Diversity is Natural

I agree. Too bad the human species is too stupid to realize this. I truly believe that if I went on and got a doctorate in Psychology, I’d still wouldn’t be able to understand humans.

Of course it’s natural. Coronavirus and cancer are also natural.

“Natural” doesn’t always mean good.

Good one oneguy, you got a fallacy correct


Diversity, in the sense you mean, is not natural; especially, in the wild. What you depict in your pictures are not even anomalies but false narratives.

Diversity, in human societies, means people with different opinions, cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, political beliefs, sexual orientations, heritage, and life experience. They live together without conflict and everybody mind his or her own business like zebras, crocodiles, hippos, antelopes, giraffes, elephants, and lions even, all gathered to quench their thirst at the water hole.


@sree depends if they are in the wild or raised by humans. If raised by humans from infancy then yes what timb is showing is natural in that humans made it that way and the other animals begin not to take notice. This shows how much racism is taught. Many humans who have other animals living with them often mix fish, cats, birds, and dogs together in one home. No takes notice of the other being different. I had fish and cats once and my cats never bothered them. Of course, the fish I had were betas in separate “rooms”, never able to make contact with each other except through the “windows” of their “rooms”. The cats couldn’t even get to them unless they destroyed the living facility the fish had.

@sree depends if they are in the wild or raised by humans. If raised by humans from infancy then yes what timb is showing is natural in that humans made it that way and the other animals begin not to take notice.
If raised by humans, then it is not natural. Do you think it is natural for a bear to ride a bicycle?
This shows how much racism is taught.
I have trouble with the definition of racism. I don't honestly know what it is. One time, I went into a small eatery, one of those places below street level, in Tokyo. It wasn't crowded and there were half a dozen people at a table animatedly talking to each other. They stopped talking and looked at me and I felt like an intruder. Another time was on a road trip in rural America. I stepped into a bar and could feel tension in the air. Is that racism?
Many humans who have other animals living with them often mix fish, cats, birds, and dogs together in one home. No takes notice of the other being different. I had fish and cats once and my cats never bothered them.
I had a doberman and a Persian cat. They never went near each other. When the dog died, the cat mourned. I swear it mourned. It noticed that the dog was no longer there. For weeks, the cat would looked at the place in the house where the dog slept.
Of course, the fish I had were betas in separate “rooms”, never able to make contact with each other except through the “windows” of their “rooms”. The cats couldn’t even get to them unless they destroyed the living facility the fish had.
Betas are fighting fish. Did you let them fight? It's quite a sight when they do it in Thailand.

@sree IF raised by humans then it is natural for being raised by humans, but not natural for nature.

I have trouble with the definition of racism. I don’t honestly know what it is.

Would you like the dictionary definition: Racism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Definition of racism 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race 2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles b: a political or social system founded on racism 3: racial prejudice or discrimination

My definition, any time someone denies another something (like a drink in hot weather) based on complexion that is racism. Any time one is denied the right to vote or a job based on skin colour that is racism. Stereotypes of a group of people based on the colour of their skin is racism. Segregation, Jim Crow, or any other law based on the colour of one’s skin is racism. Any time one bases something on the colour of another person’s skin, that is racism. Killing a person of colour, denying them due process as a human being is racism. Not treating another person as a human being like oneself because they are not the same colour as you are, is racism. Being frightened of a black male, possibly doing you harm, just walking down the street minding his own business as you pass him walking down the street is racism. Spewing hatred in the person’s face because you don’t like their skin colour or heritage is racism. Denying people a quality education based on their skin colour is racism. Blaming another and killing them because they are an easy target due to their skin colour is racism (if they honestly did do something, that’s another story and they deserve a fair trial of their peers as per Constitution). Denying two people of different skin colours, who love each other, the right to marry, have children, raise their children, is racism.

Granted, the last was granted to people thanks to the Lovings with the case of Loving v. Virginia, but prior to that, just having sex between a “white” and “black” person could get them arrested and if the “black” person was male, possibly lynched. If the “white” woman became pregnant, her baby was taken from her at birth and given to a “black” family to raise. That was pure racial hatred. A “white” woman, just to get back on daddy’s good side, could scream rape (whether it was consensual or not) and accuse a black man of rape (whether he did or not or even if it was a white man who raped her) and the black man not have a fair trial, but rather a hanging. That was racism at its finest (not). I thank the Lovings every day that have the right to keep my family intact without anyone tearing us apart and I made the choice, like anyone else, to divorce or not, but I still kept my sons and raised them into adulthood.

I can continue with examples of racism, both in the past and currently, but the examples are so many it gets just as exhausting as it is when facing it in real life.

When the dog died, the cat mourned.

She probably did.

Betas are fighting fish. Did you let them fight? It’s quite a sight when they do it in Thailand.

No, that would be stupid if I wanted to keep both Mister and Misses Beta (as we named them) and quite cruel to the one who lost because they fight to the death.

I can continue with examples of racism, both in the past and currently, but the examples are so many it gets just as exhausting as it is when facing it in real life.
In real life, I have had no personal experience of the examples you cited. Can you share real life experiences of your own that corroborate claims of discrimination against people based on race? Working in Walmart places you in an ideal position to observe racial prejudice, if any, in the public space.

