Are whites capable of appreciating what we put colored people through?

Interesting. I had never heard that.
Is there evidence in other species / evolution of chromosome fusion?

You never learned much about Evolution did you?

Are you aware of the concept of Biosphere?

Have you ever studied the interconnected layers of systems that make up the ecology of the world outside your window?


The Interconnected Biosphere: Science at the Ocean’s Tipping Points

Lubchenco, J., and L.E. Petes. 2010. Eleventh Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture: The interconnected biosphere—Science at the ocean’s tipping points. Oceanography 23(2):115–129,


Advances in social and natural sciences provide hope for new approaches to restore the bounty and resilience of ocean ecosystems.
From new interdisciplinary approaches and conceptual frameworks, to new tools—such as catch shares, ecosystem-based management, marine spatial planning, and marine reserves—to new insights into strategies for adapting to the impacts of climate change and designing resilient and effective institutions, new knowledge is beginning to inform policies and practices. This decade is a pivotal one for the future of the ocean.

The confluence of local, regional, and global changes in the ocean—driven by stressors, including nutrient pollution, habitat loss, overfishing, and climate change and ocean acidification—is rapidly transforming many once bountiful and resilient ocean ecosystems into depleted or disrupted systems. Degraded ecosystems cannot provide key ecosystem services, such as production of seafood, protection of coastlines from severe storms and tsunamis, capture of carbon, and provision of places for recreation.
The accelerating pace of change presents daunting challenges for communities, businesses, nations, and the global community to make a transition toward more sustainable practices and policies.
In this paper, we highlight new interdisciplinary approaches, tools, and insights that offer hope for recovering the bounty and beauty of the ocean and the ongoing benefits that they provide to people. …

The Coronavirus and Our Interconnected Economy and Biosphere


This isn’t hippy-dippy poop. It’s called physical reality!
It requires a bit of integrity, honesty, and lots for work, homework - too many are too pathetic to care to put in the honest hours of learning - instead they pick someone who looks like their imaginary hero and parrot their soundbites, like good little soldiers.

It’s tough to grasp trapped within the cartoon alter-reality bubble of the trump generation.

My argument that this chromosome fusion resulted in a larger brain is due to the fact that the extraordinary human brain is unnecessary for normal Darwinian survival purposes. The normal Darwinian via natural selection is found in all the surviving great apes as illustrated. And the only reliable chromosomal difference is found in the fusion of human chromosome 2 from two ancestral chromosomes, that yielded a single chromosome twice as large , which suggests a much more complex growth instruction of “something” and clearly the single beneficial asset that sets humans above all other animal species is our incredible brain which MUST be the result of this extraordinary chromosome fusion that sets humans apart from all other hominids.
IMO, the only persuasive argument that can be made from the chromosome fusion is that all human races have just one single ancestor that was a result of the chromosome fusion in the common ancestor of all hominids (great apes)
I can see no other more persuasive argument. In fact I believe this may offer support for my hypothesis.

How Science and Genetics are Reshaping the Race Debate of the 21st Century.

The popular classifications of race are based chiefly on skin color, with other relevant features including height, eyes, and hair. Though these physical differences may appear, on a superficial level, to be very dramatic, they are determined by only a minute portion of the genome: we as a species have been estimated to share 99.9% of our DNA with each other. The few differences that do exist reflect differences in environments and external factors, not core biology

This ( .1 %) difference in DNA can only be explained by the chromosome count itself.

Therefore the fusion of chromosome 2 has to be responsible for our extraordinary and fundamentally unnecessary large brain. It is what clearly sets humans apart from all other mammals including our other great ape cousins. All other differences can be explained by normal gradual evolutionary processes.

Okay regarding the fusion and all that, but how did it make a difference?

What difference did the fusion make to future development?

What pathway was changed for the creatures trajectory?

I haven’t found anything on that, correlation is not causation and all that. Have anything on that?

If the correlation is an exclusive phenomenon, it may well be assumed to be causation. All other differences in species are primarily cosmetic and traceable to gradual evolution via natural selective adaption to the environment.

The human brain is a sudden and drastic genetic change that can only be explained by a drastic change in chromosomal growth instruction.

The human brain is an extraordinary and fundamentally unnecessary beneficial survival advantage that is clearly attributable to a sudden mutational event and that has to be the mutation of chromosome 2, that is only present in humans and not in any other hominid.

I cannot conceive of any other explanation, can you?

The persuasive part is that most drastic chromosomal mutations are detrimental and are weeded out by natural selective processes. It is only the extremely rare beneficial mutations that offer a survival advantage which survive to procreate and clearly a much larger brain is a survival advantage in all environments and allowed us to leave the trees and migrate and conquer the world.


One pedigree we all may have come from – did Adam and Eve have the chromosome 2 fusion?


In contrast to Great Apes, who have 48 chromosomes, modern humans and likely Neandertals and Denisovans have and had, respectively, 46 chromosomes. The reduction in chromosome number was caused by the head-to-head fusion of two ancestral chromosomes to form human chromosome 2 (HSA2) and may have contributed to the reproductive barrier with Great Apes.


