain aspects/definitions of another gender. The reason being is that people have this idea of how a man should dress and how a woman should dress. It really makes no difference to me if a man wants to wear make-up and/or a dress. I really don’t care if they decide on the inside they are really the opposite gender they were born. They aren’t hurting anyone. Of course, if they physically/medically change themselves to the other, they might be harming themselves, especially if they decide later that was a BIG mistake they can’t reverse. Only time will tell concerning those who decide they are trans.

So what if a man likes to wear make-up and occasionally wear a dress. This idea that only women wear dresses is just a gender stereotype that society has imposed on a people. Let’s take the kilt, which is said is not a dress. Maybe not, but anyone (man, woman, boy, girl) should be able to wear a kilt and now days anyone does, if they want. They might wear it the traditional way, but there is a kilt for everyone nowadays. As for makeup, even Sir Patrick Stewart wears makeup and so did Clark Gable. Doesn’t matter if it’s for work or every day use. Even Michael Jackson thought eyeliner was cool enough to wear even when not on stage- though he might have had it tattoo on his eyelids.

There’s a lot for me to take in with the podcast since it’s 47 minutes long. It’ll take longer for me than the average person but what I can do is read the text while the audio is on and take notes on points that I agree or disagree on and bring it to this discussion.

Disagree, the biological evolutionary process is not perfect evidenced by nipples on males
Born as a human baby in the imperfect biological evolutionary process. All babies possess distinguishing characteristics of chemistry, neuro-connections, and gender. In some cases, characteristics challenge the scale of natural processes. Certainly, there are cases where the physical appearance is not in agreement with dominant hormones or the perception of self.

It seems every time I try to dress up like Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan everyone wants to get the police involved. Why can’t a white guy dress up as his hero?

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Here’s where I see things as getting harmful in raising your child. My son is 5 years old and he’s a boy. If you watched the video that I posted that was promoted as harassment training, the fact that I called my son a boy was considered wrong. Yeah no as the Canadians say. I’ll raise as I had my son by the sex he had been born with as a boy. I’ll do this up to puberty and up until he hits 18 years of age. I’m not going to pressure him but I will help him grow as a man. I’ll raise him by his sex but always let him know that once he hits 18 that he’s on his own. If he’s gay then my only disappointment would be the lack of grandchildren. Other than that, I did my part. I’m not forcing my views on him, but I also don’t want people from the outside pressuring him into becoming something he’s not.

Mriana you did it to yourself the moment you decided to live in MS. :joy:

J/K btw. I think we need some light humor in this forum.

P.S. I have a small “possible” correction for you though:

In the South Central/East US I thought the colloquial was “Y’all” meaning “You All”. I could be wrong, but here in SoCal we did it dirty and lowered it to “Where you at?”.

California has a habit of dumbing things down to its lowest common denominator.

Again this is light-hearted and not an attack. I think the word you have a problem with here is “Aint” which is obviously completely informal.


There are times when “Ain’t” fit’s the mood.

Ain’t No Sunshine
Bill Withers

Ain’t that a Shame?
Fats Domino

The saddest thing black people ever gave up was Soul Music and Blues for rap. What they had in the '70s and '80s was something that hit me deeply at an emotional level.

@Mriana I’ll informally apologize to you for dragging you into the issues involving women that I had with the song. A black woman by the name of CardiB rapped about her “Wet Ass Pussy” and brought all women to the forefront of women’s empowerment.

Here’s the video made for the rap

Here’s the MTV Video awards live show given in 2020.

Fluke incident? Yeah no (as the Canadians say) a major white female pop star found women empowerment in the song.

mriana I offended you in every way that I could to make you realize that this isn’t just some fly-by-night issue. This is the direction people are headed in the US. I’d scream cry and resist, but it’s not my sex, so why should I care if you don’t honestly, if you’re okay with this, then I’ll drop it.

How about this Mriana. I give you this one great thing over me. If you say that nothing I’ve posted here matters, and that the video is a great expression of womanhood, then I’ll move on in my life, and never talk about it on this forum. Please just say to me that “None of this matters”, and I’ll move on, never to mention this again on this forum.

lol I’m long since done raising my sons. My older son/child, who requests gender neutral wording and alike, is 32 years, a grown man (or person, as he prefers), so he can do what he wants and request the sort of respect he wants to receive. I’ve long since raised my son, so I don’t see what I said is harmful in raising my son, when I’ve long been done with raising children.

So, if he wants a “My Buddy” doll, (a doll in the 90s for little boys) you will deny him that? Or if he wants to cook and clean house, you’ll discourage him from doing that? If he wants to grow his hair long, you’ll deny him from doing what he wants with his hair? That’s a bit old fashion. Old fashion as in a throwback prior to the 70s, where the demands to be stereotypical, gender wise was in high demand.

You’re discussing across multiple threads here. This isn’t a major rule violation, but the reason for it is obvious. I don’t feel like tracking down something from you.

Not surprised that you take this centuries old attitude. I hope his hormones, his DNA, and his own feelings about who he is line up with a 10 second diagnosis made by an OB/GYN. Otherwise, he’ll need therapy, will just be miserable, or worse.

It works for the vast majority of people so why be skeptical of it.

[quote=“thatoneguy, post:14, topic:8410, full:true”]
It works for the vast majority of people so why be skeptical of it.

No it doesn’t. It is not necessary for the vast majority of people. But for those whose brain does not chemically identify with their physical body, it does not work.

I am very skeptical of trying to force a person to identify with something they cannot do. That’s why many gender confused persons commit suicide.

Studies show that the prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts among transgender adults is significantly higher than that of the U.S. general population.

Respondents who experienced discrimination or were a victim of violence were more likely to report suicide thoughts and attempts.

Respondents who experienced family rejection were also more likely to report attempting suicide.

Access to gender-affirming medical care is associated with a lower prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts.

Sure, and curbs work for the majority, so why did we make all those cut outs for wheel chairs?

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one? That doesn’t always work.

It’s the only thing that works.

[quote=“thatoneguy, post:18, topic:8410, full:true”]
It’s the only thing that works.

What is it that works? You think you can brainwash a person into gender identification, rather than Nature?

Why is it that people who try to brainwash gays into straights always fail so miserably? If it works on straights it should work on gays, no ?

No, I’ll pretty much raise him as a boy. If he wants to clean up the house or do dishes, grow his hair long, or do the laundry, then I know he’s definitely being a boy because no women today want to take those roles. Women today are about independence and not fitting into any stereotypes. My son will do great when I raise him as a man and let him decide what he wants to be in the end.