Institutional practice of racial discrimination, in America, was a fact. But that was our history. Circumstances that promoted that practice no longer exist. We all have our preferences with regard to whom we socialize with. Exercising our freedom to do that is a right. Do you agree with that?

Of course it’s natural. Coronavirus and cancer are also natural. “Natural” doesn’t always mean good.
Oh you mean that animals of diverse species being bff's is bad, like coronavirus and cancer?

Hmm. I couldn’t tell that by looking at the pictures. It just looked to me like mammals in general are capable of empathy and affection for other kinds of animals. They look happy to me.

Does it cause you distress that a tiger can get along with a hog, while some humans can’t treat other humans (same species) respectfully, just because they don’t look or act quite the same as they do?



Institutional practice of racial discrimination, in America, was a fact. But that was our history. Circumstances that promoted that practice no longer exist.
Wrong, in that it continues. It remains a part of our history as we speak.

Institutional practices continue to contribute to racial discrimination in America. That should be clear to all but the most ignorant, by now.

Cops wind up killing a disproportionate # of blacks, still.

The criminal justice system continues to disproportionately criminalize and incarcerate blacks, still.

When cops kill a black person, they still band together and give false reports that say it was a routine occurrence or that the kill was justified or some other lie that makes the perpetrator look innocent.

That happens still today, every time as far as I can tell. Except that occasionally, today, there is an outside video that shows the truth.

And still, today, the support institutions that should be objective in investigating these crimes are firmly biased toward and in league with the cop perpetrators.

I don’t have to be bff’s with black people to know that BLACK LIVES MATTER as much as the lives of other humans. But many of the humans that look like me, still, don’t seem to honestly get that.


Oh you mean that animals of diverse species being bff’s is bad, like coronavirus and cancer? Hmm. I couldn’t tell that by looking at the pictures. It just looked to me like mammals in general are capable of empathy and affection for other kinds of animals. They look happy to me. Does it cause you distress that a tiger can get along with a hog, while some humans can’t treat other humans (same species) respectfully, just because they don’t look or act quite the same as they do?
I don't think anthropomorphizing animals helps describe anything. The tiger would have no problem with eating the hog if it was hungry, nor would the hog think -- I thought we were friends.
It just looked to me like mammals in general are capable of empathy and affection for other kinds of animals. They look happy to me.
Bear affection. The bears meant her no harm.

Remember this guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_Treadwell

I can’t look.

But I’m thinking great big lovable groovy cute towhead, that just loved Polar Bears. Though of them as his big cuddly misunderstood friends or something like that. The rest as they say …

Only shame is that he didn’t leave his girlfriend at home.

Still can’t look.


I don’t think anthropomorphizing animals helps describe anything.
Hate to agree with you there, but don't under-estimate the sophisticated-ness, the complexity of their reasoning.

Too many think animals work on automatic pilot - but that is way off the mark. They are observant and thinking, doing the best they can with what they got, all capable survivors, or we wouldn’t have them out there.

I don’t think anthropomorphizing animals helps describe anything.
When I was growing up and since, I have always heard the bogus proscription against "anthropomorphizing" animals. It is bogus to this extent. We are animals. We share many of the genes and some general life experiences with our fellow mammals. (We all suck for one thing. And turns out, that is important.) Animals ARE like humans in many aspects. But I realize that anthropomorphizing can go too far. For example, we humans, far exceed animals in terms of the capacity for doing evil.

I am not sure what pointing out that animals will kill and eat humans in certain circumstances has to do with the statement that “Diversity is natural”. The fact remains that animals, can, in certain circumstances, get along swimmingly with other animals even as diverse as a far flung species.

So humans can, one would think, be able to get along swimmingly with persons of a different color or tribe. In fact they often do. Hence diversity is natural.

I see nothing wrong with seeing other animals as “people” in their own right- as in cat “people” or cat “person”, although this sounds a bit like a human or humans who love cats, but what’ I’m trying to say is, my cat is a person who has fur and four legs, but is not a human “person”. My cat is also a family member and as a member of the family, she has inalienable right endowed to her as a person of her species. Of course, she can’t sit at the table and eat dinner like a human, but she does have her own space at her own level to eat her dinner that has nutrition suited to her. She has the right to a doctor who knows her physiology well, which is of course, a vet. She has the right to learn. Unfortunately, I can’t teach her to read, but there are other things she can learn to her abilities, as well as learning the rules of her home or using her imagination to hunt a toy mouse, in case of a real one invades our home. At least she wants to learn, unlike some humans in this world.

I don’t think anthropomorphizing animals helps describe anything. --oneguy
oh darn. you got that one wrong.

A wee bit of background,


Interestingly enough, cats (Bast cult) and dogs (Anubis cult). Anubis was a jackal-dog hybrid. Even the sun was anthropomorphized as Horus and Ra (especially). The Egyptians were notorious for it and the Jews, Xians, and Muslims took off with some it too. Anthropomorphizing animals and things has been done since humans began to think and share ideas. Keep in mind, even a snake was anthropomorphized. Good or bad, for better or worse, it is something that is innate to the human condition. It’s even how we relate to our pets. Although not thing we attribute to them is anthropomorphizing, like emotions. Other animals do have feelings and emotions- like sadness, mourning, pain, missing their human(s), joy, contentment, etc.