Bio-labs and how to create a conspiracy

[quote=“lausten, post:39, topic:9188”]

(Mike Yohe) You can’t stay on one line of reasoning. When you’re logic is failing, you shift to a new set of questions and facts that don’t support your prior argument.

Nailed it.

Definitely Mike’s strategy, and his new friend milkthecow. Milk spends a lot more time making personal attacks and posting a headline with no comment, so he’ll probably be gone before long. He’s playing the game of going quiet for a day or so, hoping the mods forget about the recent warnings.

Anyway, I hope someday there will be a pill to cure this disease of listening to conspiracy theorists. I caught myself doing it when I was coming out of religion. I’d hear an argument against god and I would go looking for evidence to confirm my bias. I can remember reading an article or post somewhere that described that very behavior, and that got me on a road to improving my thinking skills. Interacting skills, hmm, those are tougher.

I watched a little of the Ben Franklin PBS thing last night. He spent his middle years shifting his perspective on slavery. He said changing beliefs you are born into is one of the hardest things a person can do. So, I get it, but when someone says, “maybe, they are lying about the other guy to cover up their own lies, and when I say maybe, I mean, I’m sure they are,” you’d think you would stop listening to any of them and try to find some independently verifiable information.

Threating Milk, where is your morals? Then reinforcing CC who is the biggest poster of personal attacks on this site. Still operating from a click. It seems when the number of people who post on this site increases so does the power of the watchdogs. The warnings increase and someone gets banded for doing the same things CC has been doing for years. Just can’t stand a different viewpoint as CC never challenges you.

By the book conspiracy actions. That’s not what we have today. How can mainstream media all be wrong and backed by government agencies and you find no conspiracy theory when they now admit they were wrong. Even the fact checkers were wrong. And still no hint of conspiracy. It is not like any new fact have come about. It looks all political.

Try this for example. Google – “Russia spying on US”. And you will get a million hits of Russia spying on America. Now type “US spying on Russia”. And you will get a million hits of Russia spying on America. You better check your facts platform. Trash in equals trash out.

Right now, the Biden Administration wants to blame inflation on Putin. Calling genocide on the 600 civilians killed in the Ukraine war.

Simple facts of the war in Donbas. Donbas, you know, the country having a civil war with Ukraine right now. The Donbas war has had 3,393 civilians killed by Ukraine. The language and religion in Donbas are different than in Ukraine. When the civilian death toll was on the rise in Donbas. Putin called it genocide and wanted the UN and the world to investigate the genocide. The response he got was that it was a crisis for a number of reasons. And he was misrepresenting when he called it genocide. It really was a leitmotif. Leitmotif means - a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation. A blind man could have seen the civilian deaths in Ukraine coming. Donbas is fighting Ukraine. They have had their family members and friends killed. Now they have the upper hand, and the tables are turned. They may want to settle the score. Remember, Ukraine calls these guys terrorists. And they may be. But Ukrainian terrorists.

So, logically the number of civilians claimed killed by genocide is 600 plus 3,393. Total of 3,993. The US push will be dropped like a hot potato as soon as the facts start coming out. So, would you call this a conspiracy or a push to raise Biden’s poll numbers?

I assume you meant “threatening”. I don’t threaten, I show people the rules and show how they are violating them. This forum is not a free for all.

You are using the exact same logic as you do for everything else you talk about. You don’t look at how CC reacts when I warn him. You don’t look at the amount of evidence he supplies and the frequency he responds to actual things people say rather than constantly switching from one “what about” to another.

There was a movie in the 70’s, where a US tourist was in Russia or something and said something like, “oh yeah, you spy on us, we spy on you”, and he got arrested as a spy. IT WAS A COMEDY. Everybody knows this is true, it doesn’t make actual facts not true.

I will adjust my opinion if new evidence is presented. Does it ever occur to you that you have typed “when the facts come out” many times, and those facts did not indeed come out?

People will respond based upon who they are communicating with.

So, is a conspiracy going on if everybody knows it true? By conspiracy, if the government can withhold those facts. Then they can withhold any facts. Even change the outcome of an election.

Maybe not in the news. But sometimes in department statistics, a book, a movie, or a person like Mark Felt (deep throat), Joe Nacchio (NSA spying on American’s phones), and my favorite Edward Snowden (US surveillance on everyone).

Don’t know what your point is.

They do happen in the open, like the way our government is functioning currently, gerrymandering, procedural moves that override popular opinion, money. You don’t talk about that stuff though, you focus on things that you can’t do anything about because you can’t even point to the specific thing you are talking about.

