Conspiracy Theory

They are finally using the words. Too little too late.

Now at least 35% of Americans will believe a crappy unfounded conspiracy because the DOTUS has tweeted it.

We are supposed to believe that the old man was trying to “capture the radio communications signature of Buffalo police officers.” And that it was all a false flag operation by the Antifas who had enlisted the old man as a secret agent. And then the old man, when shoved, purposely tried to fall harder than he was pushed.

And the proof of all this is that somebody else tweeted it.

But forget proof of insane ideas, if the DOTUS tweeted it, his followers will eat it up. No proof necessary for them to believe.

Very stupid move. He’s been shooting himself in the foot a lot.

Well, he shoots off his mouth all the time, and he frequently has his foot in his mouth, so he is bound to shoot himself in the foot at times, out of sheer probabilities.

About the origination of the conspiracy theory. It was via OAN, the emerging favorite to overtake FOX News as the T rump’s own personal state media network.

OAN got it from "Conservative Treehouse" which is owned by "... Florida resident Mark Bradman, (who) rose to prominence during the George Zimmerman trial, outing an anonymous witness and declaring that Trayvon Martin, the Florida teenager Zimmerman shot, was an 'undisciplined punk thug, drug dealing, thief and wannabe gangsta.'

Since then, the site has been Patient Zero for a number of hoaxes that have percolated through right-wing media ecosystem, claiming that Puerto Rican truck drivers were withholding hurricane relief, or that a top official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was ‘weaponizing’ the coronavirus to hurt Trump."

“There are plenty of holes in the theory that Gugino was committing high-tech espionage for antifa. For one thing, Gugino is not a member of antifa, but rather a longtime activist with the Catholic Worker movement and other community-based social justice activist groups. And the supposed “scanning” he is accused of conducting is technological gibberish, unsupported by evidence.

“The Conservative Treehouse has embraced a wide variety of right-wing causes, including Republican investigations in the 2012 attack on an American compound in Benghazi, Libya, and the Bundy family’s Malheur wildlife refuge takeover in Oregon. In the Trump era, The Conservative Treehouse became a hub for the conspiracy theory that the Russia investigation was cooked up to undermine Trump by nefarious members of the deep-state, with Sundance and his commenters weaving elaborate stories about then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller or, later, the Ukraine impeachment.”

It is also interesting to note about the OAN person who presented the segment:

The OAN segment was reported by Kristian Rouz, a Russian journalist who pulled double duty working for the Russian state propaganda channel Sputnikas well as OAN. In it, Rouz claimed Gugino was using “common antifa tactics” and that the incident was "a false flag provocation by far-left group antifa." He cited 'The Conservative Treehouse' as evidence that Gugino was using a “police tracker” on his phone during the encounter.
You can also see a vid that they have slow-motioned to make it appear that the old guy, Gugino, was "scanning" something of the 2 cops'. When you watch it regular speed, it looks more like Gugino is just pointing with the phone he has in his hand, at the unnecessary riot gear the cops came with.

But, then again, maybe ancient aliens were involved. Or ghosts? Maybe it was a miraculous false flag operation conducted by Gawd Allmitey.

I know that an old man can fall back flat like that and whipsaw their head into concrete hard. Cause it happened to me in my driveway, not long ago, and I popped the back of my skull hard. Luckily I have a thick skull and did not bleed or lose consciousness. Also I was not shoved to give my fall even more momentum.

And, now, I feel I am thinking quite clear… On 2nd thought, what was my 1st thought?


I’ve seen people I know fall into these holes. They use words like, “it’s all over the internet”, which to them means they have a few hundred thousand people who believe like they do and that makes them feel special. Most of those people are other wanna be video producers, sharing with each other and interviewing each other, creating what looks like news. When I asked one of them if they had seen the elaborate and well done 9/11 debunking site, they said, “yes, but you have to get past that.”

My questions now, on all these “crisis actor” theories is; what about the hospital? Many people know nurses, so you can easily find someone who worked at the hospital where this guy went. That nurse would then know, or know of, the nurses that worked on him. So now you know the names of an entire team of people who have to have fake credentials, fake lives, fake careers, to pull off this fake head injury. All this is public knowledge anyway, but they wouldn’t accept official records. When I get to that, if they let me, (which anyone I’ve done this with twice does not let me) then they just switch to how I’m not woke, and do I believe Nixon lied, or the CIA is being truthful, do I support the police, on and on.

