Greta has a diagnosis of Asperger’s. Basically that is like Autism, except it does not include the profound inhibition of developing verbal behavior as Autism does. Greta probably seemed odd in many ways as a toddler. She probably has had and may still have some issues with social and emotional development. (Though she seems to be handling what she is goin through now, pretty well.) Chances are that her intense interest in the environment is a manifestation of the one of the indicators of the disorder. Persons tend to select areas of interest and to become consumed with the topic. e.g., One might develop an interest in trains, to the point that they informally become an extraordinary font of information re” trains.
That makes sense. Her parents probably encourage the environmentalism hoping it can be therapeutic.

One guy - how can climate catastrophe be therapeutic?

I didn’t say it was.

One guy- talk to the issue not the person

Yeah, Oneguy, I wouldn’t be surprised if her parents encouraged her interest in environmentalism out of the hope that it would be therapeutic for her.

Do you need encouragement when it’s clear that her world is at risk?


Everyone’s world is at risk, but life goes on. Not every child knows or gives a flip about the prospect.

If hell existed I’d end up there.

Sorry Timb. You and I will be dead before it really hits. It’s her world

Sounds like One guy is anti environment.

What a cute picture! Though the captions belie reality, since environmentalism is not the bullshit. And the attempt to disparage her due to the Asperger’s diagnosis, fails, because she is beyond others her age in a lot of ways, not only despite, but in some ways because of her “disorder”.

Look! My 2 favorite Nobel Prize winners. (Tho Barry didn’t deserve his and Greta doesn’t have hers, yet.)

(Our Dotard thinks he should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Sorry Dotard.)

He is right about obomber

Barrack to Greta: “Hey if you don’t win the Nobel Peace Prize for 2019, you can have my old one.”

Obama was the 1st to question that he deserved it.

He accepted

I guess u would have just peed on it.

That makes sense. Her parents probably encourage the environmentalism hoping it can be therapeutic.
That was exactly the answer I heard on Science Friday today, when they were talking about GW and someone asked what they should teach their kids. The scientist answered to teach them to love people and love their world, to appreciate everything they have. That should lead them to consider how to do that and make good choices.
Player: You and I will be dead before it really hits. It’s her world
Must make life easy if you don't care about anything but your own smug ass.