Your point?
That she hit a nerve?
Good on her.
Your point?
That she hit a nerve?
Good on her.
"Your point?That she hit a nerve?
Good on her"
I like her. I don’t think she is an extremist radical. I think she is about where any sane person who cares about the future of mankind should be.
What you said is a good point. It does show that the level of the bias general public’s understanding about Mother Nature and how the sun affects the earth has not changed. And that Gen X and the millennials climate change movement has now moved up to the level of a 16-year-old. Some progress anyway.
Mike Sun activity has been tracked and no significant change found. Stop being and ostrich
Lausten said,
She is Generation Z. Try to keep up.
Generation Z (often abbreviated as Gen Z) is the demographic cohort after the Millennials. Demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to early-2000s as starting birth years. There is little consensus regarding ending birth years. Most of Generation Z have used the Internet since a young age and are comfortable with technology and social media.
Mike Sun activity has been tracked and no significant change found. Stop being and ostrich
Most weather is created by energy from the sun. The sun has many cycles. There are four main cycles that we have to be concerned with right now. The sun is in the Grand Solar Minimum right now. That is affecting the weather we are having.
“Most weather is created by energy from the sun. The sun has many cycles. There are four main cycles that we have to be concerned with right now. The sun is in the Grand Solar Minimum right now. That is affecting the weather we are having.”
its the climate boy, not weather
Heard a good explanation from the weather guy tonight. Think about walking a dog. The person is walking a fairly straight line, following a path of some kind, that’s the climate. The dog is darting all over, sniffing this or that, stopping, going the opposite of the walker at some points, that’s the weather. But they both are going in the same direction overall.
I am willing to bet you can’t explain why and what is the actual cause..The industrial revolution is the actual cause.
Capitalism contributes to climate change though globalization.
:The industrial revolution is the actual cause.
Capitalism contributes to climate change though globalization."
Genius comment
And this guy votes!!
My sister says there something wrong with her but can’t put a finger on it. Also backed by multimillion dollar PR campaign
Greta has a diagnosis of Asperger’s. Basically that is like Autism, except it does not include the profound inhibition of developing verbal behavior as Autism does. Greta probably seemed odd in many ways as a toddler. She probably has had and may still have some issues with social and emotional development. (Though she seems to be handling what she is goin through now, pretty well.) Chances are that her intense interest in the environment is a manifestation of the one of the indicators of the disorder. Persons tend to select areas of interest and to become consumed with the topic. e.g., One might develop an interest in trains, to the point that they informally become an extraordinary font of information re" trains.
But Greta’s interest in the environment seems to be totally functional to me. She has come to the same conclusions as have the climate scientists.
Is there really a multimillion dollar PR campaign to support Greta? If so, that’s a good thing. Some ppl with money want the Earth to be saved from the climate change deniers. Unfortunately a lot of other ppl with money want her to be discredited, so that the climate change deniers can scam a bit more riches from the world.
its the climate boy, not weather
Not much life without the sun. Weather and climate are both created by the sun. They are just different timescale measurement terms.
Also backed by multimillion dollar PR campaign
Translation: PR = attempts at education, campaign = scientific consensus, multimillion dollar = the cost of learning how our planet works before we destroy it, backed by = she went to school and paid attention, she is a product of the system that our ancestors dreamed of where complex knowledge is available to many and people are allowed to speak that knowledge to the rich and powerful.
I hear you Timb. She also predicts Greta will suicide within next 5 years.
My sister works in business banking and surrounds herself with big business and the privileged. This is how right wing trolls speak in that they can’t engage with what Greta is saying and attack her personally to prevent change and preserve their wealth and status.
Whence do we speak of evil?
Greta seems to be functioning quite well, to me, considering what she is going thru. Despite often presenting a flat affect, she also frequently smiles appropriately, and as we all saw, she displayed some intense anger appropriately. The biggest concern I have for her is that she is likely to be judged as an adult, when she is actually a child, who is, out of necessity, taking on an adult role (trying to save the world).
She likely has a high IQ, but she may still be, on an emotional level, a bit less than her biological age. But then, a lot of climate change deniers are operating on the emotional level of children.
Genius commentAnd this guy votes!!