Electoral College Declares Biden President-Elect

it’s NOT supposed to be for a double-dealing self-serving businessman -- CC
of course many of them are. Trump didn't invent that. The Kennedy family, although I support many of the ideas of at least a couple of them, they were still a dynasty, enriching themselves. Not surprising that when you do that, you end up with an anti-vax powerhouse life RFK Jr. Trump didn't just pull back the curtain, he ripped it from the rings. He was lucky to get the Senate that he did and he happened to have a lot of rich friends. That combination showed us just how far this can go and hopefully we learned that it would have taken just a few more key individuals and the American experiment could have come to an end.

Now, we’ll go back to the old way, where we look aside as congress trades stocks just before voting, and corporations pay them off to tweak a regulation here or there, and unofficial ambassadors collect their consulting fees.

So Lausten you’re saying nothing to see here? Just another day in American politics?


How do we learn anything, when we’re busy normalizing every new layer of atrocities?

Self destruction is also what societies tend to do with themselves, so burn baby burn, it’s all good.


The inside story of how Trump’s COVID-19 coordinator undermined the world’s top health agency By Charles PillerOct. 14, 2020 , 6:15 PM

This story was supported by the Science Fund for Investigative Reporting. Please help Science pursue ambitious journalism projects.

On the morning of 13 July, more than 20 COVID-19 experts from across the U.S. government assembled in a conference room at the Department of Health and Human Services, steps from the Capitol. The group conferred on how best to gather key data on available beds and supplies of medicine and protective gear from thousands of hospitals. Around the table, masks concealed their expressions, but with COVID-19 cases surging out of control in some parts of the country, their grave mood was unmistakable, say two people who were in the room.

Irum Zaidi, a top aide to White House Coronavirus Task Force Coordinator Deborah Birx, chaired the meeting. Zaidi lifted her mask slightly to be heard and delivered a fait accompli: Birx, who was not present, had pulled the plug on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) system for collecting hospital data and turned much of the responsibility over to a private contractor, Pittsburgh-based TeleTracking Technologies Inc., a hospital data management company. The reason: CDC had not met Birx’s demand that hospitals report 100% of their COVID-19 data every day.

According to two officials in the meeting, one CDC staffer left and immediately began to sob, saying, “I refuse to do this. I cannot work with people like this. It is so toxic.” That person soon resigned from the pandemic data team, sources say. …

Just saying, cascading consequences with long shadows happen.

So Lausten you’re saying nothing to see here? Just another day in American politics?
I've never understood that rhetorical statement. I don't like politics because it's always the other team that is wrong. That makes it hard to discuss the system problems, like money in politics. Of course there is "something to see", my point is that it's not just Trump.

Lausten cant put his finger on it. No idea of any solutions

Guess, my point is the catastrophe trump administration has been to American people, the nation, the world and the future.

Like crashing an oil tanker into a burning building.

What rhetoric Lausten? My visceral disgust with all this normalizing of self-destructive thinking going on? Guess it’s venting.

I know nothing is new, when it comes to power and society and despots and greed trampling people. But things got serious mid 20th century, we learned that humanity was actually on borrowed time in many ways. Trajectories were pointing at too much, too fast, no matter what category.

Only through slowing down, doing some serious nurturing, along with our exploitation and consumption. Learning to not just understand, but appreciate Earth’s biosphere and the deep-time evolutionary history that created this moment. Watching a emergent property emerge among humanity - a nurturing attitude towards nature/biosphere/life-support-system

That was the direction for a story people would believed in, down to a gut level. One that could have justified tempering our natural blindsided greed - those giving our children vital futures, But no, Reaganomics and all that, dirty politics on steroids. Winning was all that mattered and that’s how we created this monstrosity of a future we are living today. The legacy we are leaving our children.


Thing is I turned off the turnpike and onto the road less traveled back about '70 - I can even remember a particular outing to San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf, looking through the posters and T-shirts with their logos. The Too Much Is Never Enough, and that oh so cute: He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins were especially popular.

