Envisioning Heaven, seeing an incomprehensible hell

We are humans with big imaginative brains.
Our lives consist of experiencing* our day to day
through the circumstances and body which providence has provided for use at any particular moment.
For most that experience includes ongoing struggles with habits and tendencies -
Never ending, always evolving, echoes from our own formative days.
We have our experiences that include successes and failures, with all sorts of ways to process both.
Live and learn and action, move along. Etc., etc., etc. . . .
The days races by and either we die along the way or we get amazed at the accumulating decades.
All we really have is the now, living the day, and if you’re paying attention an awareness that you are today the culmination of all the days that came before.
To me it seems way more important to obsesses over one’s own life and family/friend/professional networks, than on trying to understand an imaginary God
But this exercise is about trying to think out that imaginary Christian God’s reality.
I suggest the totality of a person’s life is encompassed of how they - that is their mind through the vehicle of their body -
interact with the world around themselves.

Only through our senses do we experience the world around us.
Which brings us to the question of what happens to our spirit/soul/mind when our physical bodies dies.
God’s Children (of whatever religion) feel compelled to believe in a Heaven where an idealized imagine of themselves can go on forever and ever.
To what purpose?
You had your moment to make your impression on the world!
Times up.

Beyond that.
Trying to imagine insubstantial spirits, free of their bodies communing together singing or anything human - it’s leads to nightmarish wormholes.
What is wrong with accepting that the Universe gifted you ONE short moment as an aware intelligent human ? ? ?
After that, you’re done, you belong to eternity.
Moral of the story, make your time worth all it can be.
{A favorite motto:
It’s not the job you are doing that’s most important.
It’s how well you are doing the job you’re working on, that is most important.
The same with life, because you only get one time around.
It’s really simple, consider it the Universe’s Tough Love. }

  • That is, the little observer/narrator within each of our mind’s.

“The Answer,” by Robinson Jeffers
Then what is the answer?—Not to be deluded by dreams.
To know the great civilizations have broken down into violence, and their tyrants come, many times before.
When open violence appears, to avoid it with honor or choose the least ugly faction; these evils are essential.
To keep one’s own integrity, be merciful and uncorrupted and not wish for evil; and not be duped
By dreams of universal justice or happiness. These dreams will not be fulfilled.
To know this, and know that however ugly the parts appear the whole remains beautiful. A severed hand
Is an ugly thing, and man dissevered from the earth and stars and his history…for contemplation or in fact…
Often appears atrociously ugly. Integrity is wholeness, the greatest beauty is
Organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe. Love that, not man
Apart from that, or else you will share man’s pitiful confusions, or drown in despair when his days darken.

Citizenschallenge wrote:
Which brings us to the question of what happens to our spirit/soul/mind when our physical bodies dies.
God’s Children (of whatever religion) feel compelled to believe in a Heaven where an idealized imagine of themselves can go on forever and ever.
What spirit? What soul? What god?

Citizenschallenge wrote: Which brings us to the question of what happens to our spirit/soul/mind when our physical bodies dies. God’s Children (of whatever religion) feel compelled to believe in a Heaven where an idealized imagine of themselves can go on forever and ever. What spirit? What soul?
_____________ * That is, the little observer/narrator within each of our mind’s.
What god?
How would I know! Remember I'm the dude that keeps saying "God" is beyond human understanding. :coolsmile: The Universe and Time if you like.