I propose that, unlike recurrent Robertsonian translocations in humans, the HSA2 fusion was a single nonrecurrent event that spread through a small polygamous clan population bottleneck. Its heterozygous to homozygous conversion, fixation, and accumulation in the succeeding populations was likely facilitated by an evolutionary advantage through the genomic loss rather than deregulation of expression of the gene(s) flanking the HSA2 fusion site at 2q13.


The origin of HSA2 might have been a critical evolutionary event influencing higher cognitive functions in various early subspecies of hominins. Next generation sequencing of Homo heidelbergensis and Homo erectus genomes and complete reconstruction of DNA sequence of the orthologous subtelomeric chromosomes in Great Apes should enable more precise timing of HSA2 formation and better understanding of its evolutionary consequences.

Any offspring with the mutated gene would have an immediate survival advantage in the early days . Just the ability to use a single tool for a specific purpose might offer a survival advantage and a chance to pass the gene on.

But that’s not the same as wondering, what was it about that new single chromosome? What was it doing differently and what were the cascading “events/developments” that lead to brain development.

Thanks I’ll check that out.

Okay, now we are talking. Isolation is the first step to speciation, such as geographic barriers, guess reproductive barriers would work just as well.
But wait there’s more. Thanks for saving me a low hanging cherry. :raising_hand_man:t4:


“The formation of HSA2 may have been a critical evolutionary event influencing e.g. higher cognitive functions, upright posture, endurance running, or improved thermo-regulation by an enhanced sweating capacity in various subspecies and populations of hominins. …”

Next thing ya know, we’re cooking food and heating homes.

It had an increased brain growth instruction, that at first forced a larger brain to develop more dense folding structure and larger size along with the change in cranial space.
The human brain has a relatively much larger molecular surface area than any other brain on earth. This is due to the much greater folding and neural density, also requiring a larger skull interior to house that brain. This was provided by a change of diet from the strict vegetative diet that required great jaw muscles to chew and digest vegetative fibres, than a diverse diet of meat, especially cooked meat, fish and tubers.

This was a more gradual change afforded by normal evolutionary selection and was the cause for the alteration of the face from a strong prominent jaw and large canine teeth to a small jaw, smaller teeth and an expanded larger cranial compartment.

But instead of external evolutionary pressure, this was an internal evolutionary pressure of the head adapting to accommodate the brain.

But the a priori result of the chromosomal fusion must have been a simple mathematical increased growth instruction.
Note that chromosome 2 is the second largest chromosome;

Chromosome 2 is the second largest human chromosome , spanning about 243 million building blocks of DNA (base pairs) and representing almost 8 percent of the total DNA in cells.

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. (Aristotle)

On a more topical question.

Being that the first humans must have been dark skinned , is it possible that white people are the result of gradual albinism?

Not exactly albinism. One evolutionary theory is as we moved away from the equator, or rather left Africa, our complexions lightened, having less melanin, in order to allow for more vitamin D, due to the shorter days and less direct sunlight. The same goes for the lighter eye colours too, but not to let in more sun and vitamin D though. I forget what the theory is on the eyes.

IIRC, light eyes (and hair) don’t seem to have any evolutionary benefit, but some people find them sexually attractive because of the novelty.

Call it physical reality if you want, it’s still trying to kill us. We have to bend nature to our will in order to survive.

Evolution did not stop after this genetic mutation occurred.

Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean those with darker complexions are intellectually inferior. They are just as good, if not better, than either you or I.

The only African civilizations that affected world history are Egypt and Carthage. Neither were Black, so I don’t know what you’re aiming for here.

Of course not. As long as the universe has dynamical change, evolution never stops, be it on earth or deep space.

However when evolution meets certain fixed limits it tends to slow down to the smallest best adaptations to the limitation. The human skull cannot grow much larger to accommodate a bigger brain, so evolution has compensated with greater neural density and surface folding.
The human brain contains about;

Basic Neural Units of the Brain: Neurons, Synapses and Action Potential

On average, the human brain contains about 100 billion neurons and many more neuroglia which serve to support and protect the neurons. Each neuron may be connected to up to 10,000 other neurons, passing signals to each other via as many as 1,000 trillion synapses. May 30, 2019

In addition every non-neural cell in the body also has ability to communicate with other cells by the microtubules contained in the cytoskeleton and cytoplasm.

In effect the body is one integrated biological computer with a sensory network and a main controlling processor brain.

Interestingly, the octopus (an evolved slug) has eight semi-autonomous brains and one main controlling processor brain. It is probably the smartest deep ocean creature.

Octopuses keep surprising us - here are eight examples how

By Lisa Hendry

1. More than one brain

It’s a well-known fact that octopuses have eight arms. But did you know that each arm contains its own ‘mini brain’?


Harris is less than half black. In her tenure as a prosecutor, she was generally not that nice to blacks. White liberals in the bay area might have benefitted from her.

She is not impressive at all as VP but she doesn’t need to be.

I’ve seen quite a few poor Whites from depraved backgrounds when I worked in EMS. None acted as the blacks do. There was a big difference in those environments.

As for the South, it’s the nicest region in America by far. Black Memphis, Black New Orleans, Black Atlanta, Black Charleston are no-go areas, but the rest is very safe – including the black rural communities.

But are all white areas safe for blacks?