Snot-nosed kid that I was, I still recognized that as wrong and the road to self-destruction. Might even be the moment I determined to leave the Bay Area after High School and to get up into Yosemite. I bemoaned the Assault Rifle Ban being removed. I bemoaned the fact that we allowed mega mergers and growing conglomerates becoming more powerful than governments driven by profits over peoples, no steroids also. Then the unnecessary wars that made more problem inevitable.

Other will point out that it’s, same as it ever was. It’s all about conquered and to conquerers go the spoils, and damn the long term consequences. Guess that’s true. I was just one of those hoping we as a society had learned something. So on the one hand I feel proud to have had the sense to get away from California (gorgeous place though it was.) and into the wilds of SW Colorado.

We as a people got way too big, way too crafty, way too drunk on our own knowledge, and stupid in our power lust, no rhetoric about it, that is a descriptive. Mid 20th century we had nailed good living on a grand scale like never before, but we also realized we were in trouble. No f’n rhetoric about it. And chose to ignore the lessons that cracked the national consciousness for a moment, and now I look around and the future isn’t so bright, and collectively we’ve done it to ourselves.

Still, doesn’t mean I need to like this, and can’t apologize too much for pissed off about it. This virtual corner pub is where I’ll let myself say what I really think, let off a little steam cause I’ll never get used to our willful self-destruction and the unnecessary horrors the few, with the acquiescence of the many, inflict on each other.



(Out running our headlights at warp speed.)

What rhetoric Lausten? My visceral disgust with all this normalizing of self-destructive thinking going on? Guess it’s venting. -- CC
It can be hard to explain since you think the question is legitimate. You asked if I'm saying "nothing to see here" because I pointed out that what Trump has been doing recently has been perpetrated by others for decades. And really governments were more corrupt the further back you go, but let's stick to the modern version of blue collar crime, smoke filled rooms and cronyism.

It’s hard for me to understand what you aren’t seeing in my words, since I’m clearly agreeing with the problem. The only thing I disagree with is, focusing on Trump. The nameless millionaires love it when we do that. They know that if we take down Trump, another one like him will appear, they don’t really care about the details.

What we need to do is focus on the laws, like allowing PACs, and the weak enforcement of insider trading. We leave it up to the foxes to regulate the hen house. The Catch-22 is someone has to run on this platform, but they won’t win without the backing of the millionaires. There are campaign finance reform measures being discussed, but I admit I’m fuzzy on the details.

because I pointed out that what Trump has been doing recently has been perpetrated by others for decades
Really, who? Please some examples.


How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in. BY MICHAEL HIRSH | DECEMBER 21, 2018

foreignpolicy _ com/2018/12/21/how-russian-money-helped-save-trumps-business/


By Craig Unger
Craig Unger is the author of “House of Trump, House of Putin” and a former contributing editor of Vanity Fair.
March 29, 2019 at 11:15 a.m. MDT
Collusion or not, President Trump and the Russians are thick as thieves.
What I mean is that for more than three decades, at least 13 people with known or alleged links to the Russian Mafia held the deeds to, lived in or ran criminal operations out of Trump Tower in New York or other Trump properties. I mean that many of them used Trump-branded real estate to launder vast amounts of money by buying multimillion-dollar condos through anonymous shell companies. I mean that the Bayrock Group, a real estate development company that was based in Trump Tower and had ties to the Kremlin, came up with a new business model to franchise Trump condos after he lost billions of dollars in his Atlantic City casino developments, and helped make him rich again.

www _ washingtonpost _ com/outlook/trumps-businesses-are-full-of-dirty-russian-money-the-scandal-is-thats-legal/2019/03/29/11b812da-5171-11e9-88a1-ed346f0ec94f_story _ html

Sure, sure despots have always existed and they have always been enabled by the deep pockets, looking for huge profits and more power, in their backrooms - just doesn’t make it any more forgivable for me. Had liberals been paying attention and the Democratic Party sending out information, giving their values some backbone, arousing people’s interest and passions, engage their activism over past decades while Republican’s were ruthlessly developing their god/faith-based disconnect from Earth and simple human compassion - birth control and abortion opposition (for power and profit). I’m a dinosaur and remember when we could have done things different, causing less senseless horrors.

