How Jesus Christ Changed My Life!! He Can Change Yours too!!

Of course, while all this was going on our extraordinary human mind was also beginning to wonder about the ‘Why’ of the world it observed and the difficult, fragile, short lives we were allotted.

In seeking answers to unknowable questions it seems to me inevitable that Gods would inhabit our mindscape. I suspect inspired by buried memories of being coddled within mom’s protective loving bosom those first couple years of life.

No doubt these “Gods” enabled further successes, though not through super-natural interventions, but rather through their ability to form, conform, reform and transform the mindscapes of the masses of people beginning to congregate.

Thus, combining pragmatic civil societal needs with universally felt, but keenly personal questions, fears, and dreams. …

While the human mind and spirit are ineffable mysteries, they are also of tremendous consequence and real-world physical power.

They drove our growing ability to study and manipulate our world; to communicate and record our experiences;
and to formulate explanations for a world full of mysteries, threats and wonders.

People learned to think and gossip and paint pictures upon the canvas of cave walls, and even better, upon the canvas of each other’s imaginations. We’ve been adding to our brain’s awareness and complexity ever since.


There’s the “origin” part. It’s hard to understand any part of the story without understanding all of it.

What is the point you are attempting to make? (or is this just another slap and a bit of superior venting?)

Or have you not noticed that I’ve also included origins?


... The Earth Centrist’s perspective acknowledges that Earth and her physical processes and the pageant of Evolution are the fundamental timeless touchstones of reality.

Part of Earth’s physical reality is that we humans were created by Earth out of her processes.

Science shows us that we belong to the mammalian branch of Earth’s animal kingdom. Yet, it’s undeniable that something quite unique happened about six million years ago when certain apes took a wild improbable evolutionary turn.

By and by, besides the marvel of our two hands, we developed two feet and legs that could stand tall or run for hours and a growing brain that learned rapidly.

During this period our brain physically morphed in some significant ways that enabled it to host a profound leap in cognitive information processing, storage and retrieval ability.

On the outside hominids learned to make tools, hunt, fish, and select plants, plus they mastered fire for cooking and better living.

On the inside our brains were growing and benefiting from the new super nourishment while human curiosity and adventures started filling and stretching our mindscapes with experiences and knowledge beyond anything the “natural” physical Earth ever knew.

By mindscape I mean the product of all the brain can perceive and process, which of course evolutionarily speaking was dependent on our brain’s hardware keeping up with the ever increasing volume of information and thoughts.

While the human mind and spirit are ineffable mysteries, they are also of tremendous consequence and real-world physical power. …


Or if you are trying to make a constructive point {rather than simply jabbing at me - or would ‘patronizing’ be a better description? I can’t read your mind. All I know is what your words say - along with their implications :wink: Of course, that’s a subjective call on my part},

Perhaps you can enunciate it a little bit better.

Remember I am into serious constructive criticism. Something that is painfully rare in this day and age. :expressionless:

What is the point you are attempting to make? (or is this just another slap and a bit of superior venting?)
I just agreed with you. I just took a small part of your longer post and highlighted it because I thought it was worthwhile. I wasn't making any kind of "point" beyond that.

Well CC, that is a nicely fleshed out version of the origin of religion. But in one sentence, it is

"Humans like all organisms are subject to doing superstitious behaviors, and when they also developed complex verbal behavior, THAT resulted in the ability to create explanatory narratives, such as the myriad of religious narratives that have infiltrated human culture ever since."

The origin of religion in 41 words. Occam would be proud.





I use to be depressed much the same way and to too found my way the Bible. I opened the book and found that someone had carved out the pages to store their bag of meth. I’ve been happy ever since.

It must have been a big bag to have lasted all this time.

I was a big bible.

It looks like Amazon has taken it down, but if you have not read the review of The Secret by someone in prison, stop what you’re doing and read it.

Good one.

I always thought they should have made an alternate versions of the musical “Jesus Christ Supers-star” from the Romans perspective.

“Jesus Christ, Super-Star, who in the fk do you think you are?”

tear so profound.

Here’s some potential “joy” for you. What if “Jesus Christ Superstar” was re-made from the perspective of the T rump?

“Jesus Christ, I’m the Star! So get me some votes or I’ll start a War.”

So emotive, gets you right here, eh? (pointing toward butt)

Nice. That’s better than a video of a Chimp with an AK47.