How do you think they do that? Who is this “strongest” candidate? How is that determined? Who “puts” this candidate?
Biden steps down and the democrats have an open conversation where each candidates makes their case with robust debates ( democrats did not have a primary for this campaign. How anti democratic ) and the delegates choose . Not exactly democracy but thats the democrats fault for the position they find themselves in now
Dean Phillips challenged for a month or so and got 2% of the vote. No else wanted to spend the money. Currently no one is polling more than a couple percentage points above Biden.
The alternatives have a functioning brain. They can answer questions unscripted ( maybe not harris ) and they can make trump look like a fool in any debate.
And exactly what can the alternate choices offer as compared to the Bided/Harris ticket?
What is the person with the compelling record of accomplishments.
Why do you want to replace a winning horse? Because it stumbled in a race. as compared to a glib lying con-man Trump.
You are completely on the wrong track. It is the work accomplished that counts, not how well you speak!
the Democratic National Committee ensured that there was no primary contest even though Biden was obviously a much weaker candidate than he was in 2020. And now the price for that arrogance is being paid.
You are doing the transferring of characters. It is Trump who is the weaker candidate. When he was president he was a joke.
He corrupted the entire Justice system by installing justices
Trump: ‘Nobody’s ever done a better job than I’m doing as president’ Trump:
Those are the words of a person with a clinical god complex. Someone who believes the people should serve him instead of him serving the people.
And the interesting thing is that everyone who serves Trump ends up in prison.
Just look at the SCOTUS justices that Trump installed. They are now being investigated for possible impeachable crimes and misdemeanors.
So who is blowing it? The Republicans commit crimes against the working class on order of Trump or the Democrats who install programs that benefit the working class and the general economy.
You are completely ignoring the list of negative results during Trump’s presidency vs the list of positive results accomplished by the Biden/Harris ticket.
You are applying a false standard of competence.
First Nations organizations are hailing new $47.8 billion child welfare agreement
First Nations organizations are hailing a commitment from the federal government on child welfare reform. The original dollar figure was just below $20 billion. The new agreement is now $47.8 billion over 10 years.
as compared to what TRUMP PROMISES:
Trump Budget Deeply Cuts Health, Housing, Other Assistance for Low- and Moderate-Income Families
Less than two months after signing massive tax cuts that largely benefit those at the top of the economic ladder, President Trump has put forward a 2019 budget that cuts basic assistance that millions of families struggling to get by need to help pay the rent, put food on the table, and get health care.
The cuts would affect a broad range of low- and moderate-income people, including parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities. Taken together, the cuts are far deeper than any ever enacted and would deepen poverty and hardship and swell the ranks of the uninsured.
So who is the better Party to govern the nation, Democrat or Republican?
That subject is for the other thread and has nothing to do with the content. That said, I don’t know who their strongest candidate is and since all they are offering us to keep the dotard out of office is President Biden, then I will vote for Biden to keep the dotard out. Plain and simple. It’s a no brainer to keep the dotard out of office. Besides, if he is unable to fulfill his duties or dies in office. Kamala is quite capable of doing the job. Either way, I see myself voting for Kamala in the in the end and not actually President Biden. Now, can you get off of this “put the strongest person they have to beat the dotard” stupid question. Because to keep that sick creep out of office, it is a not brainer to still vote for President Biden. In the end, Kamala will be the president. You aren’t thinking of it from the way the hierarchy system is set up, if you were, this would be a no brainer. I just told you the first to take his place. Next is speaker of the house. As long as the Dems stay in control, we have no problem. It was Pelosi, who was next in line, until she stepped down. I have my ducks lined up the way it is in the system. I know who I’m actually voting for when I vote for Joe Biden.
30 Things Joe Biden Did as President You Might Have Missed
Drone armies, expanded overtime pay and over-the-counter birth control pills are just some of the new things Biden has ushered in as president that you might not have heard about.
