For My Strong Healthy Immune System, I

take Grape Seed Extract, Vit C, Vit D3, Zinc and have been for over 26 yrs on most of these. 83 yrs young and no sickness, colds, flu and no vaccines.

It’s not enough when it comes to COVID-19. You also need a mask, social distance, and a COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccines are your best defense against illness, especially concerning COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine helps to prevent a severe case that lands you in the hospital and possibly dying. At 83, you really can’t rely on your immune system and supplements, especially when it comes to COVID-19. Studies do show that Vitamin D3 does help, but it’s not enough. The vaccine is necessary and just recently the FDA fully approved Pfizer and Moderna will be next.

[quote=“joycemartino, post:1, topic:8354, full:true”]

take Grape Seed Extract, Vit C, Vit D3, Zinc and have been for over 26 yrs on most of these. 83 yrs young and no sickness, colds, flu and no vaccines.

Sounds like a good regimen. Except for Vit D, I take all, plus Tribulus Terrestris to control loss of testosterone.

Had a very mild case of covid last year, but recovered very nicely and had no problems since. Since then did take 2 doses vaccine and plan to take the boost when it becomes available. I do not underestimate viruses. This is a dangerous invisible adversary.

That is why outside I do wear a mask to protect my fellow citizens.

p.s. for those unfamiliar with grape-seed extract, it is also known under the name Resveratrol.

Fear fear fear, my daughter 58, her children in 20’s and many good friends are in the same boat as me. And they are not stuck at home and all take good supplements and avoid muzzles as best they can.

I had to wear a mask 2 times this year, an MD appt and dental appt.

Fear fear fear, is strong from you know who.

Grape Seed Extract and Resveratrol are 2 different Grape Supplements…2 different ones. Grape Seed Ex came to the U.S. from France about 30+ yrs ago where it was having good life for the 40 yrs or so before. Resveratrol is fairly new founded in t he U.S. as far as I know. I’ve never taken it but I know some companies use Grape Seed Ex and Resveratrol and Costco is one of the, a friend has been taking their combo for over 15 yrs, and she’s 90 but she has taking vax as she lives in senior residence and you can count on that one as all those pretty deficient sicker frail people are vaxxed to the 9’s…

I believe I posted in Alternative Med area didn’t I.

[quote=“joycemartino, post:4, topic:8354”]

Fear fear fear, is strong from you know who.

Fear from what? Dying from the vaccine 2 per million, or dying from covid 2 per thousand?

Obviously we have not been hanging at the same medical links for the last 2 yrs. I don’t believe covid exists now and all that is left is the variants that we hear about new ones every other week, and the shedding from the vaxxed millions onto the healthy people.

Govt wants to keep this stuff alive as long as they can and they are doing good job…I watch NO TV … trust our govt no how.

Govt is achieving a LOT of their goal from day 1 when the covid switch was turned on.

On the so called Pfizer approval. It’s all so confusing and the pharma companies can be so ruthless. I won’t discuss this anymore, but you can believe what you choose, I don’t believe the present jabs are approved.

And they will probably end up getting COVID. Hopefully they don’t give it to you, because you might not fair well. I wish it were just fear, but COVID-19 kills. I personally love my masks and glad I am fully vaccinated. I still wear my mask, but it’s not fear as to why I wear it. It’s what the science says we need to do to no get COVID-19. Not only that, it kept flu at bay for most the world. That said, 1 in 500 U.S. citizens have died from COVID-19.

However, I do take 2,000 IU of D3, as well as flaxseed, Echinacea, probiotics, and a multivitamin. I don’t rely on these things, because those things alone will not keep one from getting sick. Vaccinations are a necessity, but if you want to get COVID-19, just do not go out and give it to others, especially after you are Dx with it.

I read JAMA, NEJM, Science Daily, Medscape- none of which are government sites. As for it not being real, my 32 year old son has lost 2 friends to COVID-19 and others are still recovering- at least one is a long hauler. Luckily, he stayed home, worked at home, etc and didn’t get it. He too is fully vaccinated. My husband and I are fully vaccinated, as well as my mother and my husband’s family. Only one member of my husband’s family got it before the vaccines and was hospitalized. Now his brother is in a nursing home. You right one believing it doesn’t exist, refuse vaccination, and when you get, continue not to believe it is real and die. It will happen eventually. That’s not fear, that’s the truth.

You go right on believing that. Just avoid giving it to others when you get it.

Again, believe what you want, just don’t go running around in public, giving it to others, when you get it. You don’t have to discuss it. You can continue to listen to Faux news and put your head in the sand, but the Delta variant is highly contagious and many people (mostly the unvaccinated, 99% of those who die now are unvaccinated) are dying from it.

That would just great

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Do you follow FrontLine Doctors, probably NOT. Those are my heros.

And the grands got mild cases of covid from being in a houseful of vaxxed cousins/aunts and able to heal themselves. It’s called
Shedding of proteins on others…look it up.

Vaccines for full approval take 5+ yrs and not 6-8 months. Oh brother. Everyone taking them are in the experimental phase of the animal trials, as I understand animals were skipped to rush to the arms of people.


I can’t give it to anyone, I don’t have it. Have had no colds or flu and for sure no vaccines except tetanus in about 40 yrs…

And guess what my daughter was here the other day and we have each other a big arrival hug and departure hug, we are not vaxxed. And avoid muzzling as best we can.

How ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ Sold Access to Bogus COVID-19 Treatments—and Left Patients in the Lurch

So in late July, Mike, who says he is a 48-year-old teacher and disabled veteran from New York state, contacted America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLD), a group he had been following on social media. AFLD has been a leading promoter of ivermectin, a medication typically used to treat parasitic worms in livestock, as a “safe and effective treatment” for COVID-19. Through its website, Mike says, he paid the group $90 for a telemedicine appointment with a doctor willing to prescribe the drug

A week later, he was still anxiously waiting for the consultation. Calls and emails to AFLD went unreturned, he says. Finally, he called his bank to report a fraudulent charge. “Not even an apology,” …“This is absolutely nuts. This organization is not helping anyone but their pocketbooks.”

And Big PHARMA has removed HCQ and Ivermectin which are both used around the world with success, Trump first mentioned early in 2020, HCQ and Zinc and the people went wild buying up zinc and big pharma went wild taking HCQ and ivermectin away, both long time approved drugs I know people buying the Ivermectin paste on Amazon. I did not but I’m not going to get any covid.

These old drugs are small peanuts for pharma, they had to go after the billions on their new jabs. The grand plan.

FrontLine docs have been bombarded with requests for help from the ordinary people.

Joyce, have you ever studied any medicine or science, have you ever taken lessons in critical thinking skills?
I ask because you are being played by people even more dishonest, uglier, greedier, and sociopathic then Big Pharma, you sad silly.

Ivermectin, A 40-Year Old Anti-Parasitic Now Embedded In A Covid-19 Culture War

Joshua Cohen

Bizarrely, in right-wing political circles, ivermectin has become increasingly popular as an antidote to Covid-19.
The drug is embroiled in a Covid-19 culture war that pits (as yet) unproven treatments against proven measures, such as vaccines.

On Friday, August 27th, in a speech at the Texas Youth Summit, Representative Louie Gohmert touted ivermectin as an effective treatment for Covid-19, despite there being no substantiated scientific evidence to back this up.

… Of all drugs right-wingers would have gravitated to, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are most unusual candidates, in that they’re largely used in humans in developing nations for conditions rarely seen in the U.S.

All the talk of ivermectin being a deworming agent for animals doesn’t do justice to its crucial role in combating two devastating neglected tropical diseases in humans: River blindness and lymphatic filariasis. These diseases impose a significant burden on public health, especially in developing nations. …

There is so much out there you could be learning from, instead …

Oh and there’s no big secret to healthy living, there’s no magic list of foods - it simply requires healthy living and thinking, regular exercise, eat and drink in moderation, love the ones your with, and a bit of luck.

Best wishes, Cc

Listen, I was finally awakened after sleeping for decades on the left wing road…it all seemed to work kinda ok for a lot of years but covid woke me up…I didn’t make it to 83 with a bag of pharma drugs, I guarantee you. One put me in the ER in the 80’s and that was my turningpoint, never going back to big pharma big guns. I use a couple minor meds like thyroid and some BP and that’s it. otc pain meds on a 6 hr schedule. I’ve seen a lot of damage in my life from others and some on myself. bye

And yes the 2 drugs are unusual for our times now, but we’ve never been here before in modern times. I was not alive in 1918, were you?

Why would “government” want its citizens to die?

[quote=“joycemartino, post:12, topic:8354”]

Do you follow FrontLine Doctors, probably NOT. Those are my heroes.


# How ‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ Sold Access to Bogus COVID-19 Treatments—and Left Patients in the Lurch

Mike says he was struggling with COVID-19 when he felt his breathing getting worse. He did not want to go to the Veterans Affairs hospital near his home, where he believed doctors might put him on a ventilator. And he knew they would not prescribe the treatment he really wanted: a drug called ivermectin.

So in late July, Mike, who says he is a 48-year-old teacher and disabled veteran from New York state, contacted America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLD), a group he had been following on social media.

AFLD has been a leading promoter of ivermectin, a medication typically used to treat parasitic worms in livestock, as a “safe and effective treatment” for COVID-19.

** Through its website, Mike says, he paid the group $90 for a telemedicine appointment with a doctor willing to prescribe the drug.**

These are your heroes? These are non-licensed snake-oil salesmen people who don’t give a damn if you live or die. The government is distribution the REAL vaccines for free because they recognize the danger to the population.

Have you ever been routinely vaccinated in school or for travel? If so, did it kill you?

Joyce, you are lucky to have contacted this site. People here are concerned with your welfare, not your money.

You have been completely misled about Covid and its variants which are getting stronger and stronger.

Don’t forget what happened to “Black Death” in Europe where everyone has a healthy immune system. 25 million died because of ignorance about “Pandemics” and “Endemics”. That was just a little invisible virus that was allowed to mutate.

This Covid “Endemic” has just started but it has spread all over the world and shows no signs of becoming controlled . In fact it is getting stronger and each wave will take more and more lives and age groups.

Personally I predict that before we get thing under control, perhaps a 100 million people may die worldwide.

You seem to be an intelligent person. Don’t be too smart by half. It’ll kill you.

Have you noticed that the conspiracy era started with Trump, a master con-man who will let you die and make fun of it if he could make a dollar on it.

Here is the sober news from Worldmeters


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To reject vaccine because you have a strong immunity system is like if you rejected school because you have a good brain !

Vaccine teaches your immunity system to fight the virus, no more, no less.

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