The thing is, there are a lot of conspiracy theories on the internet. There is the Antifa one (which doesn’t technically exist and you’d think anti-fascism would be a good thing), there is the mask conspiracy that says masks give you CO2 poisoning (not true), Fauci being part of the deep state, which doesn’t exist, vaccines are a way to chip people and is part of the NWO (so many fallacies with that one), and a new one started by the dotard- the 75 y.o. man was a set up by Antifa (see first statement). There are more, including the 9/11 one still out there and President Obama not being a U.S. citizen, despite his birth certificate.

There’s a beginning to this stepping away from Reality and Facts and Evidence.

Merchants of Doubt

Naomi Oreskes is a professor of history and science studies at the University of California, San Diego. Erik M. Conway is the author of several books, including Atmospheric Science at NASA: A History. They are co-authors of Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.

The U.S. scientific community has long led the world in research on public health, environmental science, and other issues affecting the quality of life. Our scientists have produced landmark studies on the dangers of DDT, tobacco smoke, acid rain, and global warming. But at the same time, a small yet potent subset of this community leads the world in vehement denial of these dangers.

In their new book, Merchants of Doubt, historians Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway explain how a loose–knit group of high-level scientists, with extensive political connections, ran effective campaigns to mislead the public and deny well-established scientific knowledge over four decades. In seven compelling chapters addressing tobacco, acid rain, the ozone hole, global warming, and DDT, Oreskes and Conway roll back the rug on this dark corner of the American scientific community, showing how the ideology of free market fundamentalism, aided by a too-compliant media, has skewed public understanding of some of the most pressing issues of our era. …


Some call it Cascading Consequences.


There are real conspiracies, like tobacco, or the US government bombing a neighborhood in a US city, and lots more. My favorite is the one where the CIA bought crappy art to show the US is creative. What they all have in common is, they were not revealed by some 3rd party “guy in a basement”. Show me one obscure internet person doing a story on Epstein that doesn’t have quality journalism as its source.

When I was in college, Reagan sent a secret army to wipe out a town in Central America. You can’t do that without everyone noticing, but you can protect who paid for it and who planned it. But only for a while. When peace returned to the area, some archaeologists went in, found the evidence, and concluded the US did it. Reagan was near death by then and nothing was done about it.

Here’s a conspiracy theory for you. The Profa and the Prora are conspiring to maintain the underlying racist and fascist ideologies that are entwined within American society.

If Antifa is to be designated as a terrorist group, then the Profa and Prora should also be designated thusly.

But this is actually not realistic as fascism and racism are not groups but are, rather, ideologies that some groups hold.

Anyone who is against fascism is Antifa. Anyone who is against racism is Antira. Anyone who is for fascism is Profa. Anyone who is for racism is Prora.


Speaking of Antifa, I posted this on my FB page this morning:

If Antifa is anti-fascist/anti-fascism (meaning against fascist and fascism) and the dotard is against Antifa, making up crap about something that isn’t really a thing, what does that say about the dotard?

Basically, all Antifa is is a word made up by fascists like the dotard to be all inclusive of any groups that are against fascism. Things that make you go hmmm…

Yes “Antifa” is a word that the RepugLIARS have used, making it sound like something scary, and used it against Anti-fascists. Who would think that being anti-fascist is a bad or scary thing?

RepugLIARS would. So I have made the natural extensions of terminology. If Antifa means “Anti-Fascists”, then Profa means “Pro-Fascists”. Then Antira means “Anti-Racists”. And Prora means “Pro-Racists”.

The RepugLIARS are either among the Prora and Profa, themselves, or they are strong sympathizers and allies of them. And since they are notoriously LIARS, they make up wild false conspiracy theories, in which they claim that Antifa is a villain. And they never mention the Prora and Profa groups like the Boogaloo Bois who are indeed actual villainous actors.


The main point that we should not diverge from, is that the DOTUS who tweeted this retarded crap conspiracy story, should not be running any sort of an organization.

Is there any employment that he could hold, if there were someone/anyone who could fire him? I don’t think so. He is too much of a flake.

Technically, he really shouldn’t be president. He doesn’t have the education (ie political science), the skills (previous government positions), charisma, diplomacy skills, or anything else by way of qualifications for president. Reagan, albeit an actor before going into politics, did have an education, even though it wasn’t in politics, had previous positions in government (governor of California for one), charisma (even though I didn’t vote for him, he wasn’t disliked like the dotard) and diplomacy. On the other hand, early presidents, like Thomas Jefferson, were considered crass by other world leaders. He had a backwoods personality. Even so, politics have evolved, for want of a better word since the early days of our government, so now people do need an education for the position and they need to learn the diplomatic skills it takes to be the leader of the nation. They also need maturity as to not say, “I don’t like you, so therefore the U.S. pulls out this organization”. The U.S. doesn’t need the infantile behaviour.