Bio-labs and how to create a conspiracy

Chinese whispers vs an actual poll of what the Russian think

It’s funny how some people believe propaganda exists, but only in the places where there is enough transparency so they can see it.

The Kremlin has moved to silence most independent media in Russia, forcing some to flee or suspend operations, and others to self-censor. Russia has blocked access to social media platforms, including Facebook, and major foreign news outlets, and enacted a law to punish anyone spreading “false information” about its Ukraine invasion with up to 15 years in prison. Thousands have been arrested in recent weeks at antiwar protests, according to human rights activists.

I thought this one was the best. Tells us nothing about Putins popularity where it counts (Russia) but tells us everything about the power of the US media in propaganda mode

And you don’t see that as your personal bias? Are you proposing that Russian citizens are better informed about Putin and have a more accurate view of the global situation?

Those who have lived on a diet of ‘western’ news over the last weeks may have the same feeling when waking up to the real data.

So, what, the Russians are hiding all this data about how awesome they are? But somehow, you have it?

Instagram Facebook utube ban Russian voices while promoting the azov batalion Nazis RT loses its broadcast licence Russian musicians actors and atheletes are uninvited Russian tennis players are required to publically condemn their govt before they can play -,whose is hiding information and other alternative viewpoints and voices?

Your list pales in comparison to the one I quoted. How is it you dismiss that list, but not this stuff about Facebook and tennis players?

A effort to shutdown alternative voices globally is not a pale matter. Why do you think it is?

I agree, which is why i don’t understand why you ignore what Russia does

My posting about making bioweapons is quite easy to read and understand.

Which is against the law.”

“There has been no creditable claim of anyone making Bio-weapons now and there never will be. “

“Bioweapons has prohibition of production and possession.”

“No one on earth today is going to say a lab is making or building bioweapons. To say otherwise is just plain crazy.”

Not the way the world works. If Russia wanted to claim Ukraine was making Bioweapons to invade. They would have done that before they invaded. If they did it afterwards, they could just make it up. That’s propaganda. If Russia uses the claim on the West. Russia would have to work this way. The pathogens are controlled by logs. Ukraine would need to explain the logs. Each pathogen has its own fingerprints. Russia would have to say. [We got level 4 pathogens out of the lab. And they have been processed with gain-of-function capabilities.] Which would make the pathogens switch from medical to bioweapons. And turn them over to an international team for verification. A good lab could do that in two weeks. We are going into the third year with Wuhan lab gain-of-function pathogens not getting the verified data to the public.

Ukraine ranked 122nd out of 180 countries in 2021, the second most corrupt in Europe, ahead of Russia.

All’s you had to say was that Putin has as much power as the Swamp in America. And I would agree with you.

Yet, Fox News reported today that Putin ratings has never been higher in Russia than they are today. And they said they are very high.

You mean like swing an election. Control the media and the social internet. Put people in jail for backing the wrong political party. Operate from a caste system. Please tell me which ones are inaccurate so I will know how out of touch with reality you are.

Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party from 2019 to 2021. Said eight years ago in the Council of the European Union that having NATO doing military exercises with Ukraine in Ukraine was wrong and could possibly turn Putin from a friend to a foe. Question, was that our military goal? What ever it was, Nigel was right.

About 1,300 troops from 15 countries - including the US and other Nato members - have begun a military exercise near Lviv in western Ukraine. Sep 15, 2014

In America, we had land disputes with Russia, France, Spain, and England. Who was not in the settlement agreements were some of the native people who were living on the land. Same thing in Ukraine. Can you answer the question why is Putin the only one who cares about the native people in Eastern Ukraine?

What i can’t answer is why you think he does care.

By “Putin’s own people” I was not referring to Russian citizens. Putin does not own his citizens. He is a temporary occupant of a station, a station that he stole and used the corrupt system to solidify his power, then manipulate those citizens with propaganda. I meant the Oligarchs and generals.

Please, name a place in the world where this isn’t happening. Maybe some indigenous tribe or commune, that exists within a nation-state that is guilty of all of this? Name a time in the last 3,000 years when it wasn’t like this. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to choose the lesser evil and exercise the tiny bit of power that I have to make the world better.

Putin was already a foe. He has signalled his intentions for Ukraine for a long time. You have the cause and effect reversed.

This is the raw video of an interview used in Frontline. She compares Putin today to the type of meetings that must have occurred in 1939 with the Politburo. It’s the picture of Russia that some people who shall remain nameless, have to deny. It’s backed up by facts of course.

Just like the US.

Eastern Ukraine
Egypt, 3K ago. A civilization built upon morals.

How America’s NATO expansion obsession plays into the Ukraine crisis - Jan 27, 2022
What was the relationship between US and Russia, say in 2012 for example?

My view of Ukraine is the piggy bank for the DC swamp. And it would not be good for the working Americans if the DC swamp upper caste got control of the Black Sea oil. Putin might be doing the American system a bigger favor than anyone expects. Almost any other time in my generation of history my viewpoint would be reversed.

Whatever you want to say about that time, it rested on the assumption that Putin wouldn’t start sending troops to take control of countries that had democracies, that he wouldn’t poison an enemy, that he wouldn’t allow the kind of hacking that has come out his country. We have always dealt with him with suspicion, and now we know that was the correct strategy.

it’s like you live in a parallel universe. Corporations get their way because of massive campaign contributions, but that’s not the same as politicians and beauracrats having control over operations.