I keep wondering why, and wind up with a notion that it’s because lefties find themselves with no defendable values, in a world where rhetorical fancy dancing has become king.

What we need to do is focus on the laws
Reminds me of the well meaning, yet ineffectual CCL. ;-) Sure let's focus on the laws and see how well it goes in the post trump judiciary system and our loaded Supreme Court.

What we’d need to be able to do, is focus on our state of mind, rethink fundamental mental attitudes toward consumption and each other and our global community and our living biosphere. But we find ourselves not even being able to defend physical reality against clearly fantasy island thinking, or even care to try. So what’s the point? Good question, that one.

Not much changing attitudes. Especially in our new warming world, and this age of increasing stakes Weather Catastrophe Roulette and COVID, with it’s creeping fall out.



Oh lookie there doc, my hour is already up. How the time flies.

“the Democratic Party sending out information, giving their values some backbone”

What are these values you speak of??

After many warnings about trolling, Anton has been blocked. Either he is a Russian troll, or he doesn’t understand what that means. Either way he is disruptive and does not contribute.

Go figure. Can I still respond.

What are these values you speak of??
Google "liberal" plenty of definitions that sound much alike.

For me Fair Play, respecting and caring about others, respecting truth and honesty, striving to be a constructive part of my community, curiosity and thirst for knowledge, being a stand up guy, when failing accepting my lickings and learning my lessons, trying to empathize with the other, love for this natural Earth that created us - those would be among the most important values that have carried me through life.

Please do not tell me we have people crying that the dotard won on this forum when he did not or even cry babies because he did not win. Either way, I cannot fathom why anyone would want to be part of the dotard’s Sociopathic Cult of Death. And no, I don’t Google anything. I prefer DuckDuckGo for more privacy than Googly will give.

How is it a liberal thing not to want to see stupid people knowingly spread COVID far and wide, killing thousands of people and not all are old or with health issues. Some people are very healthy at the time they get COVID and they still die from it. At least Biden and Harris want to try to stop this plague and keep more people from dying. The problem is, it is expect, with all of the dotard’s holiday COVID super spreading parties, that by the time January 20 comes, over 400,000 people will be dead from COVID, all because they listened to the murderous dotard who is like a death cult profit with his super spreading events.

How is that liberal to not to want more people to die or end up with lifelong health issues? How is it liberal not to want healthcare providers not to be overwhelmed with stupid humans who could not listen to them about not having holiday gatherings? How is it liberal not to want to see those same COVIDiots also infect those trying to stay healthy and kill them too? How is it liberal not to want a healthcare work die from COVID-19, because they were trying to save the lives of those with COVID-19? How is it liberal not to want another child to die from COVID-19 (yes, it’s rare, but it happens)? HOw is it liberal not to want a parent to die from COVID-19? How is it liberal to want quality health care for all? How is it liberal to want everyone in the U.S. to have food and housing? How is it liberal to want everyone to have a free quality education? How is it liberal to want everyone in the U.S. to have decent clothing for the season or the job or for school? How is it liberal to want women to have access to women’s health care that even includes abortion if she chooses or needs it? How is it liberal to want clean air and clean drinking water? How is it liberal to fight Climate Change so the human race and other animals can survive on this planet?

These are ALL humanistic needs, values, and goals, something the dotard has no desire or interest in because they don’t make him and him alone happy. If people die, than more for him. If people give him all their attention with their dying breath, even if it means dying for him, he loves it. He doesn’t care about others or any humanistic values, needs, or goals.

just an aside of the moment