I don’t pretend to support everything he’s done, but that doesn’t take away from the fact, Biden has actually been quite an effective president. That’s because he did a good job of hiring a good team to support him.
Stateless it’s a shame you don’t seem to want to appreciate that this November will be about Team Biden, that is the Democratic Party vs. the Republican MAGA Party and their hostile take over attempt upon our government.
What Has Biden Accomplished? Look at These 10 Metrics, Not the Polls
By Bloomberg Opinion Columnists - March 7, 2024
Biden has outperformed Trump on a number of fronts, from inequality and green spending to stocks and crime. But not all.
… Biden is an unpopular president. Even as the unemployment rate ticked down, the stock market soared and consumer sentiment trended upward, his approval numbers have stayed near historical lows. …
Obviously, he will not get any younger as he runs for office, but as the 2024 matchup comes into fuller view — i.e. with Trump the presumptive nominee — voters could start to see Biden in a more positive light. As Biden says, he would prefer voters to compare him to the alternative, rather than the almighty. And in that light, his poll numbers might matter less.
White House fact sheet
Not that stateless shows any interest, still it’s pointing out his drama queen hysteria doesn’t match the facts.
Biden has issues, but compared to the narcissistic diapered illiterate trumpster fire; serial financial law breaker; draft dodging dead-beat; Contractual and IRS deadbeat sociopathy; Con-artist; sexual predator and offender, convicted Felon that isn’t even eligible to vote.
I compare that to Biden’s very human history.
He won’t save us from ourselves, but he might be able to save us from more MAGA mischief, it’s in We The People hands - elections matter, intelligent continuity matters.
There are movrs behind the scenes to remove biden in the most gentle way as possible. Clooney with the backing of obama has come out and called for his removal citing the joe has not been right fir a long time that destroys bidens credibility in claiming it was just down having a bad debate night
Me either . But i can tell you who isnt along with 85 % of the population
Amazing how Biden was able to accomplish what he has accomplished in spite of his fatal mental handicap. You are just spouting trash without any evidence of incapacity.
And as far as the debate is concerned. You cannot debate lies. If you debate a lie you lend credence to the lie itself.
The only proper response all of Trumps lies would have been to call him on the lie.
Something like Reagan’s : “there you go again”.
But Biden is a civilized person, who would rather debate issues than lies.
For years the democrats lied to public about the mental health of biden. That debate flushed out that lie. We all saw a person who clearly is in decline who could not speak with clarity or of sound mind .
The democrats have officially lost the election today . This was a gift to trumps campaign where he will say they cant beat me in this election so they have to kill me.
Look at his record and what he has accomplished. You just refuse to look at the record of what Biden has accomplished and what will happen if Trump becomes president. It won’t be good. Whatever Trump touches breaks.
Its over. That photo of him raising his arm and blood on the face will be so iconic its going to supercharge his base. The democrats have only themselves to blame for losing this.
How do you know this? You don’t. President Biden may still win despite an alleged assassination attempt. No one has said the shooter was aiming at him for sure nor have they caught anyone yet. You would make a poor journalist with such accusations.
It’s not over yet. You obviously aren’t from the States and you really shouldn’t make such judgments before an election because you don’t know and I’ve been saying that through this whole conversation with you.
You think this was a Democratic plot? An amateur assassin without a high-power rifle ?
They say the range was about 300 yards. Way past the range of the rifle that was used.
If this was a professional job, Trump would be dead now.
This was the misplaced attempt to save the nation. After all, it was Trump who promised a 'bloodbath" and “I am your justice, I am your retribution”.
A couple of guys were trying to be heroes. And you are right, they may have influenced the election, because Trump will blame Biden, who is completely blameless.
The theocrats will eat this up. God saved Trump, he is the chosen one!
Martyrdom is a powerful message. After all Christ actually gave his life for his cause.
Doesnt matter. It will be spun that way and as trump rises further in the polls after this the dems will be under even more pressure to remove biden
So you are going with the story that the Democrats are to blame?