That’s really the point. I don’t know how much more agreement I can offer. I know that all the rich people suck. No matter where they live. There is still a lot of difference between the Russian oligarchs and the US corporate CEOs. As long as you oversimplify your stance, you won’t convince me of anything.

It’s captured in one line . Russia has oligarchs USA has CEOs

Can you explain why they are different or why they are the same?

The most successful weapon of war is the US Dollar. We can and have changed the political makeup of countries around the world. Done mostly with the power of the dollar. If you don’t have the dollars and the US is pushing you around. Please tell me what actions would you deem effective against the power of the dollar? Do you have any idea how many hundreds of millions have gone to Ukraine yearly?

Visualizing the $13.6 Billion in US Spending on Ukraine › upshot › ukraine-aid-details

Mar 18, 2022 — The bill allocates $6.9 billion through traditional foreign aid channels. That includes money to strengthen the security and economy of Ukraine.
Point being, we have always been at war with Russia.

You’re right on the assumption that Putin wouldn’t send troops into Ukraine. I was wrong on that idea. It took a little research and I found it easy to understand why Putin sent troops into Ukraine. I could ask you about twenty questions, but it would be a waste of my time. The warning was there when Exon and the others dropped their thirty-year quest to drill the Black Sea oil and left Ukraine.

Didn’t say it was handled that way. It is mostly done with stocks held by investment companies for the bureaucrats and these corporations that make the massive campaign contributions.
Who had control of the Black Sea oil leases before Putin took over?

I don’t think it is as much of the America’s CEO’s as you think. The NSA and CIA have use US corporations for over fifty years now to administer control over countries and to get around treaties of no government interference in elections. Sure, it looks like a corporation is investing in a country. But almost every time all the money is lost. Those corporations and the strawmen are just working on behalf of the CIA and NSA. The problem is these departments have turned on America. That is why we desperately need to shut them down and clean house.

that’s all you do. you can’t stay on one line of reasoning. when you’re logic is failing, you shift to a new set of questions and facts that don’t support your prior argument.

But you claimed an equivalency. Now you’re just shifting to oil.

That’s traceable, and you don’t have the data to back it up.

I went to find out what this was about since Mike won’t show his sources.
Very interesting:

Oh and then there’s FAUX and the RightWingExtremist entertainer Tucker Carlson,

foxnews com/transcript/tucker-the-pentagon-is-lying-about-bio-labs-in-ukraine
“Tucker: The Pentagon is lying about bio labs in Ukraine” - March 14, 2022

So what you’re saying Toria Nuland? If, for example, you were funding secret bio labs in Ukraine, but wanted to hide that fact from the people who are paying for it, in whose name you’re doing it, then you might lie about it by claiming the Russians were lying about it. In other words, you might mount a disinformation campaign by claiming the other guy was mounting a disinformation campaign.

Is that what you’re saying, Toria Nuland?

It’s pretty funny. What’s not funny is that this is all entirely real.

Tucker Carlson your go-to guy, I presume.
You really must try a little healthy self skepticism.

Lets have a peek:


The Institute was established in Odessa in 1999. Its creation was a significant step in strengthening the infrastructure of public health services and control over infectious diseases in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. The Institute is the leading Ukrainian research organization on quarantine infections and other especially dangerous infections (EDI). Its laboratories have administrative and technological facilities pow􏰀 erful enough to meet the requirements of the “safe mode operations” with EDI.

The expertise of the staff includes epidemiology, microbiology, virology, genetics and biochemistry. Currently the Institute has 195 employees and the staff possesses extensive practical work experience in the natural foci of infections and outbreaks. The scientists conduct scientific research, perform medical laboratory testing and data analyses to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, including HIV/AIDS, bacterial infections (tuberculosis, nosocomial infections, sexually transmitted diseases) and PRION infections. The facilities include a specialised clinic and eleven well equipped laboratories. In addition to research, staff members provide training in the areas of epidemiology, epizootology, ecology, diagnosis, and prevention of especially dangerous infections. Its main areas of scientific research are the following:

• Elucidating the principles of the formation and development of the EDI natural foci with the purpose of their localization and control over new foci formation.

  • Studying the biological properties of the EDI in order to estimate their epidemic potential

• Identification / development of new chemical preparations to effectively deal with the EDI.

•Reduction of the EDI resistance to antibiotics by joint application of proteolysis inhibitors and antibiotics.

• Development of methods for forecasting epidemics and principles of organization of preventive and counter epidemic measures.

• Development of new and/or improved methods for diagnosing the EDI.

•Development of immuno biological preparations and vaccines against emerging diseases.

• Evaluation of the new methods and approaches for the creation of the original effective antiviral and antimicrobial preparations with the use of the contemporary computer technologies.

• Improvement of the system of sanitary protection of the territory of the Ukraine from penetration and distribution of EDI.

The Institute has strong collaborative research connections with organizations from around the world, and it receives financial support from a variety of international organizations including STCU, SOROS Foundation, Civilian Research and Development Foundation, NEDA and the University of London. The I.I. Mechnikov Anti-plague Institute is included in the list of possible international Cooperative Centers in creating Global Network for Monitoring and Control over biological pathogenic agents. …