Do you want 2 live in a world of total peace and with no suffering!!

Hi people…

Do you want 2 live in a world of total peace and with no suffering!! If so here’s the gospel. 2000 years ago God sent his son down 2 earth jesus christ who is part of God in substance and existed with him in heaven in the beginning to die for our sins that we would be made right with God. He took on the punishment for us so that we wouldn’t receive Gods judgment for our sins.

So would you like to receive Gods gift 2 you which is eternal salvation. If so accept jesus Christ today and put your trust in him and you shall be saved from a life of turmoil and from eternal damnation and punishment. God cannot allow sin into his presence because he is holy.

Pick up a bible and read the gospels of jesus Christ and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!!

No, but do you want to live in a world where humanity’s folly had turned our biosphere against humanity?

For instance, COVID-19 having been allowed to circulate throughout the biosphere most carelessly, you can bet it will trigger varied cascading consequences depending on the varied and unique environmental conditions it finds itself.

Evolution is real, I would not at all be surprise if it’s working on a slightly less lethal, but more transmissible version of Eboli - * - opps my bad, seems to be getting more deadly while more transmissible, which seems a little counter intuitive.

* Wow, it was a surprise how much has been written and documented, good faith research is always full of surprises.

Total peace and no suffering? Me thinks this is a bait and switch.

The price, supposedly, is for everyone to read the Bible and trust in Jesus.

I’m thinking that in the very unlikely case that everyone in the world would read the Bible and trust in Jesus, that there would NOT be total peace, and Suffering would still exist.

Then there is the fact that everyone in the world will not read the Bible and trust in Jesus.

Other than that it is a great plan except for this one other fact: that the 2000 year old dogma is a BS story that was made up by humans, not some mystical, supernatural creature.

A world without suffering would not be good for us.

In a sense some level of suffering is required for people to connect with each other


I think that is “Yin Yang”. Unless you were referring to someone having an excess of something as in, so much that it is coming out the ying yang”.

total peace and with no suffering
I find nothing in the Bible that promises " total peace and with no suffering" while we are on this Earth. Later, in heaven, yes but not here and not now.
@logic Bob "Later in heaven."
What do you know about heaven?

Have you every thought about the body soul connection? How can a Soul exist without the vessel that held it?

And what would you do without your body or a physical world to relate to, anyways?.

Why doesn’t Heaven feel as terrifying as Hell - actually maybe it does, maybe that’s why Christians have such a terror and emotional hatred death rather than accepting it as an essential part of life.

What is it that terrifies Christians about the concept of death being the end of the being, followed by a long eternal deep deep sleep.

Of course, that person’s relationship with the living world that will continue, only to fade as memories and deeds slide into the past, then the deep past, then the forgotten past.

Your soul resides in those you’ve made a connection with, why isn’t that enough?

Live your life for all it’s worth, develop your own being and die aware and proud at having lived a life and been aware of the gift while it was unfolding.

yeah Tim, as you may have noticed, I’m known to add letters, or leave some out, or simply scramble them, as the distracts happen to strike.

Oh and then those floating blind spots.

It didn’t even look right, but I hit enter anyways. My bad. YIN YANG and I CHING, or is that Yi Jing. :frowning:

Thanks for the correction.

No prob. I am ok with people having ying yangs. Not so much with people being ying yangs.

What is it that terrifies Christians about the concept of death being the end of the being, followed by a long eternal deep deep sleep.
The thing that bothers them, terrifies them if you like, is that death is not the end of being nor is it the beginning of a deep sleep. To Christians, and to Jews and Muslims, death is only the separation of the eternal soul from the temporary physical body.

Several people here have discussed what it is like to experience a sensory deprivation chamber. Most agree that an extended stay in one can produce quite undesirable mental problems, even to madness. To face the prospect of that experience for eternity I think would qualify as something one would want to avoid at all costs, and a fair description of hell. I think a hell that is mental would be much worse than one that is physical.

The promise of Christianity is that a believer will have help, a guide, as his/her soul enters into that realm.

I think when we die, the physiological machinery shuts down. Everything stops, including consciousness and awareness. There is not only nothing that can be sensed, there is nothing that can even know that there is nothing that can be sensed. It’s all done. The life that was, is no more.

Am I right? Are you right?

No one really knows.

I base my idea on physical observations in life. I think that you base your idea on superstitious dogma.

What is it that terrifies Christians about the concept of death being the end of the being, followed by a long eternal deep deep sleep.
Pascal's wager is amazingly pervasive, despite it's incredibly weak argument. I first heard it in college from the campus nut-job who preached out in a field and everyone made fun of him. I had no training in philosophy at the time and found it weak.

For others, I had a friend who was more SBNR, who said, “there better be an after life because I want answers”. I think this is more “natural”, to want that. And, since life does not give us all the answers for free, we hope something more will be known after death. She was not someone who was easy to talk with, everything was an argument, so I didn’t follow up. I noted that first, she assumed any form of after life would include revelation of some kind, second, she didn’t seem that interested in the answers that we have found in the last 150 years of where we came from, what the universe is, even why we think the way we do.

Pascal’s wager.

I tell Pascal "If you kiss my ass everyday for the rest of your life, you will receive everything you have ever dreamed of.

But if you don’t, you will feel excruciating punishment forever."…

“So you should kiss my ass every day for the rest of your life. Because if I am telling you the truth, you will have so much gain. And if you choose not to believe me, and you are wrong, you will have eternal pain.”

Apparently, Pascal would choose to kiss my ass everyday, for the rest of his life.

I base my idea on physical observations in life. I think that you base your idea on superstitious dogma.

Apparently, Pascal would choose to kiss my ass everyday, for the rest of his life.

Well said!

Of course, when you consider that 30-40% of Americans have talked themselves into believing that this intellectual emotional juvenile delinquent, they call their president trump, is also the messiah who will save them from those horrible liberals - well, well, why should we think they have anything else right?

Remember, that’s the same “president” who tells Americans COVID-19 is a liberal hoax that will just disappear when we stop believing in it. Or hell, trying injecting yourself with a good dose of UV, it kills virus, worth a try, is anyone working on that?

and so on and so forth …


Now some joker going to smack me for “misquoting” our “president” and never see the insane irony in their complaint.


OH but I digress, we were dreaming of a world in total peace and with no suffering as Trump’s COVID-19 Virus rips apart families and communities while tears down our global community and economic future. But that the self-certain blameless right-wingers will also pin on liberals I’m sure.


Guess it’s what’s to be expected when we allow our Ego to become our God.

This is a western term. It has no connection to an ancient Chinese idea which it points to.

The western mind perceives a world made up of discrete things put together to form a whole. Thus, a human being is comprised of a mind and a body. While the body is made up of parts that can be transplanted, the mind too can have the body parts modified to fit its gender disposition. In the west, YING can be YANG, and YANG can be YING.


Just what is a “ying” anyway?

OH but I digress, we were dreaming of a world in total peace and with no suffering as Trump’s COVID-19 Virus rips apart families and communities while tears down our global community and economic future. But that the self-certain blameless right-wingers will also pin on liberals I’m sure.

Guess it’s what’s to be expected when we allow our Ego to become our God.

We can always count on CitizensChallenge for a level-headed take on things.