I read. All you and I ever do (with you) is discuss the validity of sources. We don’t agree on the big picture because you don’t accept things that are based on verifiable facts and supported by a wide variety of voices. You will bring up something from 1950 as if it makes a point about a current event.

Please, lets examine these alleged attacks, along with the basis for them.

We could start anywhere you want, though I’d start here:

Have you any comment or apologies regarding your repeated attacks (nay, slanders and calumny) on Dr. Mann’s work (and person) sans any evidence.

Number of civilian casualties during the war in Ukraine 2022

Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 5, 2022

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 1,480 civilian deaths during Russia’s military attack on Ukraine as of April 4, 2022. Of them, 123 were children. Furthermore, 2,195 people were reported to have been injured. However, OHCHR specified that the real numbers could be higher. source

*An update on civilian casualties, health care attacks, infrastructure damage, and more.*

By Andrew Schroeder





Ain’t that the truth.

Its ok Mike. One gaslights “i dont think you understand what you have written” while the other post slabs of links without reading its contents to check the qualifications to the claims of their click bait headlines

You just repeated what we have been saying about you. You need to show how the links are not qualified. The responses to your 10 questions have shown how your statements are not connected to facts.

Are you saying those are not pictures of Ukraine?

Well, based on the informations we have got

  • Russia is destroying Ukraine

  • Russian soldiers are killing Ukrainian civils.

The informations are contested by Russia which promote alternate stories.

We have no reason to believe Russia as

  • in this country information is not free, opponents are jailed and so.

  • the killings have been documented before the Russian soldiers leave the towns

  • Russia does not give any proof that its tale is true

  • It is coherent with the behavior of Russian army in Chechnya, in Syria and so

  • it is coherent with the official tale with which the Russian soldiers have been indoctrinated for years, that they are fighting nazis, attacking Russia and mass killing Russian speaking Ukrainian people.

These are grievous war crimes.

Can we legally use the word genocide or crime against humanity ?

I would say probably yes for crime against humanity and no for genocide.

Here’s one we can list under stupid Russians, acting maliciously. How to cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face.

See troubling discoveries inside Chernobyl after Russians fled

CNN’s Fred Pleitgen visits the abandoned Russian military positions in Chernobyl where Russian soldiers went into the Red Forest, the most nuclear contaminated area on the planet, and brought back radioactive dust


Anybody been vaccinated against COVID. That came from one of those dreaded bio-labs.

Why does everything that the government funds have to have sinister motives?

Talking about conspiracy miindset. The people we elect make the laws that funds the “necessary” government programs. If you dread the government. elect good guys, but don’t start yelling about the representatives YOU selected.

I’ve been vaccinated 5x’s. 4x’s with Moderna and once with Pfizer. I’m still alive and healthy. My husband and I haven’t tested positive for COVID either.


I have been vaccinated 4 times, and my whole family has been vaccinated at least twice. We got the Covid at least once, and in a very mild form, except my daughter who got it in spring 2020, before there be any vaccine available.

The question is " Why many people think that governments are plotting ?

  • Because they don’t trust them and they are right.
    -Because, ideologically people have been uninformed and misled by politicians and religious people.
  • Because some people with grim agendas feed and divert this distrust.

When you are poor, uninformed, and that Fake news show you pictures form urban riots and explain to you that the culprits are blacks or latinos, who riot against legitimate police actions, while they are subsided by the welfare state and that to repair everything will cost millions of dollars, it is easy to hate the rioters and to hate the Dems who support them.

And, in the mean time, you don’t see that the system is rotten and that the planet is dying. And when some people explain to you that you must arm yourself and train you believe them.

None of the 20 people currently disrupting the House are near me. Our systems require a level of civility and decorum from the elected. Starting a few decades ago some districts started voting against that. It’s far from a majority.

They look at a big blue colored chunk of a map in North Dakota and say that’s bigger than the little chunk in LA. They are told the liberals aren’t listening and the extreme voices confirm that for them.

They are the left-overs from the NAZI “master race” collaborators during WWII and have never gone away. They just were silent until Trump legitimized them.

And the Republicans coddled them and now they don’t know what to do with them… :scream:

Hillary was so right with her " basket of deplorables".

"Basket of deplorables " is a phrase from a 2016 presidential election campaign speech delivered by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on September 9, 2016, at a campaign fundraising event, which she used to describe half of the supporters of her opponent, Republican nominee Donald Trump, saying “They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”.[1] The next day, she expressed regret for “saying half”, while insisting that Trump had deplorably amplified “hateful views and voices”.

Basket of deplorables - Wikipedia

Republicans, when you sell your soul to the devil, there will be a price to pay.